Analysis Morning Star: (Book III of The Red Rising Trilogy)

“We could torture him,” Sevro says. He’s in the middle of the table cleaning his fingernails with a blade. Victra leans against the wall behind him, flinching in annoyance with each flake of nail that falls onto the table. Dancer is to Sevro’s left. The meter-tall hologram of Quicksilver glows to his right, between us. Having declared Phobos a free city on behalf of the Rising, he functions as its Governor and now hunches over a small stack of thumb-sized heart oysters with a platinum octopus

shucking knife, arranging the shells in five even mounds. If he’s nervous about the Jackal’s reprisals against his station, he doesn’t look it. Sefi sweats underneath her tribal furs as she stalks along the perimeter of the table like a trapped animal, making Dancer shift in agitation.

“You want the truth?” Sevro asks. “Just give me seventeen minutes and a screwdriver.”

“Should we really be having this talk with her here?” Victra asks of Mustang.

“She’s on our side,” I say.

“Are you sure?” Dancer asks.

“She was crucial to recruiting the Obsidians,” I say. “She’s connected us with Orion.” I made contact with the woman after speaking with Cassius. She’s burning hard with the Pax and a sizable remnant of my old fleet to meet me. Seems impossible I’d ever see the ornery Blue again, or that ship which was the first place to feel like home since Lykos. “Because of Mustang, we’ll have a real navy.

She preserved my command. She kept Orion at the helm. Would she have done that if she didn’t have

the same aims as us?”

“Which are?” Dancer asks.

“Defeating Lune and the Jackal,” she says.

“That’s just the surface of what we want,” Dancer says.

“She’s working with us,” I stress.

“For now,” Victra says. “She’s a clever girl. Maybe she wants to use us to eliminate her enemies?

Place herself in a position of power. Maybe she wants Mars. Maybe she wants more.” Seems only yesterday my council of Golds was discussing whether or not Victra was worth trusting. Roque spoke up for her when no one else would. The irony is apparently lost on Victra. Or maybe she remembers

Mustang’s vocal distrust of her intentions a year ago and has decided to repay the old debt.

“I hate to agree with the Julii,” Dancer says, “but she’s right in this. Augustans are players. Not one’s been born that hasn’t been.” Apparently Dancer wasn’t impressed with Mustang’s lack of transparency earlier. Mustang expected this. In fact, she asked to stay in her room, away from this so she wouldn’t detract from my plan. But in order for this to work, in order for there to be some way to piece things together in the end, there must be cooperation.

They expect me to defend Mustang, which shows how little they know her.

“You are all being rather illogical,” Mustang says. “I don’t mean that as an insult, but simply as a statement of fact. If I meant you ill, I would have hailed the Sovereign or my brother and brought a tracking device on my ship. You know what lengths she would go to in order to find Tinos.” My friends exchange troubled glances. “But I didn’t. I know you will not trust me. But you trust Darrow and he trusts me, and since he knows me better than any of you do, I think he’s in the best position to make the call. So stop whimpering like gorydamn children and let’s be about the task, eh?”

“If you have a buzzsaw I could do it in around three minutes….” Sevro says.

“Will you shut the hell up?” Dancer barks at him. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen him lose his

temper. “A man will lie through his teeth, say whatever you want to hear if you’re pulling off his toenails. It doesn’t work.” He was tortured himself by the Jackal. Just like Evey and Harmony were.

Sevro crosses his arms. “Well, that’s an unfair and massive generalization, Gramps.”

“We don’t torture,” Dancer says. “That’s final.”

“Oh, yeah, right,” Sevro says. “We’re the good guys. Good guys never torture. And always win.

But how many good guys get their heads put in boxes? How many get to watch their friends’ spines

cut in half?”

Dancer looks to me for help. “Darrow….”

Quicksilver pops open an oyster. “Torture can be effective if done correctly with confirmable information in a narrow scope. Like any tool, it is not a panacea; it must be used properly. Personally, I don’t really think we have the luxury of drawing moral lines in the sand. Not today. Let Barca have a go. Pulls some nails. Some eyes if need be.”

“I agree,” Theodora says, surprising the council.

“What about Matteo?” I ask Quicksilver. “Sevro shattered his face.”

Quicksilver ’s knife slips on the new oyster, punching into the meat of his palm. He winces and sucks at the blood. “And if he hadn’t have passed out he would have told you where I was. From my

experience, pain is the best negotiator.”

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