A Darkness Absolute (Casey Duncan #2)

“Boss?” Anders says. “I need a piss break.”

“You gotta announce it, too?” Cypher waves at the side of the path. “No one’s stopping you.” When Anders glances my way, Cypher says, “Seriously? You think you got something she ain’t seen before, boy?”

“Go on,” Dalton says. “Just don’t wander far.”

Cypher’s what-the-hell look turns to what-the-fuck when it’s not Anders who lopes off into the forest—it’s Dalton. Anders pulls his hood up, shielding his face.

“What—” Cypher begins.

“Ty?” I say. “While we’re waiting, I’ve got a question for you. Eric says you claim you once took down a grizzly with your bare hands. He thinks it’s bullshit—don’t give me that look, Eric, you know you did—and I say it’s possible. So how did you do it?”

I watch the wheels turn in Cypher’s head, as he tries to figure out what’s going on. But whatever his act, he’s not a stupid man. He glances in the direction Dalton went and then eases back, saying, “You calling me a liar, boy? Fuck, yeah, I took down that bitch. Your daddy was there. Just ask him. We were out hunting, and this new idiot decided—”

A yelp resounds through the forest. Then Dalton’s “What the hell? Shawn?” followed by a stream of indecipherable babble. Anders and I jog toward the voices as Cypher lumbers along behind us. We get about twenty paces. Then we see Sutherland lying in the snow with Dalton standing over him.

When Dalton reaches down, Sutherland balls up like a hedgehog, earning a grunt of disgust from Dalton as he pulls Sutherland to his feet.

“What the hell are you doing out here?” Dalton says.

“I wanted to help. I heard you were going after the guy who tried to kill me, and I wanted to be there.”

“We have no fucking idea if this is the guy.”

“Which is why I came. So I can ID him. If it isn’t, that’ll save you bringing him back. If it is, then you can make him tell you where he’s holding Nicki.”

“How will you ID him?” I say as I walk over. “You never got a decent look at your attacker.”

“I saw him in the forest, when he chased me back to Rockton.”

“I saw that guy, too. Which means I can ID him … as the guy who chased you back to Rockton. Not necessarily the person who attacked you last night or the one who took Nicole.”

He stares at me. “But it’s the same person. There’s no way it can’t be.”

Dalton lets him go. “There are a hundred fucking ways it might not be the same person. That’s why we have a goddamn detective in Rockton. To make sure it’s him before we ship an innocent man down south, and then the real guy takes another victim.”

“He killed two women. Held Nicki captive in a cave. Tried to kill me—twice. And is that all you’re going to do? Ship him down south?”

“And what do you suggest?” Dalton says.

“If I can ID him?” He nods at Anders. “I hear Will’s a good shot. Accidents happen.”

Dalton wheels with a snarl that sends Sutherland staggering back. Cypher grabs Sutherland by the scruff of the neck.

“You want to take a swing at him, Eric? Aim for the kidneys. It’ll hurt like hell but he’ll be fine.”

“If I wanted to take a swing at him, I would have, and I sure wouldn’t do it with someone holding him.”

“Good answer. The second part, at least. Not so sure about the first. At the very least”—he gives Sutherland a hard joggle—“maybe we can shake some sense into him.”

“I was just saying—” Sutherland began.

“Fucking bullshit is what you were saying,” Cypher says, tossing him aside. “What’d you do down south? Some damned office job, I bet. Push papers all day, go home and watch a cop show, see them send the bad guy to prison and tell yourself they’re cowards, a real man woulda put a bullet through the fucker. Which only proves you’ve probably never even thrown a punch in your life, got no goddamn idea what it means to take a life. You think you’re a man? You don’t go telling a cop he should ‘accidentally’ shoot a perp. You do it yourself. I see that knife in your pocket. We catch this guy, we’ll hold him down, let you take care of his worthless ass.”

“Hell, no,” Dalton says. “We are not—”

“I was making a point, boy. I’d be happy to hold Roger down for this office drone. He’d drop his damned knife and run. The point—” He grabs Sutherland before the other man can escape. “The point is that you don’t ever call someone else a coward for not pulling that trigger. You want it done? You do it. Otherwise, they’re not the fucking coward.”

“Sun’s dropping,” Anders says.

Kelley Armstrong's books