Unhallowed Ground

“Really? Thank you.”



Caleb had the sense that Sarah was feeling proud of herself, certain she had proven that the other woman wasn’t there with Tim Jamison.


“So you’re a nurse?” Caroline asked.


“Yes. The thing is, Mr. Griffin is in excellent physical health. He moves slowly, but he’s never broken a bone, he exercises every day, and he takes his medicine without complaining. He’s the perfect patient. Most of the time, anyway. Today…well, I guess Sarah told you what happened? The news keeps going on about that missing girl and the bones in the walls of the old Grant house, and his daughter disappeared years and years ago on her way there. I think all this talk has caused a mental…tremor, I guess. He’s a real sweetie, really. I swear.”


“Well, if it isn’t a class reunion,” Tim Jamison said, suddenly looming up beside their table. He didn’t seem pleased as he pulled up a chair, nudging in between Caroline and Sarah.


“You look grouchy,” Sarah told him.


“What can I say? I get cranky when a local girl disappears without a trace,” he said, shaking his head. “I see you’ve all met Cary.”


“So how do you two know each other?” Sarah asked, looking from Tim to Cary.


“Mr. Griffin had a bit of a weak spell one day when we were out walking…. I was trying to flag someone down for help when Tim came by. Nothing better than being helped by an officer of the law,” Cary said with a smile.


“Tell us about yourself, Cary,” Sarah suggested.


Cary explained that she was from North Dakota and had gone to school in Chicago, but she loathed the winters. She’d started looking for nursing positions in warmer places, and when she’d gotten the offer to come to Florida, she’d jumped on it. She’d only been living there for a little over a year.


Drinks kept coming, then eventually food, and the talk was casual. Then Renee yawned and said she needed some sleep. Barry didn’t move until she stood and tapped him on the shoulder. Then he started and rose to join her, setting down money for his part of the bill. The two of them said goodbye and left, but Caleb caught Barry glancing back for one last look at Cary as he was heading for the door.


“I’ve got to go, too. I need a good night’s sleep,” Sarah said, rising.


Caleb rose, as well. “I’ll walk you,” he said.


She tensed slightly, and for a moment he thought she was going to argue with him, but she seemed to think better of it and simply said, “Thanks.”


Tim leaned back in his chair, staring up at Caleb. “Before you go…how was your day? Find out anything?” he asked.


“I’ll call you first,” Caleb assured him, thinking that Tim looked like the perfect image of the overworked and weary cop at that moment.


“Yeah. Come see me. I’d just like a rundown of everything you’re doing.”


“Sure,” Caleb agreed.


“Well, good night, all,” Sarah said. She added money for the bill, and Caleb did the same.


“Good night,” Caroline said, grinning—no doubt pleased with her matchmaking efforts and relieved that he wasn’t staying to hang out with the perfect blond newcomer.


She moved closer to Will.


They waved and left, and Caleb noticed that Tim Jamison didn’t return the gesture or even look up. He was too busy staring morosely into his beer.


“Where am I walking you?” Caleb asked Sarah as they reached the street.


She smiled. “You’re not going to tell me that I shouldn’t go and stay in my own carriage house, are you?” she asked.


“I could, but it wouldn’t do any good, would it?”


Walking at his side, she grinned wryly. “No,” she admitted. “I’d just get more adamant about it being my house.”


“You have good locks on your doors, and you won’t make the mistake of leaving a door unlocked again, will you?” he asked.


“No,” she said seriously, and added a quiet, “I was lucky today.”


They walked in silence for a few minutes, and then she suddenly said, “You did learn something today, didn’t you?”


He laughed. “Very insightful. Okay, yes, I’m pretty sure my missing girl was here. And that the same person or persons snatched her and Winona Hart. Now it’s your turn to answer me. What freaked you out so much about Mr. Griffin’s visit?”


She thought hard for a minute.


“His whole bit about the house being evil…I really don’t believe that a house can be evil, but bad things did happen there, and there was just something so…so creepy about the way he talked about it.”


She still wasn’t telling him everything, he thought. But he wasn’t going to press her for the moment. They were actually beginning to make a connection, and he didn’t want her closing any doors in his face.


Heather Graham's books