Bad Romeo Christmas: A Starcrossed Anthology (Starcrossed #4)

But it isn't the size or opulence that has me gobsmacked. It's the two words that are emblazoned across the bow in fancy, cursive letters: Elissa May.

"So, you knew my middle name all along?"

"Of course. What sort of fiancée would I be if I didn't?"

"And you named your boat after me?"

He puts his arm around me and sighs. "Elissa, it's a long maritime tradition for men to name boats after the women they love. Of course I had to scratch Angel's name off it first." He laughs when I elbow him in the ribs.

"You're not funny," I say.

"You know that's not true. I'm hilarious."

He takes my hand and leads me onboard, and I soon discover that the inside of the yacht is even fancier than the outside. It resembles a floating five-star hotel.

"If we ever get sick of the island," Liam says as he nuzzles my neck in one of the six bedrooms, "we can always sail around the coast for a while. Do some fishing. Be naked at sea."

After the tour, he casts off and points us toward the mainland, and it doesn't surprise me that seeing Liam drive several hundred tons of nautical machinery is crazy sexy.

"Where did you learn to drive a boat," I ask suspiciously.

"Dad's brother had a little fishing boat. Used to take Jamie and me out sometimes and give us lessons. It's not hard." He glances over at me. "You wanna try?"

I look out at the expanse of ocean in front of us. Guess there's no danger of crashing into anything. "Sure."

I step up to the big chrome wheel as Liam takes his position behind me.

"Just like driving a car," he whispers and wraps his arms around my waist. "Hands at ten and two, and keep your eye on the speed."

Even though I’ve never driven a car, I get the idea. I grip the wheel and follow his directions, and after a few minutes I relax enough to enjoy myself.

"See?" Liam says, sounding proud. "You're a natural." He points to a panel of brightly lit switches beside me. "Now, press that button."


As soon as I press it, Liam shouts, "Not that one, Liss! Jesus Christ, we're going to die!"

My heart leaps into my throat for a whole three seconds before I realize Liam's shaking with suppressed laughter.

I whip around and slap him on the shoulder. "You asshole! You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

He turns me back to the wheel, then wraps his arms around me and kisses my neck. "Yes, but it was a sexy heart attack."

Despite the soothing press of his lips, my heart is still beating out of my chest. "What does that button even do?"

"I have no idea. I know the ignition switch and the speed gauge. That's it. My guess is that most of these panels are just for show."

I lean back against him and smile. "You're an idiot."

He lets me drive until we reach the marina on the mainland before taking over to bring her into dock. Then we take a taxi to a local restaurant Alba and Luis recommended.

Liam looks around nervously as we enter, worried he'll be recognized, but the ma?tre d' and waitstaff don't bat an eyelid.

"See?" I say as he sips a local beer. "Nothing to worry about. Here, you're just some random hipster with a man-bun and a beard."

He glares at me. "I told you what would happen if you continued to call me a hipster, Elissa May, and yet you continue to do it. One might think you're asking to be spanked."

I try not to smile. "One certainly might."

He nods in satisfaction. "Then prepare to be punished when we get home."

Despite looking like he's in control, I don't miss the way he smiles to himself as he stares at me. "I had no idea I was in love with such a freak."

I grab his shirt front and pull him forward. "You fell in love with me because I'm a freak. And believe me, the feeling's mutual." I give him a long, deep kiss, and we're so wrapped up in each other, we don't notice the server waiting to deliver our food until he clears his throat.


After a delicious lunch of authentic Brazilian food, we make our way to a small shop with red, opaque windows, and if the two of us thought we were kinky before we went inside, we sure as hell didn't when we came out.

"Holy shit," Liam whispers as we walk down the street with our comparatively tame collection of handcuffs, rope ties, and various floggers. "Did you see that thing near the door?"


"What the hell, Liss?" As soon as Liam had spotted the chrome bar and cage, he'd gone white. It was labeled as a cum-thru urethral plug, and it was the stuff nightmares were made of. "Men put that thing up their cock? How? And why? And how? My dick ran for cover at the sight of it."

"Lucky you're a Dom then. Your penis can remain free of metal devices of any kind."

He nods, but he's still pale. I don't want to laugh at how traumatized he is, but I can't help myself. My big, strong man who doesn't blink at jumping off cliffs or participating in death-defying stunts is brought undone by a device that slides up a guy's pee tube.


Leisa Rayven's books