The Night Is Forever

“Maybe that’s why the general doesn’t talk to anyone,” Olivia mused. The others, except for Dustin, gave her questioning looks. “As far as I know, he just watches,” she explained. “He’s always watching. I think he tries to warn people, tries to stop bad things from happening. Many people have seen him—or claim to have seen him—through the years. But no one’s ever mentioned having a conversation with him.”



Sloan cleared his throat and sat forward. “You have to remember that ghosts are the spirits of those who were alive. Some were shy, some were gregarious. Some were graceful or athletic—and some were clumsy as hell.”


“The speaking thing wasn’t difficult for me, at least when I was talking to Olivia,” Marcus said. “Others...I don’t know. I was aware of Olivia when she found me and passed out. Then everyone else came over and I tried...I tried to tell Vine and Callahan and the medical examiner what happened. I tried to talk to Aaron and Sydney and Drew. But no one heard me.”


There was silence for a minute.


“Well,” Dustin said, “we know for a fact that someone was using drug-poisoned darts. So we can go into the backgrounds again and see if we can find anything that suggests someone might know about darts. We also need to find out who’d know enough about drugs to mix the right cocktail, in the right quantities. And who would have access to that kind of pharmaceutical. Then, there’s the rendering of the general.”


“Artwork,” Jane Everett said. She smiled at Olivia. “My specialty. I’ll find out. Where’s the cheesecloth art, or whatever it is, now?”


“Frank Vine has it at the station,” Dustin told her. “You could head over there. Oh, I promised Sydney and Drew that we’d have someone at the Horse Farm. Any volunteers? I want to get to the autopsy and I don’t think Olivia should be alone.”


“I can watch over the Horse Farm while Jane goes to the police station,” Sloan said.


“Later, I’d like to ride back to the stream. I keep figuring there’s something we missed somehow. A sign...”


Olivia assumed he meant an otherworldly sign, a message from the general, perhaps? Not the kind of hard evidence the sheriff would be looking for.


“The campsite by the stream,” Malachi murmured. “I didn’t grow up here, but my family often came out, so I’ve been to the stream. And the little cemetery in the woods.”


Dustin nodded. “Then let’s plan a ride for later. But...” He hesitated and looked at Sloan. “I don’t want Sydney and Andrew left alone there,” he said.


Trent nodded. “Don’t worry. I won’t take my eyes off them. Among all of us, we’ll keep up a twenty-four-hour watch.”


“What about the others—the therapists?” Abby asked.


Olivia already knew, of course, that Abby and Malachi were a couple as well as team members. Malachi had been eager for her to meet Abby before any of this had come up. She’d been just as eager. Malachi had been married to a wonderful woman who’d died. He hadn’t been the same after that. Not until Abby.... She made him want to live again.


Olivia automatically liked her for that reason.


They seemed to fit; Abby Anderson was striking, with tremendous blue eyes and pitch-black hair. She managed to look like an agent, smart and savvy and agile. But Malachi had told Olivia that Abby’s heritage included a many-times-great-uncle who’d been a famous—or infamous—pirate known as Blue. Whether that was because of the darkness of his hair or the blueness of his eyes, no one knew. The distinctive coloring had been passed down through the family.


“Mason is supposedly off seeing the Hermitage. He’s never been there for some reason,” Olivia said. “I’m not sure what Mariah’s doing. She said she’d go by the Horse Farm today. And we heard Sandra say that she was going home to sedate herself.”


“Sedate herself,” Dustin repeated. “That did make me wonder...”


“I’m sure she’s talking about Valium or something like that,” Olivia said quickly.


“Who at the Horse Farm knows about drugs and sedatives?” Dustin asked. “All of you?”


“We all know the rudiments,” Olivia told him. “We’ve had to tranquilize rescue horses now and then—and once a pit-bull mix that wanted to chow down on Drew when he was trying to help him. We all know what we’re doing. Everyone there knows where we keep the tranquilizer gun and how to use it.”


Dustin stared at her, frowning. “How can you know how much it’s loaded with at any given time? Some of your horses are close to a thousand pounds, but a pit bull mix, you’re looking at forty or fifty.”


“It’s always loaded for a seven-hundred-pound horse,” she said. “But, in the tack room, we have different size...tranquilizer darts.”


Dustin stood. “I’m on my way to the autopsy. “I can drop Sloan at the Horse Farm first and give him the keys to the rental, and then drop Jane at the station.” He turned to the now-fading ghost of Marcus Danby. “Did you know about the affair, Marcus? Sandra and Aaron?”


“Sure,” Marcus said. “But I didn’t care. I don’t know why they thought they had to be secretive about it.”


Heather Graham's books