Under the Gun

“You hook the fish right here. Then you pull it down and fillet it with this part.” He flopped the knife over. “This is how you descale it.”



I snatched it out of his hand. “Well, that might be what it’s for in your world. But in the Underworld, things aren’t always what they seem.”


Alex looked unconvinced. “So you’re telling me Big 5 sells magic bass knives?”


“How’d you know this was a Big 5 knife?”


“Do me a favor,” Alex said, effectively ignoring me and going for the door again. “Leave the weaponry to me. Unless, of course, we run into a giant bass monster in the next twenty minutes.”


I shoved my knife back into my purse and glowered at him. Note to self, I thought, once this whole werewolf incident is over, prove to Alex that a fish-scaler can double as a fallen angel gutter . . . .


“I’m going in alone.”


“No. You’re not.”


“I know what I’m doing, Alex. And besides, I have a—”


“Fish scaler.”


I put my hands on my hips. “I was going to say a plan, jackass. I have a plan.”


“And that is?”


I blew out a sigh. “Well, if you must know, I was going to march in there, paste on my friendliest and most innocent smile, and ask to speak to Feng.”


“Isn’t that kind of what you did the last time? You know, the time you nearly got choked to death?”


“That wasn’t my friendly smile.”


“Well, get used to having company because I’m coming in with you.”


I shrugged. “Fine. But I talk to Feng on my own.”


Alex nodded, considering. “We’ll see.”


“But be prepared for total animation domination.”


I yanked open the door and smiled when Alex’s jaw dropped.


“What the hell?”


Though the sign on the outside of the building advertised CHINESE/AMERICAN FOOD, FREE WI-FI and BATHROOMS FOR CUSTOMERS ONLY, the inside was bright and cheery and looked like a scene out of an episode of Sailor Moon. Brightly colored Formica tables covered every bit of the available floor space and crammed at each table was a selection of glossy-haired people in various states of cheery Anime dress. There were schoolgirls in knee socks and over-the-shoulder nunchucks, sailor girls with wide eyes, argyle socks, and plastic swords, and the occasional guy staring out under extra-long bangs and guyliner.


Alex leaned close to me, his lips tickling my earlobe. “These are the terrifying werewolf hunters who nearly choked the life out of you?”


“Shh,” I hissed.


One of the animaniacs stood up with a sweet grin on her face. She was dressed in a crisp navy and white sailor suit with a kicky red tie. Her red and white striped knee socks were tucked into the hooker version of little-girl Mary Jane shoes and her glossy waist-length hair was pulled into two adorable ponytails that framed her deep set, almond-shaped eyes.


Eyes that immediately clouded over when she recognized me.


“I remember you,” she said, her voice preschool-kid sweet while her eyes shot daggers. “You were here before.” She circled an index finger a half-inch from my chest and then her eyes—and her pointing finger—went to Alex. “You were not.”


“It’s Xian, right? I’m Sophie. I’m not sure we actually were introduced the first time.” I paused, my mouth still hanging dumbly open as I followed the lines of heat that went from Xian to Alex. Her cherry-red lips were pursed, her finger still hovering just in front of Alex’s chest. I watched in horrifying slow motion as Xian’s lips parted ever so slightly. The tip of her tongue darted out and slid across her lips, leaving a glossy sheen around her cupid’s bow.


“So anyway,” I went on, somehow thinking that if I spoke louder, the sex spell would be broken, “this is my friend.” I wrapped my hands around his upper arm. “My dear friend, Alex.”


Alex was stiff, either locked in Xian’s steamy gaze or completely terrified of being pummeled by the sexy sailor. I gave him a rather hard—yet friendly—shake. “I’d like to see Feng.” I spun on my heel, my fingers digging into Alex’s flesh. “Is her office still back here?”


I felt Xian’s tiny hand on my shoulder; she dragged me back with the strength of a linebacker. “Why do you need Feng?”


I stumbled backward, nearly falling against Alex. He steadied me and I quickly learned the daggers that Xian was shooting at me earlier were her kind, fluffy daggers. Her entire countenance changed and I was pretty sure that I was about to be gutted by a life-sized cartoon character and her band of merry ani-men. I straightened and looked Xian in the eye.


“What do you two want with Feng?”


“Actually, Xian, it’s just me.” I put my hand on my chest and smiled slyly, rubbing my tongue over my bottom lip and dropping my voice. “I want to talk to Feng. If you don’t mind, Alex would like to stay out here with you. He’s a huge fan of anime.”


Xian brightened, and I was suddenly off her radar. She grabbed Alex by the hand. “Come with me.”


I saw the terrified look on Alex’s face as I zipped down the back hall.


Take that, angel.






Chapter Five

Hannah Jayne's books