A Murder in Time

Although, she had to concede, in this era, that assumption was understandable. Women had few resources outside of marriage available to them, and with Alec’s good looks, title, and fortune, he’d probably spent most of his life dodging women whose biggest ambition was to drag him up the aisle.

“I won’t be saying that.” Her irritation increased when she recognized the wariness and skepticism in his gaze. He looked like an animal that had just realized it was sitting in the middle of a trap. “You’re safe, Lord Sutcliffe. I’m not interested in marrying you, or anyone else.”

“You have no wish to wed?”

“Don’t sound so shocked. I’ve got more things on my mind than marriage, my Lord.” Like finding a murderer. And going home.

April Duprey.

They knew her name. The Bow Street Runner had gone to the establishment on Bacon Street to ferret out more information.

He’d been careful, he reminded himself. His only dealings had been with the bawd and her little whore. Still, what if they’d confided in another strumpet? Would he get another note? Another extortion attempt? Or would they whisper his name to the thief-taker?

The thought sent panic skittering through him, followed by a molten rage.

It’s the bitch’s fault!

Kendra Donovan.

He stood in front of the window, staring into the night, and thought of yesterday with the whore. The memory exhilarated him. He remembered the utter power that had flooded him when she’d looked at him with shock after he’d cut her. When she knew.

She’d stumbled back, then. And ran.

Her golden hair had come undone, catching in branches as she’d plunged heedlessly through the forest. It must have caused her pain, but she never once stopped. Sometimes, she had tripped. Yet she’d scampered to her feet quickly, looking back at him, her face white with terror. She hadn’t known that he’d kept his horse reined in so as not to trample on her and finish the game too quickly.

Closing his eyes, he smiled, recalling how the whore had fallen the last time. It was as though she’d known it was the end. She’d been crying, her face streaked with dirt and tears, and she’d begun pleading with him, bargaining, offering herself, offering her other whores.

He’d smelled her fear.

She’d tried to crawl away. He’d straddled her. She’d been mesmerized by the blade as he deliberately raised it above her, then held it for a moment, before he’d thrust it into her chest.

The experience had been . . . pleasurable. But not satisfying, not like the others. She’d died too quickly. Not that he’d ever had any intention of playing with her as he had the others. To put his mark on her—the desire simply wasn’t there.

This had been a different game entirely.

As he thought of the others, his skin tightened. The pressure built. He opened his eyes, staring at his own reflection in the glass windowpanes. This time, when he thought of Kendra Donovan, he felt calmer. He was in control. An idea began to take shape, and he smiled. He would teach the bitch a lesson.



If Finch was surprised to find Alec knocking on Gabriel’s door at half past eight in the morning, he didn’t show it. He cast a hasty glance into the room behind him, then departed without a word. Alec closed the door, frowning at his brother, who was soaking in a copper tub, a rag over his eyes. With a glass of whiskey on the floor.

The sight infuriated Alec. “’Tis morning, Gabe.”

“What are you, the bloody Watch now, Sutcliffe?” Gabriel muttered, and pulled the rag away from his face so he could squint up at Alec.

Even though he’d been expecting it, Alec was startled by his brother’s appearance. The violet shadows beneath his eyes looked like someone had given him two shiners. The eyes themselves were such a burning red that it almost hurt to look at him.

“I see Miss Donovan left her mark on you, as you did her.”

Gabriel’s face darkened. “Bugger off!”

“No. Hell and damnation, you attacked her, Gabriel!”

Gabriel let his head fall back against the rim of the tub, closing his eyes with a grimace. “I didn’t intend to . . . it was her fault. She kept nattering away. I told her to shut it. She didn’t listen.”

“And you think that gives you the right to lay hands on her, to attempt to strangle her? Christ, Gabriel.”

“Goddamnit!” Abruptly Gabriel sat up, the water sloshing over the rim of the tub. Glaring, he gestured to his eyes. “Look at what she did to me! She nearly blinded me!”

Alec stared at his brother in disgust. “Kendra only defended herself.”

“She’s a bitch.”

Alec’s hands curled into fists. It took all his effort to keep calm, to not give in to the desire to haul the younger man out of the water and plant a facer on him. “Have you no remorse for your actions?”

Gabriel dropped his gaze, studying his knees poking out of the water, and said nothing.

“Oddly enough, Miss Donovan no longer believes that you had anything to do with the death of those girls.” Alec watched Gabriel’s face closely, and saw the jolt of surprise. He pressed his advantage. “Where did you go on the first night of the house party?”

Gabriel scowled.

Julie McElwain's books