Atone (Recovered Innocence #2)

This time I manage to open my eyes. It’s dark. I’m alone. Where’s Beau? He should be here. He’d be here if he could be. Maybe he didn’t make it and I only imagined it. I try to call out for him, but my throat’s been cut with razor blades. My cry comes out as an undecipherable groan.

My body’s heavy. So damn heavy.

I try to call out again for someone. Anyone. I have to know he’s okay. He would never leave me alone like this. Something must’ve happened. Where is he? Where is he?

I can’t coordinate my arms. There’s supposed to be a call button. I need to talk to someone. I need to know what happened. My head is dead weight on my shoulders. All of my efforts serve only to wear me out and don’t get me anywhere. My lids droop. I can’t keep them open. I’m slipping…

The person’s back, stroking my hand and whispering to me. I’m finally able to move my head. It flops to one side. I blink at Cora sitting next to me. She’s smiling. I croak out incoherent gibberish that makes me cough. She hurries for a cup on the tray over my bed and puts the straw to my lips. I suck. Sweet, sweet water. Didn’t realize how dry my mouth was until this moment. I drink too fast and choke. It fucking hurts. She takes the cup away and grabs a tissue to wipe the water dribbling out of my mouth.

I close my eyes, waiting for the pain to get the fuck back. It finally subsides.

“Beau,” I barely rasp out.

She smiles, but it doesn’t go all the way to her eyes. “He’s okay. He constantly asks me about you. He’ll be glad to know your first word was his name. He’s been worried about you.”


“He’s okay,” she repeats. “I owe you for saving my brother.”

“Where?” I say more forcibly.

“He’s in jail. There’s been some issue with what happened. There’s a cop outside, dying to get in here and talk to you. Are you up for it?”

“Jail?” I can’t keep the panic from my voice. What the fuck is he doing in jail?

“It’s a mix-up.” She glances toward the door. “The cop’s back,” she whispers. “You don’t have to talk to him if you’re not up to it.”

“No. Want to.”

“She’s awake,” a male voice says.

Cora puts the straw to my lips so I can have another drink. “Her throat is really rough and she’s having a hard time speaking. Let me check with her nurse.”

“No,” I say. “I can talk.”

The man comes to stand at my bedside. “I’m Detective Johansson. We need to ask you a few questions about what happened to you.”


“My partner’s talking to your doctor. She’ll be right in. I’m going to need you to step out into the hall,” he tells Cora.

“Are you sure you’re up for this?” she asks me.

“I’m okay.”

“I’ll be right outside if you need me.” She squeezes my hand. “We’re family now.” She gives the detective a dirty look that he doesn’t see as she leaves.

I bite my lip to keep from chuckling. You always know what Cora thinks of you.

As soon as she’s gone, the detective starts in. “There’s some confusion about your name.”

I stare blankly at him. I’m not so doped up that I don’t know assuming someone else’s identity is illegal.

“Are you going to answer my question?”

“You didn’t ask a question.”

“Why did you assume the identity of a dead girl?”

“Javier Abano wanted me dead.”


“I took a thumb drive that had information about how he abducted young girls and sold them for sex.”

“You were one of his victims?”


“Who shot you?”

“Javier Abano.”

“You’re sure about that.”

“As sure as you’re standing here.”

“What happened?”

“Javier somehow found out where Beau and I were being held by the U.S. Marshals and the FBI. He broke in and tried to shoot Beau. I stepped in front of him and Javier shot me instead.”

I tell him everything I can remember until I passed out. He takes me through it again and again, going over why we were in that apartment in the first place. His partner appears partway through and asks some questions of her own. I’m so tired my words slur, but I keep going because what I have to say could free Beau. They ask me if I need a rest and if I want them to come back later at least three times, maybe more. I tell them no every time. I can’t hold my head up anymore and I’m still talking with my eyes closed when a nurse comes in. She tries to put a halt to it. I have to work at raising my head to prove I can keep going.

The nurse doesn’t buy it and shoos everyone out. She checks my vitals. I’m so tired, but I want to talk to Cora. I ask the nurse about her, but she tells me she left. I want to know about Beau. He’s what I’m thinking about when I drift off.

Beth Yarnall's books