A Leap in the Dark (The Assassins of Youth MC Book 2)

Where had this come from? When had this wantonness developed in me? Giovanni never put his face in my crotch. Levon was daring, bold, and above all talented. He knew just when to apply a particle more pressure, when to snake his tongue-tip around the swollen kernel of my clit, and when to back off, just letting the pressure of his panting bring blood to my pussy.

In other words, he was driving me insane with lust. And yeah, I screamed. Maybe not a blood-curdling, Roger Daltrey sort of scream, something more from a horror movie. It was hard to tell, with the shriek echoing above me, bouncing around the rafters of the tall ceiling. My hips were pumping into overdrive and the top of my head was about to blow off with frustration because he refused to set up a steady motion.

“Ah,” he breathed against my clit. “You’re such a lovely brat. Such a beautiful lamb.”

“Aieeeee,” I think I screamed. Then I must’ve brought my bound hands down on the crown of his skull. I felt more than heard a dull thud that was me smashing him in the head, but that didn’t stop me. “Levon! Stop teasing me!”

His voice was full of personal injury. “It’s called orgasm denial. It’s a thing, Oaklyn.”

“Yes, and you’re very good at it! But can you hurry it up a bit?”

I felt the whisper of his chuckle against my throbbing clit. “It’s working then.”

A few more swipes of his tongue nearly had me shooting to the ceiling like a terrified cat. I set up a shallow, rapid panting that soon had me seeing tiny red champagne bubbles inside the darkness of the blindfold. To compensate for the slow torturous flicking of his tongue, I shimmied my hips rapid-fire like. But he soon became savvy to this and bobbed his head this way and that, making agonizing swipes at my bulging clit. He’d get into a rhythm, I’d feel the surge of blood and endorphins filling my pelvis, then he’d stop cold. Bite my thigh or something.

I cried out, “Levon! Do it! Do it or I’ll seriously bash you in the skull!”

That stopped him utterly. “I don’t take orders. I give them.”

“Aieeee! Then order me to come!”

That was apparently the stupidest thing I could have said. I felt the heat of his face, his shoulders vanish from between my thighs. I was left bound like a dog in heat, bulging and swollen and ready for all comers.

“No! No! No!” I shouted.

I tried to quiet myself so I could listen. I heard him walk away, his boots sounding hollow against the wooden floorboards. Amazingly, he was talking on the fucking phone.

“Maximus is a good choice. He’s probably the only one of us without a record. Yeah, what’s it called again? Let me write that down. No. No. No. Dust Bunny, listen to me. That fucker tried to kill my dog. Making him run to the can a few times is too good for him. I don’t want to ask Oaklyn for it and risk her new job. I’ve got her, ah, tied up at the moment. Let’s ask that other nurse, the old lady in the mother chapter down south. What? Hey, do you think I kiss and tell? Let me get back to you.”

I was so still I could hear the tone of his hangup.

He walked back to me. I felt him staring at me, assessing. My stomach heaved and trembled. The cold metal of the ninja stars against my ribcage rose and fell with my ragged breath. But I was as still as a photograph.

Levon said, “You’ve gone under for me.”

“What?” I dared to whisper. It came out like the squeak of a mouse.

“You’re in sub-space. It’s a place where you float, meditate, wait for your master to manipulate you.”

Oh. That made sense. That pretty well described how I felt. My clit shivered. “Yes.”

He fell to his knees clumsily between my legs. “Then you’re ready. Damn, are you ready.”

And he dove in face-first.

Oh my sin, how I exploded almost immediately! It was the strangest orgasm ever, I think because I’d been hovering on that precipice for so long. Once he started lapping with big long strokes of his fat tongue, the brimming dam burst.

My uterus exploded like a supernova, sending intense spasms down the entire length of my canal. The contractions were so ecstatically forceful it was like every muscle in my pelvis and thighs was seized up like granite.

He lapped hungrily, keeping the rhythm balanced just so. Any less and the intensity would have dropped off completely. Any more and I would have jumped out of my skin.

Then he let me down slowly. His licking slowed until I was sobbing. Yes, actual tears were coursing down the side of my face and into my ears as I lay on the desk. At last he stopped completely. I could hear him wiping off his face or something. My sobs ebbed until they were overcome with sort of a blissful bloom, as though the sun was rising inside my blindfold. The red champagne bubbles gave way to the otherworldly glow of planets or deep space.

Was I leaving my body? The second this thought occurred to me—bam! I was solidly back on that desk, just some idiot coming down from an orgasmic high. A flat-chested moron with her hands bound, naked aside from some trendy combat boots.

His fingers closed around the zip-ties that bound my hands, and he hauled me to an upright sitting position. Shiz, did the blood stream from my brain then, back down where it was supposed to be, circulating around my heart.

Layla Wolfe's books