Always Will: A Bad Boy Romance


“How about now?” I ask.

“Actually, I have a phone conference in about ten minutes,” he says. “And I have meetings all day. I don’t think I’m free until at least five thirty. We can order in, or go out. Up to you.”

I sigh, but he just gives me one of his infuriating smiles.

“Just order in.”

“Great,” he says. “I’ll see you tonight. Unless you’d like to stay and help me with the rest of these buttons?”

“Goodbye, Ronan.” I spin around and head out the door before I lose all reason and take him up on that offer.


Kylie texts me shortly after my dinner meeting with Ronan, asking if I want to meet her and Brax at Brody’s for drinks. I have just enough time to go home and change. I throw on a light gray t-shirt with a cute little martini glass on it, and a pair of jeans. Brody’s is walking distance from my house, and it’s a mild night, so I grab a light jacket and head out.

I find them at a table near the back.

“Hey, you guys, sorry I’m late,” I say as I slide into the booth across from them. “Work has been crazy.”

Kylie pushes a full shot glass toward me. “You need to catch up.”

I laugh. “How many have you guys had?”

“Two for me, three for Brax,” she says.

“Just two?” I say.

“I’m half his size,” Kylie says.

I toss back the shot. It burns something fierce and I can’t help but wince. “What the fuck was that?”

Braxton laughs. “It’s called kick in the balls. Lives up to its name, doesn’t it?”

“I’ll say.” I take a sip of ice water to wash it down.

“So what’s up with you?” Kylie asks.

“Work is busy,” I say. “My attempt at dating a so-called nice guy was a spectacular failure. So, yeah, basically the usual.”

Kylie makes a face. “I sort of feel responsible for that.”

“Don’t,” I say. “You couldn’t have known how weird he was. I should have trusted my instincts earlier.”

“So, speaking of dates…” Kylie says.

A waitress comes by with a basket of homemade potato chips. I pop one in my mouth.


“Don’t say no until you hear me out,” she says. “I had a meeting with one of my design clients, and he is seriously the nicest guy.”

“No,” I say.

“You haven’t heard me out,” Kylie says. “He’s tall, good-looking, and he’s one of the owners. I’ve met with him a few times, and he’s so chill. I think you’d really like him. Look, I found his Facebook profile.”

She holds up her phone showing his profile picture. I have to admit, the guy is attractive.

“All right, he’s cute,” I say. “But you can’t be serious. You’re trying to set me up with one of your clients?”

“Sure,” she says. “I already know he’s single.”

“How do you know that?” I ask.

“Well, he kind of hit on me a little bit,” Kylie says.

I glance at Braxton and raise an eyebrow.

Braxton scowls and puts an arm around her. “I’m getting her a backup ring.”

Kylie laughs. “A prong on my ring broke and it was at the jewelers getting fixed, so he didn’t know I was married. Hit on me is the wrong phrase. He asked if I was seeing anyone, and if not, maybe I’d like to have coffee. He was super nice about it. When I told him I couldn’t, he apologized and said he’s just trying to put himself out there more. I think he’s been burned a few times too.”

Ordinarily, I might consider taking Kylie up on this. Goodness knows I set her up all the time before she got together with my brother—though, of course, that never worked out very well. But now that I’m no longer with Aidan, my no-dating pact with Ronan is in full effect. I take another sip of water to give myself a second to think. I don’t want to admit I agreed to not date anyone else. They’re going to think I’m crazy.

“That’s okay, Ky,” I say. “He seems nice, but I’ll pass.”

“Oh, come on,” Kylie says. “At least give him a chance. Let me set up a coffee date. Super casual, no big deal. If you don’t like him, you don’t have to see him again. No pressure.”

“Really, I’d rather not,” I say.

“What are you hiding?” Braxton says, narrowing his eyes at me.

Fuck. I can’t keep anything from Brax. He can read me too well. “I’m not hiding anything.”

“Liar,” Braxton says.

“I’m not lying,” I say. “I just don’t want to go out with the guy. What’s the big deal?”

Braxton raises an eyebrow. “It’s not a big deal. But I know you’re hiding something.”

I sigh. “Fine. I might have agreed to not date anyone for a while.”

“What?” Kylie asks. “Agreed with who?”


“What are you talking about?” Kylie asks.

“It’s one of our rules,” I say. “I said we need rules for working together. He agreed to all of mine, as long as I agree to not date anyone else.”

Claire Kingsley's books