An Ounce of Hope (A Pound of Flesh #2)

Nevertheless, those particular images had entertained Max and his cock no end for days. Dammit, he couldn’t wait to get Grace alone again, so he could see what else she had lurking under that innocent quiet of hers. The tigress he’d glimpsed was ridiculously hot, and Max knew that once he got the chance to tear away the rest of her apprehension, she’d be unstoppable.

The man she’d end up with would certainly have a tomcat on his hands. He just hoped to God that it wasn’t Deputy AssBandit. For whatever reason, the dude rubbed Max the wrong way and how he looked at Grace, as if she were a piece of meat or something, made Max’s teeth grind. He wasn’t good enough for her and Max was more than prepared to set that shit straight anytime the prick wanted.

Thirty minutes later, with a barrage of hootin’ and hollerin’ from the truck’s occupants, Max’s uncle pulled up outside the cabin. The place hadn’t changed one bit since Max’s last visit, twelve years before. Predominantly logged, with a few modern metal and glass embellishments that Uncle Vince added over the years, the six-bedroom cabin sat one hundred feet back from the water, a gorgeous lake three miles long and one mile wide. Max had spent many a summer swimming, fishing, and boating on that lake with his uncle and his father, and as he stepped out of the truck and took in the beauty of it, nostalgia trembled through him. The memories he had at the cabin were happy ones, trouble-free ones, ones that every kid should have.

“Penny for them.”

Max startled at the sound of Grace’s voice. She was standing at his side in a pair of denim shorts, a pink tank top, and matching flip-flops. As always, her toes were painted the exact same color as her outfit.

“Nice ride up?” He cocked an eyebrow over his shades.

She shrugged. “Buck was entertaining as hell. Caleb wouldn’t let us put music on. Good music, at least. His tastes leave a lot to be desired.”

“Color me shocked as hell,” he muttered sarcastically, causing Grace to snort. She lifted her hand to shield her eyes from the glare off the water.

“My goodness it’s beautiful here.” She breathed in deeply. “I can see why you like it.”

Max peered over at her. Her eyes closed as she tilted her face up to the sun. She’d put her hair up into a messy bun that was unable to hold a handful of curling tendrils that hung from it. His eyes roamed over her shoulders and throat.

“Yeah,” Max murmured. “Beautiful.”

“Guys, come on!” Ruby yelled from behind them, making them both turn. “Get your bags and get changed. Dad’s gonna start the grill while we have a swim.”

“Best do as she says,” Grace said out of the corner of her mouth. “She can be scary.”

Max snickered and watched her bound back over to the deputy’s truck. Back at his uncle’s truck, Max yanked his own bag from its bed and slung it over his shoulder. “Which room am I in?”

Ruby paused and chewed on her lower lip. Max tilted his head. He knew that fucking look from when they were kids. “What did you do?”

“Well,” she answered, elongating the vowel. “Buck’s friends won’t share a room, so we’re one short. You’ll be okay to share, right?”

He pulled his shades down his nose so he could glare at her better. “With whom?”

Ruby grinned. “Your buddy.”

Max’s brows snapped together in confusion. “My what?”

“Hey, Grace!” Ruby called out, the volume of her voice belying her tiny stature. “You don’t mind bunking in with Max, do you?”

Max turned to see Grace shake her head and quickly drop her eyes to the ground. Max spun back to his cousin, opening his mouth to unleash a barrage of what-the-fuck?

Ruby held up a hand. “Oh, stop,” she said with a roll of her eyes. “You’re such a drama llama!”

“A drama llama?” Max spluttered incredulously. “Are you fucking high?”

Ruby laughed and shook her head. “Look, it’s simple. Grace can either share with you or with Caleb.”

“Fuck that,” he hissed.

“As I thought,” she replied with a knowing smile. “So chill your bean, dude. It’s just a hot woman in your room, is all. Relax.” Ruby slapped his belly and hurried up to the house.

Max exhaled and stretched his neck, making it crack.

Well, this was sure to make shit interesting.

Max opened the bedroom door and threw his bag down at the foot of the bed. The huge bed. The only bed in the entire fucking room. He put his hands on his hips while he watched Grace place her bag next to his. She pressed her lips together and pinched her shoulders, looking small and maddeningly nervous.

“Listen,” Max started with a wave of his hand toward the room. It was at the front of the house with picture-perfect views across the water and up the mountains, which could be accessed through French windows that opened onto a private balcony. “Don’t worry about all of this. I’ll get some blankets and sleep on the floor.”

“You will not!” Grace retorted firmly. “This is your break, too.” She cleared her throat and glanced at the bed, then back at Max. “I trust you. It’ll be fine.” She fingered the duvet cover. “Sort of like friends having a sleepover.”

Max stared at her for a moment before bursting out laughing. “Sure, a sleepover, but don’t for one minute think I’m having pillow fights with you in my underwear.”