Tangled Webs

She stepped in front of the man and met his gaze brazenly.


He wore no mask and once he might have even been handsome, but his vices were written clearly in the lines on his face. He looked haggard and desperate. A slight, constant sniffle made her wonder if he had an opiate problem as well. His gaze roamed over her, and interest sparked in his eyes.


“Are you looking for someone special, my lord?” Arista kept her voice low and friendly. She didn’t want to give herself away just yet. Meeting out in the open like this afforded a small measure of safety, since she had no idea who this man was and what he was capable of.


“Aren’t we all?” His gaze slipped over her shoulder, then it came back to rest below her chin. “Maybe you could be that one tonight?” A sly grin curled his lips up.


“I am here to arrange an exchange of information only, my lord.” She lifted one eyebrow above her scarf and watched the realization dawn in his eyes.




Her smile grew bigger and she gave him a mock curtsy. “The one and only.” Arista laid her hand on his chest and reveled at the way his heart pounded furiously under her fingers. If she were not mistaken, she could detect a trembling in his body as well. A sheen of sweat covered his forehead.


“How does this work?” His gaze darted around them. People crowded the room, but none paid any mind to them. They were just another couple, standing intimately in a shadowy corner.


“You have something for me?” she asked.


The procedure before had always been to give the client the desired information first, and take their payment—the first installment of money and one of their own secrets—because Bones did not trust anyone. Wild had told her in the note that she would be collecting only a payment tonight.


If the man could pay what Wild demanded, then she would later deliver what he wanted in return.


Perspiration dotted his forehead, and he patted it away with a square of white cloth. He stroked the end of his cane with his thumb and shifted his weight onto his good leg. Then he squared his shoulders, giving the appearance of height, and let his eyes roam back to her face.


“How do I know you’ll honor your part of this exchange?”


Arista smiled slowly. “You really don’t, my lord. But I guess it depends on if the information you seek is worth a small bit of trust.”


He snorted. “You’re a glorified extortionist. Why would I trust you?”


“Then I guess we’re done here. Good evening, sir.” Arista turned away and counted to three under her breath. There was no way this man would let her walk away. Not after he’d gone to the trouble of setting up a meeting with her.




When she turned, she kept her face a mask of cool indifference. “Yes?”


“Take it.” He thrust a pouch at her, and she took it from him just as quickly. The small reticule at her wrist was the perfect size, and she slipped it inside. “And if you think to double-cross me, I will make you pay,” he threatened.


How many times had she heard the exact same thing? “That’s the chance you take for your own greed, my lord. Provided that what you’ve given me is worth the information you seek, I will be in touch soon.”


“You had better.” With that, he turned and stormed away.


“Thank you, my lord. It was a pleasure,” Arista called out at his retreating back. A few curious heads swiveled her way and she smiled. Tonight had been a success, and if Wild held his end of the bargain, she would have a nice-sized reward.


The first time she’d be compensated for the risk she took. The idea made her insides feel fizzy, like the punch at the Carstairs’ party.


One bold gentleman moved in front of her.


“Would you care to dance?”


He was tall and had broad shoulders, and smelled of sweet cigars. The exhilaration of the exchange filled her with tense energy. Perhaps one dance would help to ease the pressure.


“Yes, thank you.” The man swept her into his arms and onto the dance floor. They twirled around to an upbeat tune and laughter broke free from her throat.


She had not danced like this ever before; not this wild and carefree. With Grae it had been all about the contact, the slow swaying that set her body on fire. Tonight she felt as if she could fly away.


Before, at the end of each exchange, Nic had led her away from the party, more for her own safety than anything else. Tonight she had no worries. Lady A had appeared, and she did what had to be done; and now Arista was free to enjoy herself for a little while.


No one knew who she was.


The man spun her around, her feet barely touching the floor. The tension in her body faded and a new excitement took its place. Never in her life had she embraced such freedom.


Lee Bross's books