An Outlaw Monster (Back Down Devil MC #10)

I was the muscle of the MC. I was the monster.

The door opened and in came two members of Night Soul MC. They weren’t exactly a rough and tough kind of motorcycle club, but they were strong, they had numbers, and they were smart. Then again, they were dumb enough to buy into Ripper’s bullshit, which now left us with a target on our backs because of an empty promise made by Ripper. It wasn’t like we could give up Ripper either. His ass got blown up down in Frelen. By Trev.

“Where’s your President?” Mays asked, curling his lip.

“Where’s yours?” Jasper asked. “At least I showed up. You’re just a fucking grunt. You think we’re stupid? You’re not going to corner us and take out the new President.”

“If we wanted him dead, he’d be dead already,” Mays said.

The other guy, Ryley, was a tall and thick tool bag, still wearing his sunglasses, his head moving side to side like some kind of fucking robot.

His mistake?

His fucking fingers were twitching. Over and over. Just his right fingers.

“How do we fix this?” Mays asked.

“There’s nothing to fix,” Jasper said. “There’s no guns. We’re not holding shit, guns or cash. You know that. You’re being stupid here, Mays. You and the rest of the Night Soul.”

“We’ve had this talk before,” Mays said. “Rocco gave cash.”

“Rocco and Ripper,” I said as I blew smoke. “Sounds like a bad TV show, huh?”

“Fuck yourself,” Ryley said.

“I’m sorry, are we holding you up?” I asked. I pointed to the toilet. “You need to sit down and take a piss? Change your tampon, sweetheart?”

Ryley puffed out his chest and Mays hurried to put his arm around him.

Shit, he wasn’t saving us, he was saving his own guy. I’d dance on his fucking face so hard nobody would recognize him ever again.

“Look, these meetings are pointless,” Jasper said. “We’ve stated our case. You need to pack it up and stay the fuck away from this town and this MC. If you start this war, we’ll have no choice but to finish it.”

Mays stepped forward.

I stepped forward.

You could get up in any of our faces all you want, but Jasper was VP. You don’t fuck with the VP or Prez. If it was another VP or Prez, that’s one thing. But not Mays.

Mays only took one step though, which was good for him. I’d love to put his face through the damn mirror behind me.

“The war?” Mays asked. “That’s already been started, Jasper. Your President started it.”

“He’s dead now.”

“And your new one isn’t much better. You’re going to regret this. We’ve made deals based on our gun supply.”

“There never was a supply,” Jasper said. “That’s what you don’t get.”

“So then I’m left with no choice.”

“Meaning?” I asked.

“I’m going to report back to Rocco and Gunner. After that, I’m not going to be held responsible for anything.”

“I’m terrified,” Jasper said.

Ryley with the twitchy fingers kept going again.

I finished my smoke and tossed it into the toilet.

I had to get ready.

I was able to calmly assess everything. I thought ten steps ahead and that’s what kept me alive and kept me at the table for Back Down Devil MC. My first fist fight was in kindergarten and I won it. I never lost a fight. And if the time came for me to lose? I better fucking be dead because I’d just get back up and keep going until I was dead.

Ryley made the slightest of moves.

The bathroom door opened and in walked a beautiful woman, wearing nothing but a red silk robe, untied, completely naked under it. She skidded to a stop and let out a small yell. Her huge fake tits bounced forward, coming out of her robe.

“Uh, sorry,” she said.

“Is this our parting gift?” Mays asked.

“Look at those tits,” Ryley said. “I could keep myself busy for days.”

“She costs too much for you,” I said. I looked at the woman. I think her name’s Amber… Star… Leslie… I winked at her. “Try another bathroom, darling.”

She backed away and shut the door.

“I think it’s time for you to do the same,” Jasper said. “And not just leave the bathroom but leave the town.”

“Fair enough,” Mays said. “This isn’t over. In fact, we came to make that very clear.”

That was my moment.

Ryley and his twitchy fingers were about to pull out a gun and shoot Jasper. Probably not to kill him but to definitely hurt him and send a clear message to Trev and the rest of us.

That wasn’t going to happen on my watch.

Before Ryley could touch his gun, I took out mine and put a bullet in his gut.

It sounded like a rocket exploded.

Ryley flew back and hit the wall and slumped down.

“Fucking hell!” Mays screamed.

Jasper jumped forward and put Mays against the side wall. “Now, you have the message, don’t you? A clear fucking message.”

Jasper opened the door and pointed.

I stood there and watched as Mays helped Ryley to his feet. He was whining, holding his bleeding gut, stumbling as he exited the bathroom.

Jasper then looked at me, pissed off.

“What?” I asked.

London Casey & Karolyn James's books