The Silenced

“I—I need to see her.”



“Of course. You mean you need to see the victim. If she can be identified, it’ll certainly help the investigation. You realize it’s not easy?”


“I went through the academy. I’ve seen all kinds of horrors.”


“Yes,” he said, “but this is the real world you’re entering—not a video of what others have been through or a lecture about what they’ve discovered. This will be up close. And it might well be personal.”


“I’ve been to an autopsy before.”


“However, it may not be your friend at all,” he pointed out.


“But then again, it may be. I can’t reach her, Adam,” she said, even more urgently than before. “I tried repeatedly. I called her aunt. I called other friends. And, as I told you, her office wouldn’t give me any information.”


“So they say she quit?”


“Yes, sometime yesterday or last night, I assume. Actually, they didn’t use the word quit. They used the words no longer here. And they suggested I speak with her if I wanted more information about her future plans.”


Adam was thoughtful for a moment.


“Have you...seen this friend?” he asked her softly.


Seen. As in seeing her ghost or whatever remained of the person who had once been Lara.


“No, but like I said, I’m absolutely certain that something is very wrong. She loved her job. Plus, her message seemed so strange. And there was another call from her phone but no message. I figured at first that she’d redialed by accident.” Meg shrugged hopelessly. “Adam, believe me, I tried all the people and venues I could. I had her landlady check, but Lara didn’t answer the door at her apartment. I checked her place myself on the way here. She didn’t respond. I have her spare key so I went in. She’s not there. Her purse and keys are gone, but she hasn’t packed to go anywhere. I’m aware that she hasn’t been gone very long and yet...her resemblance to the victim is so close.”


“I understand.”


“I just— I need to see the woman they found, Adam.”


“The body is badly decomposed,” he warned her.


“Still... I believe I’d know if it was Lara.”


“I agree that you need to see her,” Adam said.


“I noticed that the Bureau is handling the case.”


“Yes, the Krewe specifically, and yes, I can make the arrangements. Are you ready now?”


She nodded.


“You drove here?” he asked her.


“I did. So we can go to the morgue right away?” Meg asked.


“We’ll stop there first, although we probably don’t have to. I’m sure that if this is your friend, her fingerprints are in the system, since she works on the Hill. I believe the corp—the young woman was not... Well, it may take them time to get prints, but I can find out where the ME is with that.”


He made the calls as she drove. They reached the OCME and a receptionist was waiting to let them in. Adam was familiar with the morgue and led her down a hallway.


They were met by the man she’d seen on television. She was tall, but he seemed to tower over her. She tried to remember the name she’d heard on TV. Agent...Boswell or something like that.


It didn’t matter. Adam introduced them. He was Special Agent Matthew Bosworth. He was polite but restrained during the introduction, and assured Adam that Dr. Wong was already there, prepared to show the body.


Meg was brought into the room where the woman lay. The air was pungent with the combined scent of disinfectant and decomposing flesh. She swallowed fiercely to fight her gag reflexes. She’d seen death before, but never like this.


It was difficult to view the body...


She had to. She began to shake. Tears welled in her eyes.


“Is it your friend?” Agent Bosworth asked her.








Matt had long been accustomed to the horrors in this world and yet every time he saw the handiwork of a killer he felt as though his heart and soul had been torn apart. All that made it bearable was the fact that he confronted those monsters. Someone had to, and perhaps because of his own past, he was more determined to confront them than others.


Yet watching Meg Murray as she stared at the dead woman seemed more wrenching than dealing with death himself.


He wondered if she really could make an identification—the corpse was so mottled and distorted with swelling and decomposition.


Even Dr. Wong, who spent far too many hours gazing upon the horrors inflicted on one person by another, seemed moved as he studied the young woman. But Wong didn’t usually get to observe, up close, what seeing the ravaged body of a victim did to those who had cherished that victim in life. Making the whole situation even harder was the fact that Meg was one of them now. And she had a past with Adam Harrison, although Matt knew very little about it.


Wong cleared his throat.


As he did, Matt remembered when it had been his turn to stare down at the dead, dreading the possibility that the remains would belong to someone he loved.


Heather Graham's books