Adrenaline (Speed Series Book 2)

I hadn’t even realized I said I loved Paislie. And hell I said it twice. “I don’t know what I’m feeling. All I know is I want to be with her every second of the day. Her smile makes me smile. Her laugh calms me down and her strength is inspiring. She believes in me, Mom. She brought me back to life and I need her.”

Her eyes softened. “Oh, Malcolm. Sweetheart, I hadn’t realized how strongly you felt about her. I didn’t realize the two of you had grown so close. But do you know how she feels about you?”

“I hope the same.”

She chewed nervously on her lip. “What if she’s only after your money?”

“Mom, how could she be when I’m the one who pursued her?”

Her expression was one of surprise. “I see.”

I shook my head and started for the door. “Mom, I love you, but you need to stay out of my business. I would also appreciate it if you apologized to Paislie. I’m not the only one who noticed the death stares you were giving her.”

She simply nodded her head. Turning, I decided to make my way to the barn . . . after I took a pain pill for my damn leg.

Walking into the barn, I took a quick look around and finally saw Paislie sitting on a bale of hay. Talking to a horse.

Okay. So she likes to talk to herself and horses. It was kind of cute.

She must have sensed me because she looked up. Her smile took my breath away. I couldn’t believe I had finally made her mine. The limp in my leg was obvious as I headed her way. She quickly stood and watched me walk toward her.

“How bad does it hurt?” she asked as her eyes landed on my leg.

With a shrug, I replied, “It’s fine. I’m more concerned about you.”

Her face lit up as a flush swept over her. “Me? I’m fine. Totally fine.”

I took another step as she took a step back, only to bump into the stall. “Really? You weren’t fine when you stormed out of the gym a little bit ago.”

She squared her shoulders and lifted her chin. I already knew this was her defense mode. One she probably learned early on when she pretended everything was okay. “Well, it’s hard to stand there when your mother is shooting me daggers. If looks could kill I’d have fallen over.”

I let out a dry laugh. “I talked to her about that. She knows how I feel about you and how much you mean to me. I’m pretty sure she won’t be giving you that response again.”

Paislie swallowed hard. “H-how do you feel about me, Malcolm? What’s happening here, because I’m all kinds of confused. Earlier when we were together, I’ve never experienced those emotions before and I’m going to be honest with you, it scares the hell out of me. I don’t think . . . I mean . . . I know I couldn’t take it if you were to break my heart. Not you, Malcolm. You’re the only person I’ve let in since my father left me and . . . I just . . .”

Her chin trembled and for the first time I saw vulnerability there I had never seen before. I dropped the cane and cupped her face within in my hands. Our eyes searched one another’s face before her emerald eyes pierced my blue.

“Look into my eyes, Paislie. I’ve never felt like this about anyone.”

“No one?” she asked, almost as if she expected a different answer from me.

“No one. Do you have any idea of how you’ve made me go almost out of mind since the first time you bumped into me. My life has been turned upside down. You’re all I think about. You’re the first thing on my mind when I wake up, and the last thing when I fall asleep.”

A single tear rolled down her cheek as I used my thumb to wipe it away. “Paislie, please give me a chance to prove to you how much I’ve fallen for you.”

Her lips pressed together as she attempted to hold back a sob. She slowly shook her head. “What are you saying, Malcolm?”

I never in a million years thought I would be uttering the words I was about to say. “I’m falling in love with you, Paislie.”

Her breath expelled as she grabbed onto me to keep her balance. “Um . . . I um.”

I wrinkled my brow and said, “Damn . . . I was kind of hoping you would say the same thing back to me.”

More tears as she gave me the biggest grin I’d ever seen as she softly said, “I think I fell in love with you on my first date with Deuce. Something about the stars and that kiss.”

I couldn’t hold back my own smile as I pressed my lips to hers. The kiss started off slow and gentle. Our tongues dancing in a perfect rhythm as a low growl formed at the back of my throat.

Before things got out of hand, I took a step back. Both of us gasping for air as we stared at each other. “What are you doing to me?” I asked.

Her lips formed a wicked smile. “The same thing you’re doing to me apparently.”

My eyes glanced over to Black Jack. She had been talking to him when I walked in. “Black Jack here is an old friend of mine. First horse I ever bought.”

Her eyes filled with excitement. “How about we go for a ride?”

Wiggling my eyes, I said, “Okay! I’ll meet you in your room.”

She lightly hit me on the chest. “Stop! You know what I meant. Want to take a few horses out?”

Kelly Elliott's books