The Doomsday Conspiracy

chapter Forty-Eight
The first few drops of clean rain water awakened her. She was lying on a park bench, too exhausted to move. For the last two days, she had felt her life energy flowing out of her. I am going to die here on this planet. She drifted into what she thought would be her last sleep. And then, the rain came. The blessed rain. She could hardly believe it. She lifted her head to the sky and felt the cool drops running down her face. It began to rain harder, and harder. Fresh, pure liquid. She stood up then, and raised her hands high, letting the water pour over her, giving her new strength, bringing her back to life. She let the rain water fill her body, absorbing it into her very essence, until she began to feel her tiredness vanish. She felt herself growing stronger and stronger, until finally, she thought, I am ready. I can think clearly. I know who can help me find my way back. She took out the small transmitter, closed her eyes, and began to concentrate.

Sidney Sheldon's books