The Silenced

“Oh, darling, don’t say that!” Kendra slipped an arm around his shoulders. “Lara is such a lovely girl. I honestly believe she maintains complete faith in you. She was overwhelmed by all the bureaucracy and red tape that goes with government.”



She’d been so polite. Now she looked at Matt and Meg as if they were ogres who had come to threaten a loved one. “Is there anything else? I wish we could help you with Lara. She was a cherished member of our team. But she chose to leave. She said she was going home. But she didn’t let us know what her plans were. She wasn’t particularly happy when she left, and I have to admit, although I love the girl, she doesn’t belong here if she can’t be a team player.”


So much for Southern hospitality. Kendra was suddenly all but breathing fire.


“What I need to know is where and when you saw her last,” Matt said pleasantly, as if he hadn’t heard the venom and dismissal in her words.


“I saw her a few days ago,” Kendra replied.


“The night before last, we were all at my office,” Walker said. “My staff and me, not my family.” He smiled at his wife. “Our discussions went on for hours, and she left really late. Like two or three in the morning.” He looked sheepish for a moment. “I wasn’t aware of the time. She was determined to leave. There’s constant security around the Capitol all the time, though. I’m sure she’s fine—and that she did just what she said she was going to do. Go home.”


He spoke earnestly, and Meg couldn’t help believing that Walker genuinely cared about Lara—and that he’d been sorry to see her go.


But what exactly had upset her friend so much?


Matt Bosworth was getting to his feet, and she stood, too. She might have been a solid—even kick-ass—cadet, but he was the appointed agent and she was the new-grad tagalong. If he had risen, they were leaving. Both of them.


“What had been tacked onto the bill that upset Lara?” she asked.


“Oh, it had to do with equal rights in the health bill,” he said vaguely. “It’s all quite lengthy and complicated to explain, Agent Murray.”


She found that an unsatisfactory and, yes, condescending response, but it was time to go.


Matt took her arm. “Well, thank you for your assistance with this matter, and, Mrs. Walker, thank you for your hospitality. We may need to talk to you again. I’m grateful that you’re as concerned about Lara Mayhew as we are.”


“Of course!” Walker said, nodding solemnly. “We cared deeply about Lara. Call me anytime.”


“Yes, of course,” Kendra echoed, but her voice was a little more brittle. “If we can help in any way, call on us anytime.”


Ellery Manheim suddenly made a shocked noise.


They all turned to look at him. He quickly hid whatever emotion had accompanied his thought and resumed speaking.


“I heard they discovered a woman the other day... A woman who’d been murdered. Like the one they found about a month ago,” he said. “My God, you don’t think that could be Lara, do you?”


“It wasn’t Ms. Mayhew,” Matt informed him.


“No?” Kendra Walker asked. She seemed relieved.




“You’re sure?”


“Yes,” Matt said, giving no more information.


“Lara’s fingerprints would be in the system. She was bonded, of course,” Congressman Walker said.


“Thank God!” Ellery Manheim said, and he sounded sincere.


There was a rush of laughter and footsteps pounding toward the room. Two little girls dashed in. They were both blonde and thin and full of energy, one about five and the other perhaps eight.


“Grammy, Gramps!” they called.


The kids pushed past Nathan Oliver and Joe Brighton to reach the congressman and his wife.


Kendra scooped up the smaller one and Congressman Walker picked up the older girl, whirling her around. Ginger ran in after the girls.


“I’m sorry!” Ginger said, breathless. “They got past me. They wanted to see you right away.”


“It’s fine, Ginger,” Walker said. “My daughter brings the kids over and takes a shopping day now and then,” he told Matt and Meg. “I love to see them!”


“These people were just leaving,” Kendra said abruptly.


The child in her arms was staring at Meg. She had curly hair and huge blue eyes and was as cute as a child could be. She gave Meg a huge smile and reached out a hand. Meg reached back and the little girl squeezed her finger.


“Pretty!” she said.


Meg couldn’t help flushing. “Thank you. And you’re very pretty, too.”


“Ellery, will you see the agents out?” Kendra asked, a bit impatiently.


“Can you can play with us? Please!” the toddler in Kendra’s arms begged.


“Oh, now, Brittany, you know grown-ups have to work. And the agents are working now,” Kendra said.


“I’d love to stay, play,” Meg told the child, “but your grandma’s right. I do have to work.”


“This way, please,” Ellery said.


When they got to the door, Ellery offered them both cards. “I think the world of Lara. If you need anything else, don’t hesitate to call.”


Matt handed him a business card in return.


Heather Graham's books