Always Will: A Bad Boy Romance

I duck into his bathroom and shut the door. I don’t want to admit how much I loved what he just did to me. I love how he makes me feel when he’s aggressive, grabbing me and making my body do what he wants. I love relenting, ceding myself to him. I’ve never let a man do that to me before. I’ve always maintained control of myself, even in the moment of climax. With Ronan, I don’t want to. I want to let him have his way with me—take me somewhere I’ve never been.

How does he make it so easy to trust him like this?

I clean up, and fix my clothes and hair. My face is a little flushed, but luckily my olive skin hides it reasonably well. Once I feel presentable, I come out and find Ronan standing next to his desk, fully dressed, adjusting the cuffs of his sleeves. He gives me a lazy smile and comes over to slide his hands around my waist.

“That’s a good way to start the week,” he says.

My brow furrows with concern and my eyes flick to the still-closed door.

“Don’t worry,” he says. “Sarah isn’t here yet. And people are going to find out eventually.”

“It’s one thing to find out we’re together,” I say. “Quite another to hear you fucking me in your office.”

He kisses me again. “No one heard anything. It’s going to be fine.”

I let myself relax a little. I ought to at least enjoy the post-sex glow. I can almost still feel him inside me.

“Okay,” I say.

He gives me a wicked smile, his hand sliding around to squeeze my ass. “Now get back to work.”

“You too, boss man.”

He smiles again and goes back to his desk. I unlock the door and open it, glancing out. Relief washes over me at the sight of Sarah’s empty desk. I take another cleansing breath and go back to my office, hoping what I just did isn’t written all over my face.

19: Ronan

After a fucked up day of bad news—delays and roadblocks for both dev teams—I leave the office without talking to Selene. I’m in a shit mood and I don’t want to subject her to it. I send her a quick text so she doesn’t think I’m blowing her off like a total asshole, and go home for a much needed drink.

Sitting alone in my condo, clutching a glass of bourbon, I wonder if I made the right call. I’m wound up as tight as a fucking spring. Maybe spending the evening with Selene would have helped me relax. I’ve been working too much lately, but nurturing the right relationships to get this contract is a full time job in and of itself. Add to that running two separate companies, and making subtle changes that will allow me to integrate some of the research and development people—without pissing them off and making everyone quit—and it’s no wonder I feel like hell.

The bourbon goes down easy, sliding down my throat with a pleasant burn.

My phone rings. It’s Damon. I decide to answer, hoping he’s not calling to give me shit about not seeing our parents.

“Hey,” I say.

“Hey,” Damon says. “How’s Seattle?”

“Good. Definitely the right call.” For so many reasons.

“Glad to hear that,” he says. “Talked to Mom and Dad lately?”

“Is that why you called?” I ask, not bothering to hide the annoyance in my voice.

“No, man,” Damon says. “It was just a question. I’m not trying to guilt trip you. Have another drink or something.”

“What’s up, then?” I ask.

“I’m going to be up your way soon,” he says. “Just thought I’d give you a heads up, see if you wanted to get together while I’m in town.”

That actually isn’t a terrible idea. I wouldn’t mind seeing Damon. He knows how to piss me off, but he’s a good guy. “Sure, just keep me posted.”

“Great,” he says. “So, jumped off any bridges or whatever recently?”

“No, not lately,” I say. Aside from rock climbing in Denver, I haven’t done any of my usual sports in a while. It’s odd, but I don’t have the all-too-familiar itch, the craving for soaring through the air.

“Too busy with the ladies?” Damon says with a laugh.

“Not ladies,” I say. “Just one.”

“One? You’re kidding.”

“Not in the least,” I say.

“You mean one this week, right?” Damon asks.

“Fuck off,” I say with a laugh.

“Seriously, though, do you mean you have an actual girlfriend?” he asks.

“Yes, I guess that’s what I mean.”

“Holy shit.”

I’m kind of irritated at Damon’s reaction, but I suppose it’s warranted. It’s been years since I’ve been with a woman and called her my girlfriend. Not since college. Not since Chelsea.

She’s the last person I want to think about, so I take another swig of bourbon. “Is that all, Damon?”

“Yeah, I’ll text you when I have travel plans,” he says.

“All right, talk to you later,” I say and hang up.

I finish the rest of my drink. What I need is a day off. I’ve been working my ass off without much of a break. I get an idea and send a text to Sarah.

Anything on my schedule I can’t blow off tomorrow?

I wait a few minutes for her reply. No, I can move stuff. You ok?

Fine. Won’t be in tomorrow.

I bring up Selene’s number and hit send.

“Hi,” she says when she answers.

Just hearing her voice starts to uncoil the tension in my back. “Hi, gorgeous. Sorry I left the office without saying goodbye.”

“It’s all right,” she says. “I’m still here, actually.”

Claire Kingsley's books