Unhallowed Ground

“It’s a body found in a suspicious context in a private residence, Floby. You have every right to handle it.”



Floby didn’t answer as he knelt down by the trunk, opening his pathology kit. “First I’ll take a tissue sample—we should be able to get DNA, and that’s what interests you most, right?”


“It interests me, yes. Stopping the killing interests me more.”


“It would be impossible for this woman’s killer to be killing anyone else now,” Floby pointed out.


“I need to know how she died,” Caleb said. “I want to know about drugs in her system.”


Floby groaned. “I’ll do my best.”


“So call for a meat wagon to come get the corpse.”


“I can’t do that without calling the cops, and you know it,” Floby told him.


“I’ll call Jamison myself,” Caleb said. “This is important.”


Caleb reached for his phone, but as he did so, it began to ring. Sarah.


“Caleb—” she began, but her next words beeped out by his call waiting.


It was Jamison on the other line.


“Sarah, hold on.”


“Wait! I need to tell—”


He’d already switched over. “I need to know every little thing you’ve discovered since you’ve been here, and I need to know it now,” Tim Jamison said with no preamble. “Because Renee Otten was attacked last night.”











Sarah had always loved what she did, and she loved where she did it.


But today she was ready to scream, because all she could think about was Renee. On top of that, one boy of about ten was fascinated with the legend of Osceola, and he was driving her crazy.


“How much of his head was cut off?” the boy asked. “The whole thing? I heard that he runs around St. Augustine at night looking for his head.”


The kid next to him stuck out his arms in a Frankenstein’s monster pose and started to chant, “I want my head. I want my head.”


The parents merely smiled benignly at their charming children.


“Excuse me, please,” Sarah said, glaring at Caroline across the room. “Miss Roth will help you with your questions.”


And then she escaped quickly to the employee lounge, where she dug through her purse, anxious to find her phone.


They hadn’t kept Renee in the hospital; she hadn’t wanted to stay, and the blow she’d taken on the head hadn’t caused a concussion, so it hadn’t been deemed serious enough for them to force her to stay.


Barry had, predictably, been feeling both upset and guilty, so he had taken the day off to be with her.


And now everything seemed to be going to hell, Sarah thought. She’d managed to get in one quick conversation with Caleb after he’d left her on hold for what had seemed like an hour. Despite her hope that everything could be kept low-key, he’d had no choice but to involve the police. Floby had claimed the body for an initial autopsy, but after that, the state would certainly be trying to take charge.


“But Floby is the state,” she said.


“Yes, but…there are all kinds of legalities when such an old corpse is discovered. Listen, I’ll talk to you later. I have to go talk with Jamison right now,” he’d told her.


And so, with a corpse in her house and Caleb with the cops, and Renee in a state and Barry with her, she’d been left with no choice but to offer visitors a plastic smile and do her best to be cordial.


But those two boys had about done her in.


She looked at her watch, praying that the day was nearing an end and disappointed that it wasn’t, and was about to put through a call to Caleb when Caroline came in, bringing Cary Hagan in with her.


Sarah closed her phone, surprised.


Cary must have seen the look in her eyes, because she hurried to speak. “I’m sorry, but I heard about Renee, and I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am. I never should have let her leave like that.”


Sarah shook her head blankly. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”


“I feel responsible for what happened to Renee. She was with me last night,” Cary explained.


“Oh?” Sarah said, still confused.


“Renee ran into me at a bar over on South Castillo. She was angry with Barry, and she was downing bourbon and soda really quick. She seemed all right, though—just upset with Barry for not understanding that she likes to dance, and it doesn’t have anything to do with flirting. And then she got a call before she left, so I was sure she was meeting up with Barry again…. But with everything going on, I never should have let her leave alone, no matter what, and I just wanted to apologize and say how glad I am that she’s going to be okay.”


Sarah nodded and smiled. “Thank you. We’re grateful that she’s all right, too.”


“And, please, come by the house more often. You made Mr. Griffin’s day. Most of the time he just sits around, thinking about the past. The man doesn’t have a single physical ailment other than old age, but he needs to start living in the present. He was so much happier after you came by,” Cary said, offering her a brilliant smile.


Heather Graham's books