Baby Doll

“I don’t know. He always thought he was smarter than the entire world. That he had fooled everyone. He was so proud of the fact that he lived this double life. That he could have me and Missy and the respect of the entire community. And I think he never thought I’d disobey him. He spent so long training me, he couldn’t imagine that I would ever go against him. But he was wrong.”

Lily exhaled, hoping she was done, hoping she’d told them enough. But the questions continued for several more hours. They’d wanted more details about exactly what Rick did to her, so many details. Horrible, endless questions about their life together, about the cabin, about Rick’s life with his wife, whether Lily thought she knew. The answer was no; God, she hoped it was no. When they were done, Lily leaned back in her chair. She couldn’t remember a time when she’d been more exhausted.

“We may have more questions later, but we’re done for today. You’re a very brave woman to have survived what you’ve survived. I feel honored to have met you. You’re a real hero.”

Lily blinked, feeling uncomfortable with those words. If anyone had seen how pathetic she’d been at times in that cabin, how weak she was, no one would have called her a hero.

Dr. Zaretsky and Agent Stevens both shook her hand.

“If I have any more questions, I hope we can contact you,” Agent Stevens said.

“Whatever you need.”

“I’m going to brief your family, let them know that we’re done. And then we’ll figure out the best way to get you out of here without the press seeing you,” Agent Stevens said as she headed for the door, Dr. Zaretsky trailing her.

“Thank you.”

They’d almost reached the exit when Lily called after them.

“How is he? Rick, I mean, how…?”

Lily saw Agent Stevens stop. She made eye contact with Dr. Zaretsky and Lily realized how she sounded. Her voice laced with concern, an intimate tone, the way a wife might inquire about a husband. Disgusted, Lily backpedaled, wanting them to understand what she was asking.

“What I meant was, did Rick say anything about what he did to us? Did he confess?”

“He’s not saying a word. They’ve set a bail hearing for later this afternoon,” Agent Stevens said.

Lily’s whole body tensed. “Bail? He’s going to get bail?”

“There’s no way that’s going to happen. Hanson’s not going anywhere. But he’s still entitled to due process. Just trust us when we say that justice is on your side, Lily. You have to believe that.”

Lily prayed that was the truth. Agent Stevens and Dr. Zaretsky both slipped out, leaving Lily all alone. She could see Mom talking to the agent, Sky dozing in her lap. Lily sat there, digesting everything she’d just told them, wanting nothing more than to leave this place. The door opened and Dr. Amari slipped inside. Abby still hadn’t returned, and Lily was worried.

“My sister… is she okay?”

“Abby’s fine, Lily. She just needed some fresh air but she’s eager to see you.”

Lily stood up.

“I’m ready.”

“Wait, Lily, there’s something we need to discuss.”

Lily knew that there was something wrong, but she couldn’t possibly guess what. Rick was locked away; Abby was fine; Sky and her mother were right outside. Lily sank back down into the chair, gripping her hands tightly, trying to imagine what could have this woman looking so disturbed.

“I want you to know that we’re all here to help you through this. Whatever you need, whatever you decide, there are alternatives.”

Lily was trying to be strong.

“Please just tell me what’s going on so I can get out of here.”

Dr. Amari sighed deeply.

“We did all the standard tests, blood work, urine samples, and it’s confirmed. I’m so sorry to have to tell you this, Lily, but you’re pregnant.”



Abby felt like a piece of shit, but she wasn’t capable of hearing any more about Mr. Hanson, about all Lily had endured. She wasn’t proud of it, but Abby had rushed outside, gasping for breath. She’d been cornered by Dr. Amari, who steered her away from the reporters who were gathering and had continued on and on with her psychobabble. She’d finally given Abby a few moments alone and now she felt stronger, like she was finally ready to see Lily again.

When Abby made her way back to the conference room, she could see that the FBI agents had completed their interview. But now Abby could see through the windows that Dr. Amari and Lily were deeply engrossed in conversation. She didn’t know what they were discussing, but the minute Lily stepped out of the room, Abby sensed that something had shifted in her sister. It wasn’t anything she said. She came out of the room, Dr. Amari trailing behind her, and smiled as she scooped up Sky.

“Chicken, you were so good. Now what do you say we blow this pop stand?” Lily asked.

“Yes. Can we go home?”

Lily glanced at Mom and Abby, ignoring Sky’s question.

Hollie Overton's books