Bad Nanny (The Bad Nanny Trilogy #1)

“Your wish is my command, mistress. Nanny Roth is so at your service.” I hop down next to her and grab her hand. “Now, come with me and I'll show you my special place. Considering it's still there, of course. I haven't been back to this spot since I was eighteen.”

I pull Brooke down the boardwalk, past the empty lots that never got developed the way they were promised. Used to bug me. Now I kind of don't care because it makes this place seem more real, less commercial. Screw fancy condos and big box shops. Whatever. Keep Eureka weird, okay?

Brooke follows me back toward Main Street and behind the fountain, to the little alcove that houses the doors to several shops. Since these particular places are off the beaten path, they've closed at their normal hours, leaving a darkened space that's just about perfect for what I've got in mind.

“Exactly as I remember it,” I tell Brooke as I drag her into the shadows and tug her against me. I lean in and whisper against her ear. “If you're quiet, nobody will know we're in here.”

The music and the crowd are still clearly audible, and if we lean out of the alcove just a bit, the people standing at the top of the brick incline where the fountain sits pop into view. It's a good, easy, safe spot for a little dirty fun.

This close, I can hear Brooke's heart pounding against my chest, her breathing picking up in what's either excitement or fear, I'm not sure.

“What do I do?” she asks and I roll my eyes to the ceiling in silent thanks to the gods. Yes.

“Follow my lead,” I whisper as I push Brooke back a step and give her a little wink. “The key to public sex is keeping it quick, easy, and clean.” I reach down and undo the top button on my jeans, using my foot to kick over the thick welcome mat from in front of the chocolate shop.

Brooke looks down at it and then back up at me.

“Oh, no,” she says, taking a step back. “I can't do that. Not for the first time. Not here.”

“Why not? I promise it's kind of fun.”

“How would you know?” Brooke asks, reaching up to adjust her silly hat. It looks even more ridiculous with that porn star mouth of hers. She leans in toward me. “Like you've ever sucked a cock before.”

“No, but I eat pussy for breakfast.”

“Oh my God,” Brooke groans as she spins in a circle and comes back around to stare at me with her hazelnut brown eyes. They remind me of that pumpkin pie spice mix my mom used to put into everything during November and December, that yummy orange-brown powder that smelt like home and warmth and holidays. “Please don't ever say that again either.”

“I thought it'd be hot for your first time to be here, but …” I button up my pants and lift my hands palms out. “You don't want to suck me off? Okay. Lean against that door right there and drop your panties. This sort of violates the clean part of the public sex rules, but I'm okay with that. I will rock your excitement all over my face, Smarty-Pants.”

“I'm not doing that either,” Brooke whispers as I cross my arms over my chest and smile at her, slow and easy, letting her see in my face that she's not getting out of this one. She's nervous, but her chest is rising and falling in rapid pants and her eyes are shimmering with desire. Plus, she won't stop licking her lower lip and fisting her fingers into the fabric of her skirt.

“Okay.” I shrug my shoulders and lace my fingers behind my neck. “Let's go get another beer or something then.”

“But …” Brooke starts as she gives me a quick once-over, taking in the green t-shirt with the video game characters splashed all over it. I don't normally wear this thing outside my own apartment, but I feel safe with Brooke, like maybe I could accept that I'm one tenth nerd. Or maybe one twentieth. Anyway, I feel like maybe I could learn to embrace that. “I thought you were going to, you know.” She gestures her hand at one of the closed and locked doors in the alcove.

“Fuck you? Yeah, I was going to. But you don't seem all that into it. I don't want to pressure you into anything you don't want to do.”

Brooke narrows her eyes on me.

“I see what you're doing and I don't like it.”

I stay there smiling, my arms still crossed over my chest as Brooke sighs and drops her stupid yarn bag to the ground.

“Okay,” she says as she takes several deep breaths and rubs at her white and pink hat. “Let's do this.”

I raise an eyebrow as she steps over to me and looks me in the face, reaching down and tearing open the button on my jeans. I damn near cream my pants at the determined expression she's wearing, the fierceness she's using to tackle something as simple as sucking me off.

Kind of makes me like her a little bit more.

Brooke drops to her knees on the welcome mat as I lean back against the door to the shop and suck in a massive breath, enjoying the slow slide of her fingers as she parts the denim and finds out that hey, I'm not wearing any fucking underwear.

C.M. Stunich's books