I DIDN’T ALLOW myself to cry… at first. I spent the time plotting and only when I had a plan did I collapse and cry. The last thing I remember was falling asleep on the couch. What I didn’t remember was how I’d ended up in Dash’s bed. With him lying next to me.

Anger flared at his audacity to spend a romantic evening out with another woman, his fiancée, and then make his way into bed with me. He had a lesson to learn about respect. I stared at him for a moment before determining that he was sound asleep and ignored the teenaged girl in my subconscious that cooed over how peaceful yet primitive he looked his sleep. His left arm was thrown over his head and his right hand rested over his massive erection. His pecs and abs were splayed out like a buffet, begging for me to feast with my tongue.





I slipped from the bed and thought of just the thing to bring him to heel. At the door, I stopped to think of what could happen if I pissed him off, but then the image of him touching Rosalyn formed and with renewed purpose, I headed for the kitchen where I made a forty-quart pot of ice water.

I’d seen this done on one of those reality TV shows Buddy liked to watch and never thought I would ever try it. The pot was heavier than I expected, but I managed to get it to the bedroom but not without soaking his expensive carpeting.

I made my way over to his side, and because I couldn’t resist, I kissed those irresistible lips, luring him out slumber. When his eyes finally opened, giving me a first peek at his red-brown eyes, I almost said fuck the payback and climbed in with him.

But I did kiss him again. Enough to get him interested so when I pulled back, he followed. With a quickness I didn’t realize I possessed, I hauled the water up and over, soaking him with ice and water. I leaped back just in time to miss his arm as it flailed about.

“Fuck!” He jumped from the bed and swiped at his face. His complexion was pale and he shivered as he hugged himself.

I covered my mouth to conceal my laugh, but it was too late. My giggle slipped through and it was as if a switch had been flipped.

His arms came to rest at his sides and his body went completely still. Slowly, his head lifted until his eyes, now dark with unmistakable rage and promise of retribution, fixed on me.

He spoke without speaking at all, telling me I fucked up. So… I did what anyone would do.

I ran.

I didn’t have to look back to know he gave chase. I made it to the front door and managed to get the door opened when it slammed closed again. My scream was muffled by his hand and then he wrapped his arm around my waist and carried me back to his bedroom.

I thought he’d make for the bed once we were inside, but instead, he pinned me against the door with his weight. “That was stupid,” he whispered.

“You needed to learn a lesson in respect.”

“Yeah?” I could hear the smile in his voice. “Well, I guess it’s your turn, Angel.”

His fingers tugged at my sleep shorts until they pooled around my feet. I stood perfectly still and let him trace my spine with his finger, sending shivers up and down my body. His frame engulfed mine when he stepped closer, forcing my body against the door.

“It’s been four years since I’ve been inside you… You know I’m going to fuck you silly, right?”

“It was just a joke.” My plea for mercy fell on deaf ears.

“Funny… a second ago it was a lesson. Respect, correct?”

Oh, God.

“I have a lesson I’d like to teach you now. Bend over.” He didn’t wait to see if I would obey and he pressed his hand on my back. His hand slid down my ass until he reached my sex. I closed my eyes in shame because I knew what he would find.

Surprisingly, he didn’t comment. However, the sound of his wet basketball shorts hitting the floor followed. I knew what was coming next and braced myself against the door with both hands.

B.B. Reid's books