
“Doing some spying, were you, Hanna?” Naomi giggled.


The video continued. Next was a clip of Colleen walking into the photographer’s studio, Hanna sneaking up behind her, looking desperate and ridiculous. And then it showed Hanna just a few hours before, retrieving Colleen’s photos, looking through them angrily, and tossing them into her glove box. The final frame was a message in bold, red type. Hanna Marin, desperate stalker!


“Oh my God.” Hanna’s stomach sank.


Naomi snickered. “I always thought you were a loser for going out with a younger guy, but spying on him after he dumps you? That’s a new low, even for you. And now everyone knows.”


“Everyone?” Hanna croaked.


She stared into the ballroom and got her answer. A bunch of Rosewood Day kids gaped at their phones, then raised their heads en masse and gawked at Hanna. “Looking hot in camo, Hanna!” Seth Cardiff said. “Hey, Mike, you’ve got a secret admirer!” Mason Byers chuckled.


Mike. Hanna found him and Colleen near the window, staring at his phone. Hanna could pinpoint the exact moment when Colleen got to the part in the video where Hanna stole her photos. She covered her mouth with her hand and then turned to Hanna with a betrayed look on her face. Mike’s head shot up and he stared at her, too, his eyes burning. Colleen turned and fled into the lobby. Mike followed.


Hanna took a few crooked steps backward, almost tripping over a long curtain that separated the main room from a little hallway. How had this happened? Who had been following her around? Who had sent that video to everyone?


Of course: A. This was A’s reason for encouraging her to spy on Colleen: to throw it back in her face and make sure she lost Mike for good.










“They went all out, huh?” Isaac said as he and Emily walked into the Hollis Gemological Museum.


“Seriously,” Emily whispered, looking around. She’d never been to a political fund-raiser ball before, but this one was amazing—way better than prom. Tons of white balloons hugged the arched ceiling. A live band was playing a jazzy song, and a few couples in tuxedos and gowns were slow dancing. Emily had never seen so many diamonds—and she wasn’t talking just about the ones under glass. A jewel thief would have a field day just slipping rings off rich women’s fingers at this party.


Ali had brought Emily, Spencer, Hanna, and Aria to this place. They had sometimes spent whole afternoons at the museum, fantasizing about what it must be like to wear enormous diamonds to fancy parties. “When I’m older, I’m going to have an engagement ring as enormous as that one,” Ali said, pointing to the ten-carat stone on display. “No one’s going to stop me.” Emily wondered if she meant Real Ali. She’d probably assumed she’d keep her twin’s charmed life forever.


“This place is gorgeous,” Emily murmured.


“But you’re the most gorgeous thing here,” Isaac said, squeezing Emily’s hand.


Emily gave Isaac a wobbly smile, trying to admire his handsome tuxedo, brushed-back hair, and shiny shoes. But she couldn’t really enjoy being here. The black maxi dress with beading at the bodice felt binding around her ribs, and her feet wobbled in the high heels she’d found in the back of her closet. She’d practically drawn a messy red line across her face while applying her lipstick, her hands were shaking so hard.


The idea of coming face-to-face with Gayle terrified her. Gayle would tell everyone about her pregnancy . . . and then Isaac would know. He’d ask why they’d hung out three times now and Emily hadn’t said anything. He would hate her, and he’d tell his mom, her parents, everyone.


She knew that going to the gala was part of the plan to get Gayle’s cell phone and determine whether she was A, but as soon as Isaac had shown up at Emily’s door, she’d felt like this was a huge mistake. But if she bolted, Isaac would ask questions she didn’t know how to answer.


She scanned the crowd, looking for her friends—it was important that Aria and Hanna were here, too, otherwise the plan wouldn’t work. A bunch of kids were laughing at something on their phones. Mason Byers and Lanie Iler were giggling over a plate of pasta. Sean Ackard was talking animatedly to Nanette Ulster from the Quaker school. A tall blonde in an expensive-looking red gown emerged from the bathroom. Emily stiffened, suddenly alert. Gayle?


She grabbed Isaac’s tuxedo sleeve and ushered him back into the lobby. They stopped under a giant piece of rose quartz that was suspended from the ceiling, and Emily caught her breath. As much as she’d prepared for this moment, actually being faced with the possibility terrified her.


“What’s going on?” Isaac asked, confused.


Sara Shepard's books