Baby Doll

Sheriff Rogers entered and gave everyone a courteous nod hello. “Lily, Eve, and Abby, I’d like to introduce Agent Janice Stevens from the FBI and her colleague Dr. Lynda Zaretsky. Agent Stevens has been nice enough to take over this investigation.”

Lily realized the sheriff wasn’t in charge anymore, and she turned her attention to the two women. Agent Stevens was tiny, immaculate in her appearance, her black hair tied in a severe bun. Dr. Zaretsky was at least five ten, statuesque with an athlete’s build.

“Lily, we appreciate you speaking with us today,” Agent Stevens said. “The doctors have said that you’re ready to be discharged, but it’s important that we get your statement on the record before too much time passes. Would that be okay?”

“Yes, of course. I want to make sure you know what Rick did. That everyone knows…”

“They will, Lily. The hospital has been kind enough to let us use one of their conference rooms for our interview. We’d like to record the proceedings for evidence. Would that be okay? Do we have your permission to record it?”

“Sure. I mean, yes, you have my permission,” Lily said, feeling awkward and uncertain.

“Good. My colleague Dr. Zaretsky will be conducting the interview. She’s a forensic psychologist and consultant with the Federal Bureau of Investigation.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Lily. Is there anything you need before we head downstairs?”

Lily took a moment to consider this. She kept imagining others she’d encounter: doctors, policemen, a kindly janitor lurking in the shadows, waiting to steal her away just like Rick. Lily wanted to run again, to take Sky and go someplace no one else could find them. But then she remembered Rick’s warning, “You’ve made a big mistake,” and she had to prove him wrong. This was her chance. The world needed to know who Rick Hanson was. No matter how difficult it was, Lily had to tell them.

“I’m ready.”

Her throat grew tight when she realized that Sky couldn’t hear what she had to say. Sky knew that Rick sometimes made Lily cry, but she always blamed herself, always said she’d been naughty. It was all the other things Sky didn’t know about Rick and who he was. Things she’d hoped her child would never know about.

“Sky, Mommy needs you to be a big girl and stay here with your grandma Eve. Can you do that?”

Lily tried to convince herself that Sky was okay, that she wasn’t affected by all the changes that had happened in the last twenty-four hours. But something in that moment triggered Sky and she lost it, her terror on full display.

“No! No! No! Don’t leave me. Please, Mommy. Don’t leave me,” she screamed out. Sky clung to Lily, and Lily realized that for the first time ever, Sky had disobeyed her. But Lily couldn’t expect Sky to function in the real world as she had in confinement. She stared at her weeping daughter, feeling lost, as if she was failing as a parent in the most public way possible. Mom appeared and sat down beside them on the bed. She spoke to Sky in a soft, soothing voice.

“Sky, listen to me. We’ll go downstairs with your mom. We’ll sit right outside and you can watch her through the windows. If you get scared, all we have to do is knock and she’ll come right outside.”

Lily was transported back to her own childhood. This was the mother Lily remembered. The powerful, commanding presence that made the boogeymen disappear. Sky was considering this proposal but she wasn’t sold yet. Eve continued.

“And while we wait, you and I can take more pictures of you and your friend bear. What do you say? Can we do that?”

Sky frowned, still unsure. Lily offered her daughter an encouraging squeeze. “I don’t want to leave you either, but I have a very important job to do. I need you to be Mommy’s brave little girl.”

Sky bit her lip, her tiny brow furrowing so deeply she appeared much older than her six years. She leaned into Lily. “If you get scared, Mommy, I’ll be right outside.”

Lily’s heart burst. She longed to pull Sky back into her arms. Instead, she allowed Eve to pick Sky up. Lily mouthed thank you to her mother, and they all made their way downstairs, a somber parade of people.

Outside the conference room, someone had already set up a row of chairs. Eve promptly settled on one of them, pulling Sky onto her lap. Lily hovered nearby, staring inside the room at several male FBI agents setting up their video equipment. Dr. Zaretsky and Agent Stevens joined the other agents, a briefing clearly taking place. Lily’s stomach churned, but she forced herself to remain calm. Clear your mind, she reminded herself. Control your breathing. This is just a temporary state.

“We’re ready for you, Lily,” Agent Stevens said, returning to where Lily was waiting.

Lily reached for Abby’s hand and pulled her forward.

“I’m afraid we don’t allow family members in these interviews. This is very sensitive subject matter and it can be… it can be difficult, ” Dr. Zaretsky said gently.

Hollie Overton's books