The Night Is Alive

Her hands were darkened and curled at her side but there was something odd about her left hand. Malachi raised his brows at brow at Tierney and touched the icy hand. He looked at Tierney.


Tierney returned his look with a fierce frown.


Malachi straightened. “May I see the other corpses?” he asked.


Tierney swung around to face David.


“He’s one of my old partners, Doc. And now Mr. Gordon is a consultant with the FBI. I would appreciate it if you’d help us.”


Tierney hesitated and pulled back his sleeve. “It’s late,” he muttered.


“Please,” Malachi said.


“Can I... May I get out of here?” Dirk pleaded.


“Abby?” Malachi asked.


She wanted to stay and help—that was clear in her eyes—but it was obvious that she was the one who needed to be with Dirk.


“I’ll take you home, Dirk,” she said.


“I’ll take Mr. Johansen for a coffee across the street. We’ll wait for you,” David offered. “Abby should be here since she just graduated from the academy. She’s an FBI agent now.”


“So I’ve heard,” Tierney murmured. It didn’t sound as if he was impressed. Malachi made a point of grinning at her. Learn to live with it, he told her silently.


Whether she understood his message or not, she handled it. “Thank you. I believe it’s important that we see all the victims.”


David left with Dirk.


When they were gone, Malachi spoke to Tierney. “She’s missing her ring finger. It wasn’t gnawed off, it was cut off,” he said.


“We’re not letting that information out,” Tierney said curtly.


“I understand.” Malachi nodded. “Is it the same with the other corpses?”




Tierney walked over to a wall with numbered sliding doors and placards in little slots. He went straight to drawer nine. A handwritten name tag read Ruth Seymour.


He pulled the drawer back and gently removed the sheet from her face.


Ruth had fared better than the unknown girl they’d just seen. Most of her face was intact. Malachi saw the mark of some kind of bondage that had been described in the autopsy notes. He also saw that the ring finger on her left hand had been severed at the knuckle.


“Head injury is here,” Tierney told him, pointing.


She’d been struck on the back of the skull—one solid blow.


“It would’ve knocked her out?” Malachi asked.


“Probably came close to fracturing the skull, so, yes, likely she would’ve been knocked out. But if you look at the wound closely, you can see there’s healing. So she regained consciousness again—a day, a few days?—before she was killed,” Tierney explained.


That made something cold curl up inside his gut. Dead was dead—but he wondered what torture she’d gone through before death.


“What about Rupert Holloway?” he asked.


“That was different. As far as I can tell, Holloway was knocked out and killed soon after. Maybe a few hours later, somewhere in that time frame, at any rate. Both young women were kept alive longer. I assume you’ve read the reports. Although I can’t state it definitively, I believe both were sexually molested, and killed later. I don’t think they were in any condition to fight off the rapist. They were probably knocked out and held until they annoyed their attacker—or he tired of them. Ms. Shepherd was the last victim found before today. She’s right here.”


She could have been anyone. “How did you ID her?” Malachi asked.


“Fingerprints. They were on file at her school. It’s a safety measure taken there.”


“She’s missing the ring finger?”




Malachi looked at Abby. She was stoic, watching, listening, betraying sorrow but allowing little else to show on her face.


Tierney went over the young woman’s injuries.


Malachi moved closer to inspect the corpse again, touching the body. And again, he had no sense of anyone remaining.


“Mr. Rupert Holloway is the last of our recent victims. You don’t want to visit the entire morgue, do you?” Tierney obviously wanted to be on his way.


“Just these victims,” Malachi said. “Mr. Holloway, please.”


Rupert Holloway was in nearly the same shape as their Jane Doe, and his head wound was worse; the skull had been fractured. “He might still have been out cold when he was tossed in the river,” Tierney said.


“But he’s missing his ring finger, as well.”


Tierney looked uncomfortable. “Yes. Taken while he was still alive—as with the others.”


“Any other marks on him?” Malachi asked.


“Just one. On his back. Help me roll him and I’ll show you.”


He obliged; Rupert Holloway had been a big man.


Low on his back there was a wound, which was sharp and broad.


“Not serrated,” Abby commented.


“No, it was made by a smooth blade,” Tierney said. “Now, if that’s all...”


“That’s all, Dr. Tierney. Thank you so much for your time.”


He led Abby out. They removed the scrubs they’d donned and left them in the appropriate receptacles.


Graham, Heather's books