Truly, Madly, Deadly

The game started late, so the girls were just in time to see the cheerleaders do some sort of memorial cheer to Kevin—Sawyer would never have guessed that pom-poms were a good way to honor the dead—and the football team bow their heads in a group prayer, ending with an all-hands-in explosion of “Number twenty-one!”



Chloe grimaced at Sawyer. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize there would be so much”—she gestured wildly with her hands.


“Don’t worry about it,” Sawyer said. “I’m sad, but it’s not like I’m not reminded of Kevin every day.”


Chloe threw her arms around Sawyer and squeezed her, giving her a loud smacking kiss on the cheek. “You’re the best.”


The game was halfway through the second quarter when Sawyer said, “Hey, I’m going to grab a hot dog. You want?”


Chloe shook her head. “Are you kidding me? With something going on out there on the field? I’m seriously riveted to this game right now.”


“Something tells me you might be more riveted to Ryan’s ass than to the actual game going on.”


“Potato, potah-toh.” She handed Sawyer a crumpled bill. “Can you get me some Red Vines?”


“Be back in a jiff.”


Sawyer picked her way down the bleacher steps, doing her best to avoid an avalanche of Styrofoamy popcorn and pools of sticky soda.


“Hey,” she heard when she hit the lowest level.


Sawyer spun, grinning up at Cooper. “Hi. I didn’t know you were going to be here.”


“What kind of Hornet would I be if I wasn’t at the big game?”


“You’re just full of school spirit, aren’t you, Cooper?”


“Rah, rah. Where you headed?”


Sawyer waved her dollars. “Snack shack.”


“Woman after my own heart. Mind if I join you?”


“Sure, but it might cost you.”


Cooper raised his eyebrows as he fell in step with Sawyer. “Is that so? Just what do you have in mind, exactly?”


“A Snickers bar.”


Cooper’s mouth dropped open, even as the edges of his lips turned up. “Oh, so you mean it’s going to cost me, cost me?”


“Isn’t that what I said?”


They reached the order window, and Sawyer placed hers—a hot dog with everything, two Diet Cokes, a pack of Red Vines. And Cooper placed his—a hot dog with everything, a Coke…and a Snickers bar.


“What can I say?” he said with a smile like spun sugar. “You’ve got some kind of hold over me.” He handed her the Snickers bar, his fingers lightly brushing over her palm as he did so. That same tiny electric jolt that Sawyer hoped she would never get used to flashed through her.


“Um, are you here alone?”


Cooper shrugged. “With some of the guys from the track team. But our seats are pretty crap. I might be looking for a spot to move to.”


Sawyer wrinkled her nose. “Our seats are pretty crap too.”


“That’s what I meant,” Cooper corrected, “our seats aren’t crap enough. Maybe I can sit with you?”


Sawyer laughed, loving the zing of heat that went through her each time Cooper looked at her. It only took one step onto the bleachers, though, for that delicious warmth to be replaced by a gut-wrenching guilt. She slid into her spot next to Chloe, Cooper sandwiching Sawyer.


Chloe blinked at Sawyer. “I only asked for Red Vines.”


“Shut up.”


Chloe burst out with a laugh that Sawyer thought was a little too loud. She looked from Chloe to Cooper and back again, wondering if perhaps her best friend was a little jealous of Cooper. Sawyer had had a hard time juggling her time between Chloe and Kevin, with Chloe being the one who lost out most often. She said it didn’t bother her, but Sawyer knew that it did.


The three watched the game in silence until the buzzer rang and the football team trotted back to the locker room. The cheerleaders danced across the field, shaking their butts to some song with muddled words and a throbbing bass. Just as the song ended, the girls ran around and started to tug on an enormous white canvas.


“Ladies and gentlemen,” came across the PA system, “please turn your attention toward the screen being unfurled on the center field. The ASB would like to present a short video in memorial of Kevin Anderson.”


Chloe and Sawyer exchanged an eyebrows-up glance, Chloe’s full of concern. “Are you okay with this? Or do you want to leave?”


Sawyer worked lightness into her tone. “Are you telling me you’re over looking at Ryan’s butt?”


Chloe rolled her eyes. “I wasn’t looking at Ryan’s butt. At least not the whole time. But seriously, we can leave.”


Sawyer shook her head, steeling her jaw. “No, I’m okay.”




“Yeah.” Sawyer rubbed her palms on her jeans and turned to Cooper. “How was your hot dog?”


“It was everything I’ve always wanted in a snack, plus nitrates.”


The first few bars of music crackled over the PA system, and Sawyer sucked in a deep breath, glancing up at the screen just as one of Kevin’s baby pictures flashed nine feet tall in front of her.