Accidentally Married

“Third base,” he murmured against my lips as he pushed my pants down over my hips.

He removed them only to my knees, but it was far enough that he could discover that I had worn nothing beneath them. Lee’s hand came between my thighs and he pushed them apart a few inches. I felt the cool air sweep over my core and it became immediately obvious how much he had already aroused me. He lowered down to his knees and his face settled onto my thighs before his tongue dipped into my folds. It was only the second time I had ever felt that sensation, the first being Noah’s unexpected touch in the cottage, and I was still shocked by it. Lee lavished the blissful attention on me for several seconds, bringing me tantalizingly close to the explosive climax that I had experienced in the cottage, but then pulled his mouth away, stood, and straightened my clothing just as he had on second base.

I expected him to start running again, but instead, he wrapped his arms around me and looked down into my face.

“So, what’s next?” he asked.

“Hmm?” I asked, unsure of what I was supposed to say.

“You’re the one who hit the ball,” he said, teasing back to my fear in the batting cage. “How well did you hit it? Right now, you’re sitting on a triple. That’s a pretty good hit. But is it good enough? Did you hit it better than that?”

I nodded and a mischievous glint came to Lee’s eyes. We started running toward home plate, but when we were nearly there, he turned and grabbed me up against him again.

Chapter Ten


Lee wrapped one arm tightly around my waist, throwing me slightly off-balance, and we took several unsteady steps backwards, stumbled, and landed on the dry red dirt of the field. I immediately rolled him onto his back and climbed over onto him so that I was sprawled across his chest looking down into his face. We both lay still for a few seconds, our hard, uneven breath getting lost in the openness of the stadium around us, before I dipped my mouth down to his and caught it in a deep, passionate kiss.

Lee kissed me back with intensity, using one hand to hold the back of my head so he crushed our mouths together as if seeking even more of the pressure and connection. Our tongues tangled, massaging against each other and tasted each other’s mouths deeply. The exploration drew unchained sounds from deep within us as we put all of the attraction and tension that we had felt since meeting into the kiss. It was liberating and unusual, frightening and yet thrilling, to not think about anything but the immediate physical reactions and needs that I was experiencing. I didn’t have to think about what he was thinking or what it would mean if I went through with each compulsion that I experienced. This wasn’t about thoughts, emotions, or questions about what would come next. I didn’t care how he was going to perceive me or if he was going to call me the next morning, because I knew that he wasn’t. This was about my body, my pleasure, and I felt hungrier with each step that we progressed.

I felt his hands come to the backs of my thighs and pull me forward, causing me to straddle his hips. The tight, stretchy pants that he had selected for me to wear allowed me to settle onto him and feel his body fully beneath me almost as though there was no fabric between us at all. Rather than the slight embarrassment I had felt at Lee’s discovery that I had elected not to wear anything beneath the pants, I felt grateful for it now as my core cradled against his surging erection and my lack of panties allowed me to build the delectable pressure throughout my body as I rocked my hips against him. I wondered if Lee could feel my wet heat through the fabric of our clothing and I pressed down harder, hoping to show him my reaction to him, and to coax him to touch me.

Lee unbuttoned my jersey and pushed it back over my shoulders. I could feel my nipples straining against the thin satin bra I had chosen to wear beneath the tight white tank top, and I arched slightly to push my breasts toward him, wanting him to touch me. His hands came to the hem of the tank top and he whisked the shirt away. The soft coolness of the air tightened my nipples even further and I reached behind my back to release the clasp of my bra, dropping it out of the way to expose my breasts fully to him. Lee moaned and reached up to cup my breasts, filling his hands with them and kneading his fingers into the supple flesh. His palms stimulated my nipples and I felt the sensation course through my body, shooting between my thighs to further arouse me. In one movement he sat up, wrapped one arm around my hips, and flipped me onto my back so that I landed on the ground as he had been moments before.

Not taking his eyes away from my face, Lee grasped the waistband of my pants and started to pull them down off of my hips. As he pulled them down, I kicked off my shoes and peeled away my socks so that when he got the pants totally off of me and tossed them aside so I was bare in front of him. Before the date, I had expected that it would be strange and even uncomfortable to be naked in front of someone I didn’t know. Now that I was laying there with Lee gazing down at me, though, I felt sexy and desirable, open and willing the way that I had when I was in the cottage in front of the mirror. It was a connection to myself and my own sexual experience that I had never had with my ex, and I was becoming intoxicated by it, wanting more with every moment.

The sun had completely set around the diamond now, but I could see Lee in the silvery light from the moon that flowed through the stadium and pooled on the infield around us as he sat back on his heels and peeled off his jersey and then his shirt. I watched hungrily as he kicked out of his cleats and then released his pants. Once they were loosened, he raised up and shook them off, kicking them aside so that there was no longer anything between us. I reached for him and Lee came forward over me, propping himself up with his hands on either side of my shoulders so that he could spend another few moments kissing me before pushing back onto his knees again. There was no going backwards now, no reversing the progress that we were making. Nothing was going to keep us from rushing headlong into exactly what both of us wanted.

R.R. Banks's books