An Immortal's Song (Dante's Circle #6)

She for sure wouldn’t be able to walk down the street looking like this.

“Like with Nadie’s ink from being a succubus, the script and colors come from what lineage you carry in your veins,” Tristan said softly. His fingers trailed over her arm and she shivered. “I haven’t seen this script in…” He trailed off.

“What are you saying?”

“I’m not sure,” he answered. He lowered his head and brushed his lips over hers. “I need to go to the Court and see if what I’m thinking is right. Do you and Seth mind staying here for a bit?”

She blinked at his abruptness. “What do you mean? What are you going to ask, Tristan? What’s going on?”

He shook his head and ran a hand through his hair. “I don’t know. Something’s pinging in the back of my head, like a memory I can’t quite reach. I’m nine hundred years old, and sometimes I don’t remember everything. Will you two wait here while I figure it out? I don’t want to mention it in case it’s nothing and I’m wrong, but I need to go.”

“You’re being vague and I’m not sure I like it,” Seth put in. “But, if you need to go, then go. Just make sure you come back because we have a whole hell of a lot to deal with when you do. Okay?” With that, he kissed Tristan hard then moved out of the way for Amara.

She folded her arms over her stomach, aware they were all still naked and they hadn’t talked about what they’d just done together, or what her changing meant in terms of the lack of bond between them. However, if Tristan felt this was important, she would have to trust him. Trust, in general, didn’t come easily to her, but she would try.

“Come back soon,” she said then kissed his jaw. He lowered his head and took her mouth in a passionate kiss before he pulled away. “I’ll be back soon.” He sighed, looking distracted, then grabbed his clothes from the floor and headed back out of the room.

Both she and Seth watched him walk away.

“You know, he might annoy me with the way he doesn’t tell us his thoughts, but damn that man can walk away like no other,” Seth said with a groan. “That ass? Seriously.”

Despite the tension and uncertainty filling her, Amara laughed and leaned into Seth. “That he can. And your ass is pretty nice, too.” She reached around and pinched him, loving the gasp that sounded. “What do you say we find some robes or one of his shirts to put on and grab something to eat in this big place? I’m suddenly starving.”

She ran a hand over her temple and the ink seemed to pulsate under her fingers. She was a siren, a mythical creature that, apparently, wasn’t so mythical. What that meant in the long run, she didn’t know, but if she didn’t take it one step at a time, she’d freak out beyond reason.

“I can probably scent our way to the kitchen,” Seth said as he pulled on his jeans, leaving the waist unbuttoned. He held out his shirt. “How about you put this on so we don’t go through his things.” He blushed a bit and shrugged. “I know we just slept together and all, but since he didn’t actually give us a tour…”

She nodded, fully understanding his hesitation, and pulled Seth’s shirt over her head. Since she was so much smaller than them both, the shirt billowed to the middle of her thighs. It covered enough of her, and frankly, she was too hungry to be modest. If she happened to meet up with any of the people who were inside Tristan’s home, she’d deal with it then.

Amara took Seth’s hand, and they made their way down the large staircase. Instead of turning left toward the sitting room, they went right. The scent of cooked meat and bread filled her nose, and she knew they were going in the right direction. Her stomach rumbled, and Seth chuckled.

“Let’s get you fed.”

As soon as they entered the large kitchen she blinked. A door on the other side swung closed, leaving her and Seth alone.

“It’s like they don’t want to be in the same room as us,” she said dryly.

Seth just shrugged once again. “They haven’t been introduced to us, and since Tristan is royalty, there might be some protocol or something. I don’t think his family lives here since the place feels only of Tristan’s energy and not another high-ranking fae, but I could be wrong.”

She frowned as he went to the fridge and opened it. “You can sense those sorts of things? Is that what mermen do?”

He pulled out two plates and lifted his brows. “It seems they made us plates since there’s a third in there for Tristan.” He wiggled one. “They have our names on it. They must have just stuck them in here because they’re still hot.”

Carrie Ann Ryan's books