The Night Is Forever

“If they’ll reschedule. If anyone even comes back,” Mason said glumly.


“We’ll hope for the best,” Olivia responded. “If they don’t reschedule, we’ll be understanding, and we’ll tell them we hope they’ll come back in the future. We’ll explain that we don’t know what’s going on, but—” Olivia paused, looking over at Dustin “—but the authorities will discover the truth very soon.”


“So, what do you want us to do, Olivia?” Drew asked.


“You and Sydney do what you always do—tend to the horses. And the cats and dogs and...I think that’s all we have right now.”


“If we close down, though,” Mariah said, “don’t we look like we’re guilty of something?”


Olivia shook her head. “No. We look like we’re concerned about all our guests and we want to make sure we’re providing an entirely safe environment for them.”


“Maybe we should start looking for work,” Mariah said.


“If you feel you need to move on, everyone here will understand,” Olivia told her.


“I’m not jumping ship! I’m just thinking about it,” Mariah added quickly.


“The Horse Farm is all right for now. We can make it for a while with all the trusts and provisions in the will. I’ll call the attorney and let him know where we are,” Olivia said. “I’m expecting Aaron will be back in the office by Tuesday. We can try to reschedule our sessions for next week.”


Mariah excused herself as her cell phone rang. She stepped into the games room to take the call.


“What should we be doing?” Mason asked Olivia. “I mean—no offense, guys—but this is easier for Sydney and Drew. They just keep looking after the place and the animals. But for you and me and Mariah...”


Olivia smiled at him. “Mason, why don’t you get some new modeling shots done? See if there’s any extra work in the area for the next few days.”


Mason looked back at her and then laughed. “You know what I’ve never done? Visited the Hermitage. It’s almost anti-American to be this close to Nashville and not have visited the Hermitage. Old Hickory’s homestead! I think I’ll do that tomorrow.”


“Good plan!” Olivia said.


Mariah stepped back into the room, her eyes wide. “You’re not going to believe this.”


“What?” Olivia asked.


“I just got a call—”


“People want to support us, right?” Mason interrupted. “They’re trying to book sessions, anyway!”


“Uh, no, I’m sorry,” Mariah said, frowning. “That was the agency that sets up ghost tours for me. They say they’re getting constant calls from tourists who want to come out here and go on ghost tours!”


“Great,” Mason said.


“No, not great,” Sydney said, frowning. “Sounds like people just want to see where Marcus died, along with Civil War ghosts. That’s ghoulish, not great.”


“Oh, Sydney, I wouldn’t tell stories about Marcus!”


“And you don’t think it would come up? That people wouldn’t ask you where Marcus Danby died?” Mason demanded.


“And where Aaron Bentley almost died?” Drew asked quietly.


Mariah stared at them all. “Hey, guys, I’ve always done ghost tours. History tours.”


“I think it’s fine, Mariah,” Olivia said. “You give great history tours and you have for a long time. Just don’t book anything until Aaron’s back on Tuesday. Not tonight, though. We’re all drained.”


Mariah nodded. “Of course. I agree, tonight would be bad. And they’re not my horses. They belong to the farm, and one of you guys usually comes with me and sometimes we camp.... But I’m definitely not camping again for a while! Anyway, it’s all on hold.”


Mason stood up. “I’m going home—at my own risk, mind you. Call me if there’s anything new or if you need me. Oh, it’s okay if we go see Aaron?”


“Yes, of course,” Olivia said.


Mason started to walk out, but stopped and looked directly at Dustin. “What do you make of all this?”


“I don’t know yet. That’s why I suggest you all stay in public places, hang around in groups—and watch your backs,” Dustin told him.


“Yeah, yeah, thanks,” Mason muttered. When he reached the door, he paused and turned back. “Someone want to walk me to my car?” he asked.


Dustin smiled, pushed away from the wall and said, “Sure.”


“Hey, I’ll take off, too,” Mariah said, rushing over. “Not that I think anyone would be after me. Or you, Mason. But then, I wouldn’t have thought anyone would be after Aaron....” She stared at Olivia. “You should be careful, Olivia. Really careful. I mean, if things go in order... Marcus, Aaron—you. Oh, Liv! I can’t believe I just said that. Hey, you want to come and stay with me?”


Dustin stepped in. “Olivia will be all right. I’ll be watching over her,” he said.


Mariah started to smile. Her lips twitched as if she was about to make a sexual innuendo.


She didn’t.


“Good.” She waved at Drew and Sydney. “We won’t just desert you two. I’ll be here tomorrow.”


“Thanks, Mariah,” Drew said.


Heather Graham's books