Accidentally Married

I watched as the men fought the wiggling Lucille up to the top of the ridge. Suddenly she kicked and Gavin lost control of one of her legs. Her flailing caused them to drop her and Lucille scrambled away from them. I rushed across the sand, ready to help, but within five steps Lucille and her shoes lost their footing and she tumbled over the edge of the rocks into the water below. There was a moment of tense silence and then I heard a scream of anger that told me she survived the fall.

A laugh had just bubbled out of my mouth when I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. I heard a gasp and turned to see Virgil get to his feet. He launched for the helicopter pilot and grabbed him, scooping Lucille’s cast-aside gun into his hand and pressing it to the man’s temple. He started dragging the pilot toward the helicopter and I knew that if he got to it, he would be gone. I rushed toward him, the sand shooting up behind my feet as I dug them down as hard as I could. Virgil caught sight of me and I saw him turn, the gun pointed at my chest.


I heard Noah’s scream at the same time that I heard the explosion of the gun. I felt a hot pain and my body fell to the ground without my control. Virgil shoved the pilot into the helicopter and the blades started spinning, causing air to press down on me and make it harder to breathe. The last thing I saw was them rise into the sky and Virgil reach across the pilot to grab the controls, stalling the blades and causing the copter to tumble down toward the waves. I laughed as the darkness closed in around me.

The sea monster and I are finally friends.

Chapter Twenty-Three


Three weeks later…

I looked up at the sound of the rapping on my door, realizing that though I had been reading through the pages stacked on my desk in front of me for at least two hours, nothing had really sunk in. I dropped the page I was holding, took off my glasses, and rubbed into my eyes with my fingers.

“Yeah?” I said.

The door opened and I opened my eyes. Snow was peering around the door at me, her body out of the room.

“She’s awake.”

I got to my feet and ran across my office, joining her and Noah in the hallway. We rushed through the Royal and Company office building in silence and jumped into the back of Noah’s limo. He was ordering the driver to go before the door was even closed behind me. Within minutes we were pulling into the parking lot of the small exclusive hospital where Eleanor had been in a coma since we got off the island. The nurse sitting at the front desk ushered us through the front door and we ran down the hallway and rode the elevator up to her private suite. I tried to ignore the surroundings. That wasn’t what I wanted to be thinking about. Not right now.

The door to Eleanor’s suite was closed and Noah knocked on it lightly as we approached. A stern-faced nurse opened the door and glared out at us.

“Mrs. McIntire shouldn’t be disturbed right now,” she said.

“It’s not ‘Mrs.,’” Eleanor’s voice called from inside the suite, “and they are not disturbing me. Let them in.”

“You really aren’t in the condition to---” the nurse started.

“Let them in,” Eleanor ordered, shutting her down.

Huffing and puffing as if to make absolutely sure that we were aware of her disgust, the nurse stepped out of the way and opened the door wide enough for us to go inside. It wasn’t the first time that I had been in the suite. In fact, I had spent the first several days that she was in it sitting by her bedside. It still had the same effect on me that it had the first time I saw it. Lavishly appointed in rich hues and heavy dark wooden furniture, the first room of the suite looked much more like a luxurious hotel than it did a hospital. This funneled into a short hallway that led past a bathroom bigger and nicer than the one that I had in my own apartment, and then into the actual treatment room.

Though it had some of the features that I would expect to see in a hospital room, it was still wearing a hotel costume and I had the same uncomfortable feeling that I had each of the other times that I walked into the room. It seemed excessive, unnecessary. Yet at the same time, I was happy that she was comfortable and being given the care that she needed during the fragile days that she had just persevered through.

Eleanor was sitting up in a reclining position on the large bed, her back propped up what looked like a dozen plush pillows. She was wearing a light pink satin robe rather than the classic hospital gown, her hair was brushed smooth over her shoulders, and she was wearing fresh makeup. Despite all of this, however, she looked distinctly tired and smaller than she had on the island. Noah and Snow both rushed to the sides of the bed, taking turns leaning over to kiss Eleanor on her cheeks and squeeze her hands.

“It’s so good to see you awake,” Snow murmured to her.

“I love you,” Noah whispered, giving her another kiss.

I hovered near the door, not knowing what to do. When Snow told me that Eleanor had finally woken up, I hadn’t hesitated for even a second. Not a single thought crossed my mind that I shouldn’t be there with her. Now that I was standing here looking at her, though, I didn’t know how to act or what to say. Everything was rushing back to me and I was having a difficult time coping with it all. I was starting to back out of the room when I heard her voice.


I looked up and saw Noah and Snow exchange glances.

“Are you hungry?” Noah asked Eleanor. “We’re going to go to the café and grab a celebratory snack. It’s time to get your strength back up. We can’t have you just lying around in bed all the time.”

Snow gave a tense laugh that had the one of someone trying to inject levity into a situation that was already far gone. They gave more kisses to Eleanor and scurried out of the room. As she passed, Snow patted me on the arm, a silent show of solidarity. She had seen me struggling over the last three weeks, and though she didn’t know the full extent of how Eleanor had affected me, I knew that our years of friendship had allowed her to empathize with me and want for this all to be resolved.

When they were gone I turned back to stare at Eleanor. She looked back at me hopefully, but I stayed in my place.

“Are you going to come over here?” she asked.

I approached her reluctantly and sat down in one of the heavily cushioned chairs beside her bed.

“How are you feeling?” I asked, my voice somewhat flat.

She nodded.

“Good,” she said. “As good as I can, considering.”

“Good,” I said, nodding. “The doctor said that the wound wasn’t that bad.”

Eleanor shook her head.

“It went through cleanly,” she said. “Apparently like many things, Virgil was nowhere near as good a shot as he thought that he was.”

“Good to hear.”

I’m just going to go ahead and try to find four or five more ways that I can use ‘good’ in this travesty of a conversation.

“What happened to Virgil?” she asked.

“The helicopter wasn’t high enough for the crash to be dangerous. It more landed and fell over. He dragged himself up onto the beach and we put him in the cavern with the other guys.”

“Where is he now?”

“The police came and we told them what happened. Noah went to your safe deposit box and got all of the evidence and turned it over. He’s going to trial and I’m sure he’s going to be away for a very long time.”

“And Lucille?”

“They fished her out of the water and rung her out. She’s fine. In jail, but fine.”

There was a moment of hesitation before she spoke again.

“What about Gavin?”

“He mysteriously disappeared off of the island again.”

“He did?”

She sounded slightly more hopeful.

“Yep. A couple days later the police received a certified letter from him detailing everything that he knew about her.”

Eleanor smiled and reached for my hand, but I pulled it away.

“I’m sorry,” I said, shaking my head. “I can’t, Eleanor.”

I stood up, needing to be further away from her, and her smiled melted.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, though the look in her eyes told me that she already knew what was going through my mind.

“You lied to me,” I said. “How could you not tell me that you’re Noah’s aunt? You made up so much about yourself.”

Her cheeks reddened and she looked away slightly before looking back at me.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “I’m sorry, Hunter. You have to believe that I had my reasons.”

R.R. Banks's books