All Chained Up (Devil's Rock #1)

BRIAR JUST FINISHED putting the last dish in the dishwasher when a knock sounded on her door. She closed the dishwasher and pushed the start button before padding barefoot to her door. A peek through the peephole had her gasping and lurching back.

Knox stood on the other side. What was he doing here?

He knocked again. Her hand moved to unlock the door and then she snatched it back. No. She wasn’t doing this again. No more. She’d offered him everything and he walked away. Because she was bad for him.

If she opened the door she would let him in, and then she’d probably let him in her bed. Because she was that weak. Because she was putty in his hands. She wouldn’t do that. She wouldn’t succumb. She had been working so hard to get over him. She’d even told Shelley that she would go out with her ex--brother--in--law. True, Shelley’s ex--husband was a douche but apparently he had a nice brother.

He knocked again. “Briar, please open the door. I know you’re in there.”

Her skin shivered at the sound of his voice. She’d missed him. It would be so easy to let him in. In her home. In her still raw and bleeding heart. She wouldn’t survive him leaving her the next time. This time had been hard enough.

He continued, “Look, I just came from seeing my brother at the prison . . . and hell, I know that doesn’t mean anything to you, but it got me thinking and . . . shit, I fucked up. Can you just open the door so I can see you? So we can talk face--to--face?”

She started to open her mouth several times but didn’t trust herself to speak.

She felt a soft thud and risked another peek out the door. She could still see his shoulders. It looked like he had bowed his head against the door. He said something so softly, she couldn’t quite understand him. She pressed her ear to the door, trying to hear, and when she finally did hear his whisper, her chest squeezed tightly.

I need you . . .

She closed her eyes, reaching deep inside herself for strength. She had to be strong. Nothing had changed. He was still that guy that didn’t trust himself, that felt out of control around her. And it didn’t matter what he needed. She had to consider herself and what she needed or she would, in fact, be just like her mother.

“I’ll be back, Briar.” His voice rang loud and clear again. “I’m not giving up.”

Then she heard his retreating footsteps.

She turned and slid down the length of the door, hardening her heart. She would not give in to him. He’d eventually give up. She just had to resist him until he did.

HE WAITED OUTSIDE Briar’s apartment, telling himself this wasn’t stalkerish. She still loved him. He knew she did. And he loved her. She couldn’t have forgotten all her feelings for him in so short a time. He hadn’t screwed everything up that badly.

It was barely light out. Dawn streaked the West Texas sky, but he knew she left for work this early. Sure enough, at 6:55 he spotted her coming down her stairs in her scrubs. Her hair was still damp and pulled back into a tight braid that his fingers itched to unravel.

He was out of his truck and across the parking lot, planting himself in front of her car door before she could reach her vehicle.

She came to a hard stop when she saw him there. “What are you doing?”

“I said I wasn’t giving up.”

“I don’t want to see you.”

“Then close your eyes. Just listen to me.”

She shook her head, her gaze skittering around like she was looking for an escape. “I’m going to be late for work. Please move.”

So polite. And scared. She looked terrified, but not the kind of terror that worried him. No, this was wariness. As though she didn’t trust herself. Clearly, she didn’t want him to persuade her to do anything she didn’t want to do. It gave him hope. It meant at least a part of her still wanted to be with him.

“Briar,” he breathed, stepping away from the car and closing in on her. “I love you.”

Her eyes flared. “No! Don’t say that. Don’t you dare say that!”

“It’s true.”

“I’m bad for you, remember?” she flung out, anger and hurt ripe in her voice. Again, it gave him hope.

He closed his eyes in a tight blink. “I said that and a lot of other stupid shit, yeah. But loving you will make me stronger. I know it now. I can love you like you deserve if you’ll just let me.”

She snorted and stepped around him. “I don’t have time for this.” She hit her unlock button and started to open her door.

He came behind her and shut it with the palm of his hand. “Give us a chance.” He spoke into the nape of her neck, sending tiny hairs fluttering, tickling his lips. “You said you loved me—-”