“They left five minutes ago.”

“Buddy is home.” She was grasping at straws, and it couldn’t have been more obvious, much to my amusement. I knew what my nearness did to her. I could practically see her knees weakening. She needed me gone, but it wasn’t happening.

“Buddy is next door, screwing the neighbor.”

“Fine. I don’t want to see you, now get out.”

“Not until you talk to me.”

“About what?”

“Why you’re shutting me out?”

“Please don’t do this.”

“What? Do what?” I hadn’t realized I had shouted until she jumped.

“Don’t pretend what we did was more than just a thing. We had fun. It’s over, right?”

“You’re a cold piece of work, you know that?”

“Are you mad because I said it first?”

“Fuck no. I’m crazy mad that you said it at all.” This girl, with little effort, had managed to turn me into some lovesick puppy. My hand left her waist to grip her shirt in my fist. We were turning and her back was suddenly against the door. I needed to touch her in every way so I leaned down letting my breath fan across her neck knowing how much it affected her. “I told you when I took you the first time not to fuck with me. Do you remember?”

“I do. I could certainly see how you were known for your charm,” she answered sarcastically.

“I’m not going to give up, Angel.”

She didn’t answer and was almost catatonic while her eyes shimmered with emotion. I picked her up and carried her upstairs. With little effort, I found her room since the door was left open. Her room was decorated very much like her typical choice of attire. Bold and completely wild. I set her on the bed, but then caught sight of Pepe asleep next to his cage rather than inside it, so I picked him up and placed him inside. When she told me she had a ferret, I couldn’t believe it because who really has pet ferrets? They looked like overgrown rats.

When I turned back, Willow was sitting up and watching me. “We can’t do this,” she protested, finally finding her voice but my hands were already removing her clothing.

When she was completely naked, I fingered the charm bracelet I’d given her the night of our first date and the first time I took her. “When we fuck, I only ever want you to wear this.”

She shivered and I knew it was from the harsh way I said ‘fuck’. The third time I took her, she revealed, rather bashfully, how hearing me use the word to describe sex made her crazy. I had teased her about having weird fetishes and then told her the many ways I planned to fuck her, ensuring I used the word each time. She had been soaked on the verge of coming by the time I took her, just as I knew she would be now. It had even become my new favorite word.

I trapped her chin and bent my head low to whisper against her neck. “I’m going to fuck your * so hard, you won’t be able to breathe.” My hand slid between her thighs and found her sex drenching the sheets below, signaling she was ready.

I wanted inside her in the worst way, so I quickly slid on protection and positioned myself between her thighs. Her breath caught from the first sharp thrust of my hips, plunging my cock into the very depths of her. I couldn’t get enough. I needed my hands and mouth everywhere so I obliged.

“Dasher.” She moaned my name, secretly asking for more, and I would give her what she wanted but first I had to know…

I held my upper body above hers and locked her gaze with mine. “Are you my little angel?”

“Yes,” she whimpered.

It was all I needed to hear to drive forward.

I moved inside her so forcefully that her body lifted from the mattress as I drove her upward. I followed, not willing to let her get away, and when I found my rhythm, hard and unyielding, so did the headboard. I sent a quick prayer hoping her parents wouldn’t return because there would have been no way to conceal the throes of passion.

“You drive me wild, Dasher Chambers.”

B.B. Reid's books