Unhallowed Ground

Or else she was very aware of it and had the whole act down pat.


“How are you?” Sarah asked. “Want to join us?”


“Thanks,” Cary said. “But I’m just going to grab a quick beer at the bar and take off—I’m pretty tired tonight.”


“How is Mr. Griffin?” Sarah asked her.


“He’s been kind of upset lately, which is part of why I need to get back. But I will join you one of these nights, now that I see you’re always here,” Cary said.


“Not really,” Caroline said, then flushed and admitted, “Though we have been here an awful lot this week, haven’t we?”


“It’s that place ‘where everybody knows your name,’ I guess,” Will offered.


Caleb, quietly watching the exchange, also noted that Tim Jamison was watching their table closely from his seat at the bar, and he didn’t look pleased. He nodded in Caleb’s direction when he noticed he was being observed in turn, then swallowed the last of his drink and exited the bar.


Cary was only pretending not to notice, Caleb thought. She quickly said her goodbyes to them, went to the bar and drank a beer in record time, and then she, too, left.


“Interesting,” Caroline said as her eyes followed Cary out the door.


“It’s really none of our business,” Sarah commented.


“But his wife is a doll,” Caroline argued.


“So what are you suggesting?” Sarah asked. “That we should call her? Ask, ‘Do you know where your husband is at night?’ For one thing, he’s a cop, so he could be anywhere, and for another, we don’t actually know that anything is going on between them.”


Will stared across the table at Caleb and grinned. “She was always a little bit on the naive side.”


“I’m not naive—I’m sensible. We don’t want to start any rumors, and that’s all we’d be doing,” she said firmly.


“What’s your take?” Will demanded, turning to Caleb.


Caleb was startled by the question. “I’m new here. I don’t know any of the players well enough to guess.”


“Sorry, I changed the subject on you. You came down here looking for a girl who disappeared a year ago. So far you’ve found a guy dead in a sunken car and some other girl dead on the beach. Unless…you don’t think she’s the girl you’re looking for, do you?” he asked.


“No, definitely not,” Caleb said. He’d thought at first that she might be. But the woman on the beach had naturally dark hair—Floby had pointed that out. She was also petite, maybe five feet even, and Jennie Lawson had been taller, around five foot seven.


“So do you think everything’s connected?” Will asked. “Except for the guy in the car, I mean.”


“Yes, that’s what I think,” Caleb said.


“Do you think you’ll ever be able to prove it?” Renee asked him, shivering.


“Yes. Because all killers mess up eventually,” Caleb said.


“Not Jack the Ripper,” Caroline pointed out.


“With today’s science, he’d have been picked up,” Caleb said.


“But we all know that killers get away with it all the time,” Barry said, shaking his head. “It’s terrible, but it’s true. There are tons of unsolved murders.”


“Let’s get off the subject of murder, okay?” Caroline asked.


“Okay, here’s another subject,” Will said. “I need another beer.”


“We all need food,” Sarah said.


“Yes, Mom,” Will said.


“I’m going to smack you in two seconds,” Sarah promised him. “Don’t eat if you don’t want to, but I’m going to.” She stood, looking irritated, and headed for the bar. Caleb stood and joined her.


“Are you all right?” he asked, standing next to her while she waited for their waitress to finish at the draft taps.


She looked at him. “Actually, I’ve been anxious to see you all day,” she admitted.


“It was the sex comment, right?” he said, hoping he wasn’t coming off as a total jerk.


She flushed slightly, looking away. “In a way, yes.”




“You have to admit, it was pretty memorable. But the thing is, now I know exactly why I thought what I did.”




“Really,” she said firmly, looking at him again. “I don’t want to show you now, and I don’t think you want me to show you now, either. Since you’re down here working, I’m assuming you don’t want to become the lead story on the local news. Those guys,” she said, indicating the table, “are a great bunch of people, but you saw the way they hopped right on Jamison. No secret is safe with them.”


He stared at her, trying to follow her words. “Well, thanks for thinking about my reputation, but I have no idea what on earth you’re talking about.”


She laughed. “Walk me home. I’ll show you then.”


Their waitress turned to them then, apologizing, and Sarah told her that they just needed menus. She ordered another beer for Will, too.


He thanked her when she returned to the table, depositing the beer in front of him, and asked, “May I have a menu, too? Please? I won’t be obnoxious anymore, I promise.”


Heather Graham's books