Back Blast (The Gray Man, #5)

Matthew Hanley was a burly man, like a college linebacker who’d hit his fifties much harder than he would have liked, but still retained the ability to kick a much younger man’s ass if it came down to it. When he entered through the doorway Carmichael noted the SAD director filled the door frame nearly as completely as he filled his gray flannel suit, and it wasn’t until he stepped fully into the office that Denny realized Hanley had another man in tow.

Carmichael offered a fake smile, but he didn’t stand or step around his desk to offer a handshake. “Morning, Matt. What is it that couldn’t wait till you got on my calendar? And who’s this?”

Hanley said, “This is Travers. He’s on Jenner’s team.”

“Travers,” Carmichael said, his version of a greeting, and he scooped up the paperwork in front of him, anxious to get back to it.

Hanley’s voice was twice as loud as Carmichael’s now. “Tell me you did not know Court Gentry was here in the city!”

Carmichael lowered his paperwork again and looked back up. Suddenly he found himself significantly more interested in this impromptu meeting. “You saw him?”

Hanley’s jaw tightened. “Son of a bitch, Denny! You knew?”

“Shut the door and come in.”

Hanley nearly slammed the door, then he and Travers stepped over to Carmichael’s desk. Travers remained standing, while Hanley took the chair.

Before anyone spoke Carmichael hit a button on the console on his desk. “Get Mayes in here. Now.” He turned his attention back to Hanley and asked, “What did he say?”

Hanley jerked his head to the man left standing. “Ask Travers.”

Carmichael raised an eyebrow and looked to the younger man. “Talk.”

Travers was clearly nervous standing in the office of the legendary Denny Carmichael, but he composed himself. “He got me at gunpoint last night.”

Carmichael snapped back, “I thought you guys were supposed to be good.”

Travers did not reply, but Hanley spoke in his defense. “Come on. It’s Gentry we’re talking about.”

“Right,” said Carmichael. Quickly he looked down to Brewer’s report. On the last page was a list of Gentry’s known associates that she had covered with watchers. There was no mention of Travers on the list.

He looked back up to the Ground Branch officer. “Did you two know each other?”

“Barely. I’d met him a couple of times. We’d trained together some at Harvey Point and at Blackwater, and I had the Golf Sierra team over to my apartment once after a funeral. That’s how he knew where I lived.”

“I see he let you go. Why do you think he did that?”

“Because I didn’t have what he wanted.”

“And that was?”

“Answers. Just answers. He wanted to know what he did to initiate the SOS. I told him what I knew. That he waxed the wrong target on an op and then killed his team when they tried to detain him. He said he didn’t fuck up, and his team fired first.”

Carmichael shook his head. “He knows what happened. He’s here trying to get intel on the executives involved in his hunt. He’ll target us, one by one, to exact his revenge.”

Hanley asked, “How long has he been here?”

“Less than thirty-six hours. I’m confident we’ll have him in hand soon enough. We have control of the situation.”

“Undoubtedly,” replied Hanley. “And by ‘control’ you mean Gentry is allowed to wander the city freely with a gun in his hand while he targets the homes of Agency employees. What’s the game plan, Denny? You just trying to lull him into a false sense of security before you drop the cage down over him?”

Carmichael rolled his eyes. “He was your man when he went off reservation.”

“And it was because of your order that he went off rez!”

Travers looked back and forth between the two men, his mouth shut tightly. Like most CIA officers he was good at keeping secrets, but he couldn’t fucking wait to tell the other guys on his team about standing up here in Carmichael’s office watching the old man and Hanley duke it out.

Jordan Mayes entered the room now, and Carmichael filled him in. As soon as he finished, Mayes turned to the younger paramilitary officer. “Travers, when you leave here I want you to go find Suzanne Brewer. Tell her every last detail.”

Hanley was confused. “What does Brewer have to do with Gentry?”

Mayes replied, “She’s running the TOC.”

Hanley sighed. “Brewer from Programs and Plans knows all about this, but the director of the Special Activities Division does not? Why is that, Denny? Why am I not involved? If Gentry is a legitimate danger, then why wasn’t I told?”

“Calm down, you’ve been protected.”

“What the hell does that mean?”

“I’ve had a team of operatives watching your house.”

“Without my knowledge?”

Carmichael just shrugged. “I’ve had a lot on my plate. I was getting to it.”

Mark Greaney's books