After All

“Look, he had faded into obscurity,” she says. “Doing theatre in London is great and all but no one really gives a shit. It’s a has-been move.”

“It’s not a has-been move,” I tell her. “It’s not even a move at all. It’s something to do because you love to act. You love the art and the craft of it. It’s a place where you really learn the extent of your talents, where you’re able to do something you love for a living. Maybe it doesn’t make you rich, maybe people don’t remember who you are but you’re making art every single day.”

Emmett frowns, totally puzzled as to why I’m standing up for him. The thing is, I’m not standing up for him at all. It’s just she touched on something dear to me. Not that I would admit it.

“Fine,” Autumn says. Then she composes herself and flashes me those pearly whites again. “But you can’t say this isn’t a comeback. He was big when he was on Degrassi, or at least known. He went away to London. Now he’s back, better than ever. He’s sexy now. Age has only been his friend.”

“Sexy or not,” I say, knowing his ego is probably soaking up that one, “a real comeback is one when you’re proud of the work you’re doing. Emmett isn’t proud. He’s just working. He’s working on his comeback. That will still happen.”

I’m making all the assumptions in the world, I know this, and yet I get the feeling off of him that he probably agrees with me.

“But only if he smartens up,” Autumn says, as if she’s his school teacher. “And that’s where you come in.”

I sigh before taking a large gulp of wine. Jeez, I could go for a martini or something. “So you think that by the public thinking that we’re dating, they’ll look more favorably upon him and then he’ll get more popular? I mean, what if it doesn’t work like that? Or what if he does something stupid again?”

“You know I’d really appreciate it if the two of you would stop talking like I’m not here.”

Autumn waves him away with her hand. “If he does something stupid, then I’m not representing him anymore. Don’t worry, he knows that. We’ve discussed it. I can only do so much and it doesn’t look favorably on me and my services if I have a client who is consistently out of line.”

“Consistently,” he mutters to himself, shaking his head.

“And if he’s a good boy and, well, you’re a good girl, and the public buys into it and it still doesn’t help, well, no harm done. It’s just three months.”

“But he’ll be out of money,” I tell her. “And he has to put up with me for three months and I’ll have to put up with him.”

She shrugs, pressing her hands into the table. “It’s a hard bargain, I know. So now that you’ve brought up the money part of the negotiations, how much are you wanting?”

I raise my brow. “Isn’t it dangerous to ask me that?”

“I can tell you’re not easily convinced, so it’s better to just see what we can do to make it happen.”

I rub my lips together, thinking. I came up with a number earlier and I have no idea if it’s fair or not. But we all know this isn’t going to be a walk in the park. And I know this is the one chance I have to finally give my dreams a go. I’ll never have another one.

“Do you have a pen?” I ask Autumn. “Because I have terms.”

She pulls out her phone and shows me her notepad app. “Go.”

I take in a deep breath. “I still have a personal life that I want to keep personal. I don’t want to do any interviews with anyone. I don’t want paparazzi banging on my door, so I don’t want anyone to know where I live. Or work. I want to keep my life as normal as possible. If anyone says anything rude or slanderous about me, especially regarding my appearance, I want you to handle it and I don’t want to see or hear about it. I want to keep whatever dignity and respect I have during this whole thing. I want at least three nights a week to myself. I want my family kept out of it. I want Emmett to stop hitting on me,” I give him a loaded look, to which I swear his cheeks go red. Autumn, who has been furiously taking notes on her phone, pauses, narrowing her eyes. “And on top of it all, I want fifty thousand dollars.”

“Fifty thousand dollars?” Emmett repeats with wide eyes.

“Forty thousand dollars,” I quickly amend myself. I knew I was pushing it. “Deposited into my bank account tomorrow.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Emmett says, leaning across the table. “You a mob boss all of a sudden? You’re not getting a dime until three months is over. How do I know you won’t up and leave right away?”

“He’s right,” Autumn says. “We have to make sure that this runs smoothly. Remember, neither of you can date or hook-up with anyone else. It’s not worth the risk. That will be in your contract too.”

“Fine,” I grumble.

“And giving you the money upfront is a dangerous move. I mean, you could just leave town, couldn’t you?”

Maybe that’s the plan, I think to myself.

“Emmett will be taking you out for dinner, mini-trips, buying you whatever your heart desires, so don’t forget that part too. In exchange, you’ll need to pretend to be his girlfriend in your personal life and public one. This means, you can’t tell your friends and family that this is a set-up. Not even your closest ones. Not even the ones whose wedding you were at. You can’t trust any of them.”

I nod, even though I already told Jackie everything this morning. Luckily I know she and Will can keep a secret. I exchange a glance with Emmett and wonder if he’s told Will anything at all. Men can be so damn secretive, it wouldn’t surprise me.

“Now,” Autumn says, “that everything has been laid out, is this something you’d be willing to do Alyssa?”

I take a moment to think about it, even though I’ve already made up my mind. I suppose if I were downright evil instead of slightly evil, I could tell them no and then threaten to tell the gossip sites everything they just told me, unless they gave me the money to shut me up.

But the truth is, even though I still think the whole idea is ridiculous and the next three months are going to turn my life upside down in ways I can’t imagine, I wouldn’t do that to Emmett. For all his many faults, I can tell he’s got a good heart somewhere underneath his manwhore fa?ade. His honesty and sincerity can be endearing and maybe it’s pure ego that’s putting himself up to this risk, thinking nothing could possibly go wrong, but he’s got just as much to lose as I do. Actually, he has a hell of a lot more. Both of our dreams are at stake but at least his are realized and apparently hang in the balance.

I give them a quick smile. “If all terms are held to…yes. This is something I can do.”

Autumn grins at me. “Fantastic! I’ll get the lawyers to draw up the contacts tomorrow and have them sent to your work.”

“You know where I work?”

“I know everything about you Alyssa,” she says. If she wasn’t so pretty I’d think that was the creepiest thing I’d ever heard.