Assassin's Heart (Assassin's Heart, #1)

The ghosts, close to forty of them, screamed louder than the Da Vias as they chased after the living. Some of the Da Vias, in their mad fright, fought back, swinging their swords or daggers at the apparitions. The ghosts latched onto their flesh and peeled their souls from their bodies.

Chaos. Chaos everywhere. A ghost came too close to Les and was repelled. It crashed into a Da Via who’d almost made it out of the great room. Marcello snatched up Emile, then stayed as close to Les as he could. Cries bounced off the marble columns. Ghosts shrieked. Da Vias died.

Val, Claudia, and Estella stood together in the center of the room, trapped by the pandemonium surrounding them.

“Lea!” Val shouted, panic in his eyes as he dodged a ghost. “Help me!”

A ghost rushed at me but met Safraella’s barrier. It recoiled, crashing into Estella. It knocked her soul completely out of her body. A ghostly version of the head of the Da Via Family floated in shock. Her body flopped about as the ghost tried to gain control of it.

Claudia shrieked. She and Val stumbled away as Estella’s ghost tried to fight for ownership of her flesh.

“Just run!” I shouted at Val.

He glanced at me, then back at Estella. He grabbed Claudia’s hand and took off, dragging her behind him.

I didn’t wait to see if he made it out of the room. We walked toward the exit, the surviving Da Vias too busy trying to remain alive to pay us any mind.

Estella’s body reared up as we passed. I placed my hand on its neck, ejecting the ghost from her body.

Estella tried to climb back into her body, but there were other ghosts willing to fight her for it. We continued on our way, out of the great hall, down the stairs and outside. A ghost tried to follow us, but Safraella’s protection remained over the rest of the city. She had removed it only from the Da Vias’ home.

Many of the Da Vias had been ripped from their bodies. Some would vanish, to meet Safraella and face Her judgment, but others might become angry ghosts, as Lefevre had.

It didn’t really matter. I’d done what Safraella had asked of me. And I’d done what I knew in my heart was right. I’d saved Marcello and Emile and Allegra. I’d saved my family this time.

The ghosts could take the rest.


I SLID OPEN THE SECRET ALCOVE AND STARED AT THE candles hidden inside. The candle with the black ribbon still stood tall. I picked it up. He’d left the Saldana candle among the others.

I lit the wick and slid the alcove shut before taking a seat. I didn’t have to wait long.

The king walked into the room and sat across from me. I slipped off my mask and set it on the desk, rubbing my face.

“Are they all dead?” he asked, his voice emotionless.

“No. Surely some escaped. But Estella is. Perhaps a new head will steer them straight.”

He blinked and took a deep breath. “I was told . . . Well. I was told a lot of things about what happened last night and I’m not sure which, if any, are true.”

“What would you like to know?”

He picked up my mask, turning it in his hand. “You have a new mask.”

“It was a gift from Her.”

“And you truly used ghosts as weapons?”

I shrugged. “It wasn’t as easy as all that.”

He handed the mask back to me, and I placed it on the top of my head.

“How did the ghosts even get in? Surely my protection—”

“Was revoked from the Da Vias by Safraella. They were taking coin falsely from the people of Ravenna. She removed any protection on their home. The crumbled walls allowed the ghosts inside their house. You needn’t worry about the rest of the country. Your protection will remain as long as your faith is strong, but I would make sure the people know not to use the Da Vias’ services until they have once again proven themselves worthy of Her. The people of Ravenna can trust the Caffarellis. Or the Maiettas, if they must.”

He nodded. I’d been so angry when he’d refused to help me. But he was the head of a Family too, the entire kingdom, and sometimes we had to give up what we wanted for the greater good of those we were responsible for.

Maybe it had taken me too long to realize this.

“You’ll rebuild your home, then?” he asked. “Try to earn back your rank?”

I shook my head. “No. We won’t be staying. There’s no place for us here. Not now. Maybe never again.”

He shifted in his seat before leaning forward. “Don’t you think it would be best if you stayed in Lovero?”

“I’m the head of the Family now. I decide what’s best.” I stood.

“For what it’s worth, Lea, I’m sorry. That it came to this.”

“Me too,” I said. “Me too.”

I left the king in his secret room. Whether he kept the black candle in the alcove or removed it was up to him.

I didn’t look back.

The sun had risen by the time I rode Butters back to Lilyan. I pulled off my mask and tied it to my belt. The last time I’d felt Loveran sun on my face had been after the fire. It was nice to feel it now, with my heart lighter.

I made my way to the inn where Les and Marcello were waiting for me with their horses.

Sarah Ahiers's books