Always Will: A Bad Boy Romance

I keep glancing toward the front door, wondering if Ronan is really coming. The bar is busy, and most of our group is a few drinks in and feeling no pain. Originally I wanted to throw us a big party at my place—I love throwing parties—but our birthday kind of sneaked up on me this year. In the end, I decided it would be simpler just to go out, rather than try to plan something last minute.

Braxton has Kylie in a booth near the back, and I wonder how long they’ll end up staying. He’s always touchy with her, but tonight he hasn’t kept his hands off her. His mouth, either. He leans in close, and it looks like they’re talking, then he touches his fingers to her chin and kisses her. I’d be grossed out—he is my brother—but I’m kind of awestruck when I see them like this.

He loves her so much it makes my breath catch. He was never this way with any of the women he dated in the past. I wonder what it must have been like for him, being friends with Kylie for so long, watching her date other men. It must have been awful. Granted, he wasn’t exactly sleeping alone all those years. But seeing them now, I’m both incredibly happy for them, and wishing I was lucky enough to find both a best friend and a lover in the same person.

A hand on the small of my back startles me and I turn to find Ronan smiling at me. He’s dressed in a dark jacket over his button-down and slacks, and his hair has that slightly unruly look that makes him so intriguing. From the corner of my eye, I notice quite a few other women watching him. I’m hit with a little spark of jealousy, and a very strange sense of satisfaction at our no dating other people pact.

“Happy birthday,” he says.

He’s standing so close I feel like I can’t quite breathe.


He looks around, like he’s taking in the scene. “This is a nice place. When you said it was kind of a dive, I had a different image in mind.”

“Dive isn’t really the word,” I say. “It’s mostly just casual.”

“You didn’t think I’d like casual,” he says. “You still think I’m a snob.”

“No, I don’t think you’re a snob,” I say. “I just wasn’t sure if this is your kind of place.”

He laughs a little. “That’s kind of the same thing. But it’s your birthday, so I’ll forgive you.” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small box tied with a gold ribbon. “Here, I got you something.”

“You didn’t have to do that.”

“I know. It’s just a small thing.” He holds it out to me.

I take the box and untie the ribbon. I lift the lid and find a thin silver chain with an infinity symbol in the center. “This is beautiful.”

He steps a little closer and lowers his voice. “You told me you lost your parents. But they’re never truly gone. They’ll always be a part of you. Forever.”

I touch the necklace with two fingers, not sure if I can speak. I lick my lips and swallow hard. “Ronan, this is … I don’t even know what to say.”

“I know what it’s like to lose someone,” he says. “I saw this recently and thought of you. I know it isn’t the sort of thing a boss gets an employee, but I figured maybe we’re a little more than that now? Friends, at least?”

I meet his eyes, my heart in my throat. “Thank you. This is so thoughtful.”

He smiles, and I’m frozen in place. The buzz of conversation hangs around us, but I’m transfixed. It’s so strange to be with him here, surrounded by my friends. We only see each other when we’re working. But here we are, standing in a bar on a Friday night. It feels so casual, like he could be a man I know from somewhere else. A man who isn’t my boss.

Right now, I really wish he wasn’t.

“Can I buy you another drink?” he asks.

My eyes flick to my glass, sitting on the cocktail table next to me. It’s almost empty. “Sure. I’m just going to run to the ladies’ room.”

“Meet you back here,” he says.

I tuck the box into my small handbag and head toward the back of the bar. My heart is beating too fast. I need to get myself together.

I step into the bathroom and take a deep breath. Was that Ronan who just gave me an incredibly sweet and thoughtful gift? And he did it with no innuendo, no jokes about wanting to get me naked in his office. I’m so used to verbally sparring with him all the time, I wasn’t sure what to say. I need to get my wits back so I can thank him properly.

I reapply lipstick and take a few more deep breaths. I don’t want to think about how close I was to kissing him. Goddamn, that man knows how to keep me off balance. I need to slow down on the drinks, or I’m going to do something I’ll regret.

I open the door and almost run into a guy coming from the bar.

“Sorry.” I try to step out of the way.

“That’s okay,” he says. He doesn’t move, taking up all the space in the small hallway.

I try again to go around him, but he moves in front of me.

“Excuse me,” I say.

“Look at those legs,” he says, his voice slurring a little. He gets closer, looking me up and down.

I don’t know who this guy is, but he’s making me very uncomfortable. I take a step backward and put my hands up. “Can you let me past? I’m just trying to get back to my friends.”

Claire Kingsley's books