Away From the Dark (The Light #2)

She closed the distance between us until we were nose to nose. “Do you have a problem with following directions from followers?”

“No, I don’t know what you think about the chosen, but I assure you we follow directions. We are also used to sisters being helpful, not cruel. Give me back my necklace.” I wasn’t sure where my strength came from, but I’d spent nine months subservient to men. I didn’t plan on adding women to that equation.

She smirked. “Well, like I said, your success or failure is no skin off my back.” She laughed. “It will be off yours. And I am being helpful. Strip, shower, you’ll not need the necklace. Here we wear something else, something that defines us as Father Gabriel’s personal followers, the brides of The Light. So do as you’re told and shut up. You may live long enough to understand the honor of being here.”

Brides of The Light?

I couldn’t process. All I knew was that I needed to play this damn game long enough to get out. What I didn’t know was what that would entail.

“Please,” I tried, hoping for compassion. “I don’t know what’s happening. Give me back my necklace. I’ll keep it and my ring hidden.”

She stepped past me. “You now have two minutes.”

Biting my lip, I began to shut the door when she stopped me.

“You’re on constant surveillance. I’m not getting punished because of you. Hurry.”

I turned toward the shower and began to take off my clothes. Once I was down to my underwear, I turned on the water. The trickling stream was freezing cold. I tried to adjust the warmth, but my clock was ticking and the temperature wasn’t changing. When I looked back over my shoulder, my new sister shrugged.

“You don’t have time to wait for it to warm. Besides, down here, it doesn’t.”

“Why do I need to shower?”

“You have a lot to learn. Did your husband allow you to question?”

“No, but you’re a female. I can question females.”

She pointed at her scarf. “Only if you’ve earned a darker color. Today you’ll receive your white scarf. You may only question females with the same color or lighter. To everyone else you don’t exist. Now get in.”

Removing my underwear, I stepped under the ice-cold shower. My teeth chattered and my skin prickled as I wet my hair and body. The entire time I avoided turning toward the woman who watched my every move.

“Time’s up,” she announced, turning off the water. “Follow me.”

Soaked and without a towel, I shivered as I wrapped my arms around myself in an attempt to shield my body. Next she opened a door to a new room. My eyes opened wide as I took in another concrete cell. This one was empty of furniture. On the cement floor was a white dress similar to the one she wore, a pair of underwear, and shoes.

“Sister?” I tried asking. “Could I go back into the bathroom? I didn’t get a chance to use the toilet.”

She rolled her eyes. “Hurry.”

Thankfully no one else was around as I walked nude back to the bathroom, leaving a wet trail. On the floor, where I’d seen it earlier, was the silver cross that had come loose from my necklace. She’d put the chain in her pocket. As I sat on the toilet, I covered the cross with my bare foot. Seconds later she was watching me again. I kept it hidden as I washed my hands.

When she stepped away, telling me to hurry and dress, I reached for the cross. With no other alternative, I ran it under the water and placed it on my tongue. Swallowing, I vowed they weren’t taking everything from me. Once back in the other room, I dressed, the material of the white shift clinging to my wet skin. Just as I was beginning to feel better about being covered, I held my breath at the sound of heavy footsteps crossing the outer room. They were getting closer.

Instinctively my chin dropped and my head bowed. With no bra, the cold temperature, and the light weight of my dress, I was keenly aware of my hardened nipples. Turning my shoulders forward, I tried to hide my breasts, which rubbed against the shift.

“Sister Mariam, will Father Gabriel be pleased?”

Mariam must be the name of the woman who’d been directing me. Through veiled eyes I watched the large man I’d never seen before talk with her, while at the same time scanning me up and down. When his gaze lingered on my breasts it added to my unease.

“No, Brother.”

What were they talking about?

“That’s too bad. We can’t disappoint Father Gabriel.”

“No, Brother. She’ll learn this is an honor.”

The man brushed Mariam’s cheek. Though the action could have seemed affectionate, in reality it twisted my stomach.

“Leave us.”

“Yes, Brother Mark.”

Still barefoot, I backed away as Brother Mark stepped closer. When my back hit the far wall I gasped, causing him to laugh.

“Sister, Father Gabriel is particularly interested in your lessons and your correction. He’s put a strict zero-tolerance policy on you. Assuming you’re allowed to continue your lessons, we’ll get well acquainted.”

I flinched as he brushed my cheek.