Pretty Little Liars #14

Hanna straightened up. “Yeah, Jackson. He did that to me, too.”



She thought about passing the bar that day, Jackson eyeing her from the entrance. Drinks are half off right now, he’d said in a flirty voice, flashing her an ultrawhite smile. He had the look of a guy who had played lacrosse and rowed crew in high school, though there was something predatory in his eyes, too. Much later, after Hanna and Madison bonded, Hanna had leaned over to catch Madison before she fell off the bar stool. As she looked up, she caught Jackson sneaking a look down her blouse, a smirk on his face.


“I wish I could get my hands on him,” Hanna’s father said gruffly.


Madison looked conflicted. “Maybe he didn’t know I was underage.”


Hanna opened her mouth but didn’t say anything. Jackson might not have known Madison was under twenty-one, but he had been pouring drinks for Madison faster than she could drink them. And when Hanna suggested he call Madison a cab, he just laughed.


Mr. Marin tapped his lip. “Could you describe what he looked like?”


Madison smiled sheepishly, then tapped her phone. “I do have a picture. I took it secretly because I thought he was hot.”


Hanna peered at the photo. It was a dark shot of the profile of a handsome guy with short hair. Madison had caught him while he was mixing up a margarita. “Yeah, that’s him.”


Then Madison checked her watch. “Actually, I have to get to orchestra practice.” She awkwardly stood and held out her hand. “It was very nice to meet you, Mr. Marin. And to see you again, Hanna.”


“It was nice to see you, too,” Hanna said, shaking her hand. “Good luck with . . . everything.”


“Good luck with your PSAs,” Madison snorted. “Better you than me.”


Hanna and her father were silent as they headed down the hall, but suddenly, Mr. Marin put his arm around her. “I’m so proud of you,” he said. “It’s hard to face your demons and come clean.”


Hanna felt tears well in her eyes again. “Thanks for coming with me.”


Then her phone pinged. Her heart lifted. It was Mike, finally getting back to her. Sorry, busy day, he’d written, and she let out a sigh of relief. He was fine.


Then she noticed a second text had come in as well. She looked at the screen, and her heart dropped. This one was from an unknown sender.


Just when you make peace with Daddy, I’m going to have to take it all away. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. —A




“Hanna?” Mr. Marin turned. “Are you okay?”


Hanna’s hands trembled. Was that a threat against her father?


Squaring her shoulders, she forwarded it to Fuji. Then she looked at her father, who was peering at her worriedly from the end of the hall. “I’m great,” she said with certainty. And she was. If Fuji was working so hard on the case that she couldn’t even take Hanna’s calls, then she would keep everyone safe.


She’d better.











Friday morning, Spencer and Chase sat at Wordsmith’s Books. The place smelled like fresh-brewed coffee and sugary crullers, jazz played faintly through the stereo speakers, and a free-verse poet was reciting his latest work on a makeshift stage. The store was holding a performance series called “Morning Muses” in which local authors read their works to caffeine-starved patrons.


“That was awesome, wasn’t it?” Chase asked when the poet finished his zillion-line free verse and they stood to leave. “That guy has such an amazing sense of imagery. I wish I could write poems like that.”


Spencer raised an eyebrow. “Does that mean you write poems?”


“Sometimes.” Chase looked bashful. “They mostly end up really lame.”


“I’d love to read them,” Spencer said softly.


He met her gaze. “I’d love to write one for you.”


Spencer’s stomach flipped over, but she cut her gaze away, suddenly overwhelmed with guilt. A’s threat against Chase. Should she warn him?


“You okay?” Chase asked.


“Of course.” Spencer cleared her throat. “So . . . nothing else has happened lately?”


Chase’s brow furrowed. “What do you mean?”


“Nothing . . . weird?” Spencer didn’t know how to phrase it. Saying something like Have you felt like someone’s been watching you? would just get Chase riled up.


Chase shrugged. “The only weird thing going on right now is that you’re paying attention to me.” He lowered his head. “I really like it, by the way.”


“I really like it, too,” Spencer said, her cheeks turning red. She should just tell him. But Fuji was handling it, right? Maybe Chase had a security detail so secret that they didn’t even know they were there.


“I’d better get to school,” she mumbled, standing up and tossing her coffee cup into the chrome trash can near their seat.


Chase followed her onto the street, and they parted with a demure hug. “Call you later?” Chase asked eagerly.