An Outlaw Monster (Back Down Devil MC #10)

I climbed out of the bed, wrapping the sheet around me.

I walked to the door and opened it. I wanted to surprise Trent and greet him in the kitchen by dropping the sheet and finding out how sturdy the dining room table was. He had unlocked a monster in myself, one that wanted his beautiful cock deep inside as much as possible.

As I stepped into the hallway, I heard a voice.

“Yeah. I’ll be at the table.”

It was Trent’s voice.

A few breaths later there was a knock at the door.

I heard the door open and then the sounds of leather slapping. It was Trent hugging someone.

Then I heard Trev’s voice. “Why don’t we sit down and finish our conversation, Trent.”

“Yeah, sure,” Trent said. “Want a beer?”


“Jasper?” Trent asked.

“Bring it on,” Jasper said.

I took another step into the hallway, then another.

“I’m really sorry for how things blew up,” Trev said. “There’s no other way I could say some things. You have every right and reason to feel…”

“Cut the shit,” Trent said. “I was brought into this world to be an enforcer. I wear the goddamn patch. No matter the target, I have to make sure it’s done.”

“This is a big deal,” Jasper said. “I know things in the clubhouse have been tense. We’ve been through hell, brother. Watching Ripper slowly waste away into what he became. And now we’re dealing with the leftovers. It’s hard.”

“Don’t tell me how to feel,” Trent said.

“Brother,” Trev said. “We’re keeping an eye on you. The monster seems to be a little tamed lately. And now you’re claiming Harlee? Doesn’t make sense to me.”

“Doesn’t have to,” Trent said. “I’m protecting her as I need to.”

“Well, that’s not a bad thing,” Jasper said. “We’ve got intel.”

“What kind of intel?” Trent asked.

“Rocco reached out,” Trev said. “We made the proper arrangements for Mays for them. A sign of respect. But the war still rages. In return of that, Rocco let me know that Daxton left the MC.”

I gasped. Daxton left Night Soul?

I took another step, getting even closer to the end of the hallway.

“So what’s his move?” Trent asked.

“Probably coming for you or Harlee,” Trev said.

I froze. My blood ran cold. All the heat from Trent was instantly gone.

“That’s just fucking great,” Trent said.

“It won’t happen,” Jasper said. “We’ll make sure everything is safe. That’s why you both should be at the clubhouse. The Duke thing is dead to all of us, including Duke. You’re our brother, Trent. And Harlee is wearing your ring and she’ll be wearing your ink soon. That means she’s family too.”

That’s when it all hit me. What Trent had been doing for me. He’d said to me before but to hear it from Jasper meant more. Wearing the engagement ring may have been a lie but it was an insurance policy on my life.

I slowly started to step back, stuck between fear and comfort. That was a very strange feeling to have.

“If that prick comes near me, I’ll kill him,” Trent said. “And if he even thinks about Harlee I’ll put his face up his ass.”

“Agreed,” Trev said. “You have full right to do what you need to do.”

“I want to talk about the real issue,” Trent said. “My father.”

I stopped walking. His father?

“Trent,” Jasper said.

“No,” Trent said. “If this is what the O’Nuall family wants, then fine. I think we’re being bitches by laying down for them though. If they keep pushing…”

“They won’t,” Trev said. “Once this gun thing is settled then all memory of Ripper fades.”

“Fine,” Trent said. “Then I’ll do it. I’ll set it up and kill my father.”

When I heard Trent say that, I let out a gasp. It was too loud of a gasp. I tried to step back and stepped on the sheet. And with that, I tripped and fell hard to the floor. My ass slammed down and within seconds there were three bikers standing, staring at me.

“Harlee?” Trent asked.

I scrambled to keep the sheet covering up all my private areas.

“Goddamn,” Jasper said.

“I see you two were celebrating your engagement,” Trev said.

“Smells like sex,” Jasper said.

Trev then stepped forward and walked to me. He offered his hand and nodded. “Come on, let me help you up.”

He pulled me up and grinned at me.

“What were you doing, darling?” Trent asked.

“I was, uh, going to take a shower,” I said.

“You must have forgotten where the bathroom was,” Trev said.

There was tension and I didn’t like it. Trent stepped in front of Trev and escorted me to the bathroom. When we were inside the bathroom, Trent shut the door and grabbed my waist.


“Why didn’t you tell me about your father?” I asked.

“Because it doesn’t matter.”

“It does to me. You’re going to kill your own father?”

Trent put me up on the bathroom sink. “Don’t do that. Don’t play that card, Harlee. That ring on your finger isn’t an invitation into my goddamn life. It’s your protection.”

I put my hands to Trent’s chest and pushed at him. He barely moved. “You’re an asshole.”

London Casey & Karolyn James's books