Adrenaline (Speed Series Book 2)

Chuckling, I shook my head as I thought about his comment during rehearsal.

“Mass? We’re doing a mass? The title on the program should be ‘Get ready for the longest celebration of the sacrament of holy matrimony in history.’”

As we made our way down the hall, I could hear each girls’ shoes hitting against the marble floor. My eyes glanced around as I remembered running down these halls as a little girl. St. Patrick’s was more than a church; it had been my home as well. I sought refuge here so many times.

Janet was making sure everyone was in position and knew what to do. She had been a huge help in planning the wedding. I nearly gave Malcolm a heart attack when I told him she should get into the wedding planning business.

Janet cleared her throat and said, “Okay, Landon and Sophie will be going first, then Adaline, followed by Annie.”

Glancing back to me, she flashed a huge smile. “Don’t trip!”

I moaned and said, “Oh, why did you say that!”

Elizabeth wrapped her arm around me tighter as I felt the tears threatening as I thought about when I asked her to walk me down the aisle. I’d never seen her cry before that day.

Janet gave me a wink and said, “I’ll motion when it’s time for you and Elizabeth to start walking.”

“Got it,” Elizabeth said in a chipper voice.

The music started and I watched Sophie guide Landon through the doors. My heart was pounding so loudly I was sure everyone could hear it. The sound of the guitar playing “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring” warmed my heart. As a little girl I used to dream that song would be played during my wedding.

As I stood off to the side, I watched as Adaline began walking. Annie turned and smiled before she started walking. The violins played as I looked at Elizabeth.

“I’m scared.”

She smiled warmly and said, “You’re not scared. You’re nervous.”

“It’s the same thing.”

With a light chuckle she said, “There is a very big difference.”

Janet nodded and Elizabeth and I moved into position. Swallowing hard, I watched everyone stand and look directly at me.

“Okay, now I’m scared and nervous!” I said as Elizabeth grinned bigger.


My heart dropped at the sound of my father’s voice. Turning, I couldn’t believe my eyes.

“What are you doing here?”

“Shut the doors, Janet,” Elizabeth said. “Let everyone know everything is okay; we just need a few moments.”

The tightening in my chest was causing me to have a hard time breathing. What in the hell is my father doing at my wedding?

“You’re not welcome here, Mr. Pruitt, and I kindly ask that you leave please.”

I was stunned at how calm Elizabeth sounded.

An evil smile spread over his face. “Oh, I have no intention of missing my little girl’s wedding. How much did that dress cost, pumpkin?”

With a quick glance at my dress, my head snapped back to him. “I think if you want this day to go off without a hitch, you’ll spread the wealth.”

“You unbelievable evil man. You’re actually standing here bribing your daughter before her own wedding!”

“Sister, why don’t you for once keep your habit out of my families business?”

Elizabeth walked up to my father and stood directly in front of him. “The day you dropped Paislie off at St. Patrick’s, you gave up any right to call her your family. She is my family. Our family here at the church, so why don’t you just take a few steps back and leave before I have you thrown out on your . . . on your . . . on your ass!”

I gasped when I heard Elizabeth curse. My father was as stunned as I, but what happened next I was pretty sure neither of us was expecting.

Pushing Elizabeth out of the way, he said, “Get out of my way, you bitch.” Elizabeth spun around and stepped back in front of him and punched him square in the jaw.

Not being able to hold the scream back, the doors opened and Father Tim came rushing out as Janet shut the doors and walked over to me. Father Tim quickly walked up to Elizabeth and pulled her close to him.

“Elizabeth, are you okay? Did he hurt you?”

She shook her head and took a few steps away from him. “I’m fine, but Father forgive me for I have sinned.” They both turned and looked at my father holding his chin.

“She hit me! She called me an ass and then hit me!”

Father Tim took my dad by the arm and pulled him toward the door. I quickly turned to Elizabeth.

“Where in the heck did you learn to punch like that?”

She shrugged and said, “I took a class on self-defense.”

Janet attempted to cover her mouth to keep from laughing.

Letting out a gasp, I took her hand in mine. “It’s swelling up.”

She brushed it off like it was nothing. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it after the wedding.”

Father Tim walked up to us and blew out a breath. “Okay, let’s try this again. Let me head back down and let your worried fiancé know everything is okay. Once the music starts, please open the door and let’s pick up where we left off.”

Kelly Elliott's books