Bad Nanny (The Bad Nanny Trilogy #1)

That's when I know she's ready for me.

I withdraw my hand slowly and cup her bare pussy tight before I draw back and stand up, shoving my jeans to the floor and then bending down to fish the condom out of my back pocket. Yeah, I'm a dickhead; I always keep one with me for emergencies. Never know when the ballsy blues are gonna strike, right?

“This is so fucking crazy,” Brooke mumbles as she shoves her shorts down and tosses them aside, sitting up and curling her legs to the side. Her long hair drapes down and pools in her lap. “You do this thing all the time? Sleep with strangers?”

I shrug my shoulders as I stand up and let her get a good, long look at me.

“They're only strangers until you sleep with them,” I joke with a wiggle of my brows. “And then you're just lovers.” I lean forward and put my hands on the side of the bed. “You ready for me to be your lover, baby?”

“Is your … are your balls pierced?” I stand back up and let Brooke have a good, long look. I've got quite the collection down there: tattoos all around my hips, my inner thighs, my cock, my balls. I've got a Prince Albert—a silver ring through the head—and a frenum piercing which goes through the tissue on the underside of my shaft. Can't be a body piercer without displaying my craft, right? “Oh my God.” Brooke points out the two silver metal pieces on my cock. “My favorite drummer ever has one of those. Or maybe both. Can't remember which.”

She looks up at me and then bites the inside of her cheek.

“Am I going to feel those? Will they hurt?”

“Oh, you'll feel 'em, babe, but in a good way.” I grin and flash the condom in my fingers. “Ready for this?” I ask and Brooke nods, her mouth slightly parted, eyes flickering with desire. She watches me as I climb onto the bed on my knees, tearing open the condom and slicking the lubed up latex down my shaft.

Brooke puts her hands on my chest and opens her legs for me, letting me kneel between her perfect, white thighs.

Oh, yeah. This is gonna be great.

Brooke and I make eye contact as I slide my tongue along my lower lip and then kiss her, enjoying the warm feel of her hands on my chest as we relax back into the pillows, warm sunshine leaking through the peach colored curtains above the bed.

My right hand cups Brooke's left breast, kneading the flesh as she makes more of those crazy sexy small sounds against my mouth, breath coming frantic and wild as I tease her folds with my cock, giving her a taste of what's to come. She spreads her knees wide for me, putting her palms on either one of my cheeks. For whatever reason, that particular move makes me crazy horny.

I can't wait anymore; I think we both need this.

The head of my cock pushes up against the tight heat of Brooke's body as she sucks in a massive breath, and I thrust my hips forward, filling her up with a wild groan. Whoa, baby. I feel like I'm getting the tightest, warmest, best goddamn hug around my cock.

“Holy sweet baby Jesus,” I whisper as she gasps and squeezes my face between her hands. “Aw, Brooke.” I lay there for a moment to let her get settled, get used to the feel of my body inside of hers. This is so my favorite part of sex, watching a woman's face as she takes me in, gets off on the hard pressure of my cock. This is my reason for living right here, to give chicks pleasure like this. “No pain?”

“I said I was a virgin, not that I didn't masturbate,” she whispers, still carrying some of that attitude hiding behind her fresh-face. “I have dildos bigger than you.”

“Bullshit.” I thrust my hips and her cheeks flush warm, head tilting back and pelvis rising to meet mine. I thought I was going to have to move slow, but I guess maybe she's alright. Not that she isn't tight, but clearly, there's nothing stopping me from giving this my all. I move back, pulling myself almost completely out of her and watching as her mouth pinches tight, hips straining to take me in.

Brooke yanks my nipple rings as punishment and I hiss under my breath, thrusting my shaft deep and hard, bumping our bodies together. She puts her soft mouth up to the side of my face and kisses my jaw, her breath like honey and fucking clovers and shit.

I'm in goddamn heaven right now.

Our mouths meet again, Brooke's straying to the side to snag one of my lip piercings in her teeth, taking the tiny piece of metal and swirling her tongue around it. When her fingers slide up my neck and start playing with my hair, I am so done for.

My body moves of its own accord, the long length of Brooke's rubbing against me every which where, teasing every nerve in my body with her soft, round curves, drawing me into her orbit. Did I say I hated Eureka? Fuck that. I was lying. I love it here.

C.M. Stunich's books