A Darkness Absolute (Casey Duncan #2)

“I just wanted to ask—” Trent begins.

“And you think you’re the only one? The only fucking person who wants an update?” Dalton’s voice rings down the dark road.

“I just—”

“What’s our job?”

“I just want to know—”

“I asked you, what’s our job? Are we the goddamn local news? Or are we the ones trying to catch a killer?”

“I just wanted to ask Casey—”

“You’re not going to stop, are you? Your personal concerns are more important than our detective returning to work on this case.”

Dalton jerks his chin, telling me to keep moving. I take a step. Trent’s hand lands on my arm again.

“Just tell me—” That’s as far as he gets before Dalton’s right hook hits. Trent goes down. Then he’s up again, hauled to his feet by Dalton, who drags him, stumbling, to the station.

Even with that brief altercation, we’ve attracted a crowd, those lurking about, not daring to approach, but hoping someone like Trent would and they’d overhear the details and reassurances they want. As Dalton drags Trent through town, people pop out from houses to watch.

The first time I saw Dalton do this, I was horrified. It seemed textbook police brutality. But this isn’t beating the shit out of a suspect behind closed doors and then claiming he fell down the stairs. Everyone who watches knows what has happened. Everyone knows this is what will happen if they interfere with our case. Everyone agrees, in silent accord, that this is fair, and as they watch, they roll their eyes and shake their heads at the dumb-ass who crossed Dalton.

Trent gets tossed in the cell, where he’ll spend the night. Once Trent’s situated, Dalton is up on the station front porch, as Anders and I wait at the bottom. Dalton’s gaze travels over the growing crowd. Then he motions to me. I climb to stand in front of him.

“You want answers,” I say to the crowd. “We get that. You know we do. But you also know we can’t respond to each of you individually. Everyone has the same questions. Everyone will get the same answers. Tomorrow. Nine A.M. Right here. Until then, Eric, Will, and I are still on the clock. Still figuring things out. Still getting you answers.”

“As Detective Butler has been doing since she found Nicole,” Dalton says. “Since she and Deputy Anders went after Shawn Sutherland, got trapped in a fucking snowstorm, found Nicole, and brought her back through another fucking snowstorm. And they went back out there today, to that cave, finding two more victims, which they have spent the fucking day studying to get you your fucking answers. Understood?”

“Fuck, yeah,” says one of the militia guys, and that gets a laugh, and people relax, easing back, nodding, voices rippling through with murmurs of thanks and offers of help and apologies for the “assholes” who bothered us, because, you know, it sure wasn’t them.

“Now, if you’ll excuse us,” I say. “We have a puppy to pick up. If anyone has concerns unrelated to recent events, Deputy Anders has five minutes to answer before he joins us to continue working the case.”

“You bringing him tomorrow?” someone asks.

I look at Anders. “Depends on if we can drag his ass out of bed that early.”

“The puppy. Are you bringing the puppy?”

“I’ll consider it.”

Dalton moves forward. “Only if no one else accosts her trying to walk down the damn road. Now—”

Jen steps into my path.

“No,” Dalton says. “Hell, no.”

“I need to speak to you,” she says to me.

“Did you not hear a word I said?” Dalton says. Then he turns to Anders. “I told you we need more cells.”

“Jen?” Anders says. “Casey is exhausted. If you want to talk to me, I’ve got a few minutes. Or you can speak to her in the morning.”

“It’s about the case,” she says.

Dalton is ready to sweep her aside, but I say, “Do you have information?”

“I want to help. I want to join the militia.”

“What the hell?” Dalton says. “You haven’t wanted to do anything since you got here, and now you want to join the militia? The hell you do. You just want inside information, and you think this is the way to get it.”

“No, I want to—”

“Detective Butler?” a woman steps from the shadows. I know who it is, but I stare, as if I must be wrong, because it seems to be Val. Out of her house. At a town conference.

Dalton seems ready to snarl at her, too, but he stops himself and looks at me, silently asking first. Do I feel up to dealing with Val? If not, he’s happy to threaten her too—it’s not as if their relationship can possibly get worse.

I say to Val, “Sure, I can spare a few minutes. Jen, talk to me about that later, okay?”

Dalton’s lips tighten at that last part. He’s warning me I shouldn’t encourage Jen—since I got here, she’s been nothing but a bitch to me, and I have every reason for refusing to even entertain her request. But I’ll listen. I have to give her a chance.

Kelley Armstrong's books