Away From the Dark (The Light #2)

Be careful what you say. We’re being recorded.

The warning was loud and clear in his dark eyes. Shaking my head, I moved to the sink and rinsed my mouth. Under the cabinet I found mouthwash and swooshed away the terrible taste. Though I’d have liked a toothbrush, I was probably already overstepping my bounds by using the mouthwash. When I looked up, in the mirror I noticed how the bruise around my eye was less swollen but darker than it had been. As I splashed water on my face, Jacob entered the small bathroom and shut the door. While the bathroom was lavish, it was also small. His presence backed me up against the wall. In a hushed whisper, he demanded, “Tell me.”

My eyes opened wide. “Tell you what?”

“You know, don’t you? You’re pregnant.”

“I don’t know, but seriously, there’s a lot happening right now, a lot to make me nauseous. I’m scared.”

He wrapped his arms around me, and kissed the top of my head. “So am I, but no matter what, you’re my first priority.”

I shook my head. Still whispering, I replied, “No, you have a first priority, and I’m here to help you with that, not mess it up any more than I already have.”

“We’re about ready to land. Once we’re at the Eastern Light, stay close to me at all times and keep your eyes down.”

“I know you don’t want me to, but I can help. I’ll have access to women followers, unlike you. I can learn things too, things to help your case. This is what I do—what I did. I want to help gather evidence.”

Jacob’s expression hardened as a tendon in his neck pulsated. “No.” He laced our fingers together. “I’m not letting this go on much longer. It’s not worth the risk.”

“Don’t worry about me. I’m in a much better place than I was. At least now I know what’s happening.”

He closed his eyes and exhaled. The hardness from before morphed to a look of pain. “It’s not better. You were perfect at Brother Raphael’s. You have to keep that up. Sara must always be in control.”

I nodded. “I promise, I understand. But think about it. I’ll act the part of Sara and help you at the same time.”

He took a deep breath as the plane began to descend, and continued our whispered conversation. “I said no.”

The words were definitive, as though any argument I made would be wasted breath.

He continued, “I’ll do my best not to leave you alone. If I’m not with you, Brother Micah will try to be. Remember what I said about each move being a test?”

I nodded.

“I don’t know why or what it’s about, but I know that somehow bringing you here is a test. I just don’t know which one of us is being tested. I honestly believe it’s me. Somehow you’re involved.”

A chill ran through me. Jacob must have felt me begin to tremble, because he released my hand and hugged me again. His signature leather and musk filled my senses.

In the middle of our storm, I relished the peace. “I trust you,” I whispered with my cheek against his shirt.

With his chin on the top of my head, his words skirted warm breaths across my hair. “Thank you, I didn’t know if you’d ever be able to say that again, after everything.”

“Everything is why I do.” I craned my neck upward, searching for the honesty in his stare. “I can see now that everything you did was done for a reason. Besides, I wouldn’t be back here if I didn’t trust you.”

As the urgency of what we were about to do threatened, our lips collided and a new fire replaced my earlier chill. Though I wasn’t ready to forget the restriction I’d placed on our relationship, the hunger in Jacob’s kiss drew me closer, filling me with desire. Without a word he claimed my body, allowing my tense muscles to relax in his embrace. Our lips remained firm, giving and taking with an unquenchable need to be nearer. Without provocation, I willingly surrendered to his craving. As I did I realized what I’d probably already known—I’d already trusted Jacob with everything: my mind, body, and life. Even now, with Stella awake inside me, I knew—both parts of me knew—the trust wasn’t misplaced. We also knew we’d never trusted anyone else so completely, ever—not even Dylan.

After all, I’d only shared the key to my apartment with Dylan the day . . . the last day . . .

My entire body shivered. I couldn’t let my mind go there, not now.

When our fervent kiss ended, Jacob smoothed my hair and reached for my hand. “Let’s get you seated before we land.”

I nodded and smiled at his choice of words. For once it wasn’t an order.

As I flipped off the light switch, I caught a glimpse of my reflection. I didn’t notice only the blackened eye, but from our kiss, my lips were red and slightly swollen. Grinning as I buckled my seat belt, I realized how our brief passionate kiss had provided us with an alibi. Obviously we’d been together in the bathroom to make out.