A Leap in the Dark (The Assassins of Youth MC Book 2)

Pratt had never admitted to having a pipe bomb in his pocket when his hoverboard so mysteriously exploded. Basically he had acted like it jumped into his pocket from somewhere else, or had been planted, and the chief of police, also a fundy, had pretended to go along with it. No one had figured out that Dingo had messed with the hoverboard’s battery while Pratt was inside The High Dive harassing people. It was true that hoverboards exploded all the time, so his second and first degree burns were put down as being accidental. I had the feeling we were just waiting for the other shoe to drop regarding Mayor Pratt.

I started off by apologizing. “Sorry I let him off-leash. He looked so mournfully at the river, and I just couldn’t resist letting him swim.”

Levon looked down at me. He scratched me behind the ear like I was Lazarus. “That’s okay. We’re away from the road, and he’s not a bolter. He’s a Velcro dog. He’ll stick close to you.”

I nodded. “That’s great all those other clubs showed up.”

“Yeah. Unfortunately, we can’t show them in the spot. We want to go wide with this ad—just let everyone in the county know who we are.”

I corrected him, “Who Maximus is.”

He corrected me. “No. Who we are. We’re still a ranching and farming area north of St. George. ‘Outsiders’ who aren’t fundies aren’t going to fault us for being bikers. They’ve been used to the Lazzat Un Nisa Society, anyway. We’ll just get together some Toys for Tots drives, show our intentions.”

“The SPCA,” I suggested.

“Right. I just ran into some guy from City Hall who told me he’s pretty sure my business license was signed off on.”

“Holy hell! That’s great, Levon! No more worries.”

Levon’s expression softened, and a faraway cast came into his cornflower eyes. “What I will punish you for is going off by yourself without telling me.”

“What?” I shaded my eyes with my hand as I looked up at him. What was he talking about?

He reached a hand down. “Time for a little edgeplay.”

“What’s that?” I stood, wavering a little on the rock where I stood.

He didn’t answer my question. “Come on.”

He took Lazarus and me to a stand of aspens. Tying the wet dog to a tree, Levon took me to a sandy area. He sat on a flat rock, but gripped me by the waist by way of telling me to stand. All I could think of was punishment? Is this another one of his BDSM scenes? I was correct.

“Take off your shirt.” I did, still shy about my lack of endowment. My bras were all like a pubescent girl’s. I could maybe fill a B cup some of the time, but that was about it. “Unhook your bra too.”

When I did so, tossing it in a pile with the sweater, he dove in to lap away at my nipples. I was highly ticklish, and it made me giggle and hold onto his head, stabbing my fingers through his soft brown hair.

This is punishment? I can handle this.

I squirmed with delight and anxiety. Each pass of his squiggly tongue sent arrows of pleasure and pain mixed shooting to my pussy. Was this a new form of orgasm denial? The idea that we could easily be seen from the river had a fresh rush of excitement coursing through me. It thrilled me to know that anyone who went down to the river for a drink or the view would see Levon lapping away at my tits. Women would long to be me. Men would long to be Levon.

It didn’t last long.

Pulling away, Levon said sternly, “You’ve been bad. You disobeyed me by coming down here without permission.” He took something from a cut pocket. A sudden sting to my nipple told me he’d clamped something there. A clothespin. The combined pleasure and pain just intensified tenfold. He clipped the other nipple. I gasped at the electrical charges that took my mind off any sensation elsewhere on my body. Glancing down, I saw that I looked like a bondage model in my tight leather pants and cowgirl boots with turquoise insets.

Even worse, Levon pinched the pins with his fingers, making me cry out. “You don’t like this? Maybe you’ll think twice next time you take off without telling me.”

“I’m sorry!” I cried. Instinctively I knew how to play the game. I didn’t know who I was supposed to be yet, but I knew Levon was the master and I was the pawn. “I didn’t mean to do anything wrong! Look, there’s someone coming!”

Levon didn’t even look. Either I was an unconvincing actress, or he truly didn’t care if anyone saw us. Either way, when he yanked my arm and shoved me facedown onto his lap, he had an erection that could be seen on a radar screen. When I squirmed, I rubbed my mound of Venus against it.

“You’re lying,” he said menacingly, sliding his hand across my belly. “There’s no one there. You know what I do to liars?”

“Um…” I really didn’t know. “You take their pants off?” Liar, liar, pants on fire. I thought of Ladell Pratt, whose pants really had been on fire, and I stifled a giggle.

Levon yanked hard on my belt loop. He had to—my pants were that tight. I squiggled around to allow him to yank them to my knees, exposing my ass to the trees above.

Now, my ass isn’t where I’m lacking. I’m pretty ample in that department. So I didn’t mind having my behind bared to his view—and his hand, as it turned out. He smacked me loudly right on the cheek. I squeaked, but the resulting warmth of the sting spread through my pelvis. Like a fast-acting drug, already I wanted more. So I squirmed attractively.

Layla Wolfe's books