An Outlaw Monster (Back Down Devil MC #10)

When we got to the road I heard voices yelling behind us. I made the mistake of looking back and saw the two men coming after us. Machine guns in their hands, trying to shoot at us. I tripped over my own two feet, looking like the foolish woman in a horror movie who trips at the wrong time. My knee smashed the ground and pain shot up my leg. Trent kept going, dragging me, ordering me to my feet.

I hurried to kick up and felt a sharp pain in my knee. There was the rumble of a motorcycle and a second later, Duke came from around the building, putting himself as a shield for me and Trent.

The guy I was supposed to kill is using himself to save me…

“Move, darling!” Trent growled.

I fought through the pain and we crossed the road. Right up over what looked something like a sand dune there was another motorcycle. It was black, sleek, and matched Trent. It looked fast and sexy.

He grabbed a helmet and tossed it to me.

He started the motorcycle.

I took my bag from him and tossed it over my back and then climbed onto the ride. My hands clutched at his leather and we bolted to the road and took off, Duke at our side. I tried my best not to look forward because of how fast we were going. If Trent dropped the motorcycle I would easily lose a leg and an arm. I caught myself sliding my hands more and more around his body. There wasn’t a piece of extra skin to hold onto. Everything I touched on Trent was muscle.

My cheek touched the stitching on the back of his leather cut. It was like the reaper skull that grazed his strong back was giving me a kiss on the cheek. As though it were welcoming me into a new kind of hell.

Where the bikers were bigger, stronger, meaner… and sexier.


As soon as Trent turned into the lot, there were a handful of bikers standing around. Two guys quickly ran forward, both of them focusing on Duke. They were obviously surprised Duke was back in one piece and alive. That made me grab onto Trent’s leather cut tighter. It was mostly dark out by then, the only light coming from a few floodlights attached to the buildings in the lot. This was the time when these guys all seemed to really come to life and want to cause trouble.

What was going to happen now?

Trent parked his motorcycle and shut it off. He turned his head and said, “Don’t fucking move until I tell you to.”

He climbed off the motorcycle and walked toward Duke. To my surprise he grabbed Duke and then grabbed Duke’s shirt. He walked Duke back a few steps before someone grabbed Trent.

“Easy, brother. At least he’s alive.”

“You don’t know what the fuck he did,” Trent said. “Let me go, Jasper. Right now.”

“We’ll talk about this later,” someone else said. “Right now, all that matters is that Duke is here, alive.”

“Prez,” Trent said. “There’s more.”

That’s when Trent nodded to me.


He and Jasper were then staring at me. Then Duke looked at me. He raised an eyebrow.

“Wait a second,” Duke said. “She… she took my drink order but never brought me a drink.”

There were a few seconds of silence. I saw everyone looking at each other, processing. Trent stood with his face like stone. His eyes were so intense as he stared at me. Like he wanted me to trust him, no matter what happened.

“She was serving drinks?” Jasper asked.

“Yeah,” Trent said. “Then things went to hell… because of Duke…”

There were a few seconds of silence again and then Trent took out his gun. “Before anything happens…”

That’s all I heard.

Because someone was then behind me… a hand around my body and a hand around my mouth.



Kye grabbed Harlee and I seriously considered shooting Kye. I pictured a bullet blasting through his fucking head for touching her. She tried to scream and kick, her eyes wide as she stared at me, wanting me to help her.

But that’s not how it was going to work.

“You said you were going to kill her,” Trev said to me. “Now she’s here.”

“Wait a fucking minute,” Duke said. “Tell me she was the one…”

“Duke, go get a beer,” Trev said. “You, Max, and Hudson. Right now.”

Duke said something under his breath but Max and Hudson grabbed him to get him away. I knew me and Duke weren’t done yet.

“Kye, take her inside,” Trev said. “Put her in Trent’s room. This is going to be his problem and he will fix it.”

My heart sank a little as Kye carried Harlee away. She continued to kick and tried to scream. I wanted to tell her to just calm the fuck down. It was up to me to kill her and I wasn’t going to do it. I had my reasons, right or wrong.

“Tell me she’s the one,” Trev said.

I slowly put my gun away. “Yeah. She’s the one. I watched her pour the poison into Duke’s glass. Then she dropped the little bottle down a drain.”

“And she’s still alive?” Jasper asked.

“Do you want to know what happened?” I asked. “Or are you two going to fucking assume and accuse me of something?”

London Casey & Karolyn James's books