Pretty Little Liars #13: Crushed

Aria stared at the grooves in her desk. “I told you. I’m not using technology this week as part of a science project.” The lie felt awkward on her tongue. Noel wasn’t going to buy that story for very long.


The PA crackled, and a familiar throat-clearing sound signaled that Principal Appleton was about to speak. “Students?” he boomed. “Would everyone mind turning to our school station? We have some important May Day Prom news.”


Mr. Tremont, the teacher, rolled his eyes but dutifully switched on the television that hung on the wall next to the whiteboard. Penny Dietz, who did the morning news, appeared. “Good afternoon, Rosewood Day students!” she chirped, her cheeks looking extra shiny. “The May Day Prom is approaching, and today we’re going to hear from some of the candidates for prom king and queen. First up, prom queen. We haven’t received Hanna Marin’s video as of yet, so let’s hear from Chassey Bledsoe.”


Noel frowned. “I can’t believe Hanna didn’t make a video yesterday.”


Aria looked away. She was busy meeting in a secret room, figuring out who A might be.


Chassey Bledsoe appeared on the screen, talking overenthusiastically about how she was thrilled to be running and that she was hosting a Vote Chassey Pasta Dinner tomorrow at the local Olive Garden franchise, which her uncle owned.


Then it was time for the candidates for king. When Noel’s image popped up, Aria’s heart did a proud flip. His hair was pushed back from his forehead, showing off his bright green eyes. The black button-down he was wearing popped against his olive skin.


Aria poked him playfully. “No wonder all the girls want you.”


Noel smiled lazily. “But I got the best one.”


Aria squeezed his arm, but then her smile dimmed, and she turned away. Spencer had written Noel’s name on the suspects board yesterday . . . and Aria had let her. Just that alone made her feel dirty and ashamed.


All day, Spencer had been texting Aria, asking if she’d asked Noel anything yet. But what the hell was Aria supposed to ask? Hey, did you kill a girl who was impersonating Alison in Jamaica and are you now trying to pin it on us? Didn’t Spencer realize her relationship, the only good thing Aria had going right now, would be over?


How could her friends possibly think Noel could be helping Ali out? Okay, so Noel had been in Jamaica—it was possible he could have seen the girls on the roof with Tabitha. But he never, ever would have fed Tabitha those Ali-lines. And, what, did they seriously think he’d killed Tabitha on the beach? Noel let spiders out of the house instead of stepping on them. He couldn’t go into the SPCA, because he said he’d take every dog home with him.


Yes, he had known Ali—both Alis. He and Their Ali had even dated for a little while at the end of seventh grade, but Ali had broken up with him after two dates, probably because she liked Ian Thomas.


When Aria looked up, Penny was back on the TV screen. “I also have an exciting announcement about the head of the prom decor committee. In a secret meeting with Rosewood staff, students, and our generous donors, it has been decided that this year’s decor chairwoman for the Starry Night–themed event is . . . Aria Montgomery!”


Everyone turned and stared at Aria. She blinked at the television. Images of Van Gogh’s The Starry Night swirled, accompanied by a techno song. Then her senior picture appeared. ARIA MONTGOMERY, it read at the bottom. MAY DAY PROM DECOR CHAIRWOMAN!


“Congrats!” Devon Arlyss patted Aria on the back. “I’m so jealous.”


“Can I help out?” Colleen Bebris asked excitedly, even though she was only a sophomore.


“This is awesome!” Noel’s face popped up in front of Aria. “You’ve always wanted decor chairwoman, right?”


“B-but I didn’t apply for it,” Aria blurted out.


Noel frowned. “Do you not want it?”


Aria swallowed hard. “I . . .” Not long ago, she would have. But the very last thing she wanted to do was a big mural of The Starry Night.


Her thoughts returned to that night in Iceland. After Hanna caught her and Olaf kissing, all three of them had stumbled back into the bar. Aria had been sure that as soon as she walked in, Noel would know . . . but he was chatting up a couple of blond girls from Poland. The girls were making Noel and Mike say certain words with American accents; every time Noel said something new, the girls laughed and shook their boobs. Would he even care that Aria had hooked up with someone else? Did she even matter?


She wanted to prove something to herself that night. That she was still worldly. That she was still Icelandic Aria. She grabbed Olaf’s arm and whispered, “Let’s steal that painting that’s locked in the chateau.”


Olaf blinked. “Are you serious?”


“Yeah!” Aria jumped up and down. “We’ll be art vigilantes! We’ll call up the press and tell them we’ve saved it and we’re going to put it in a museum. Maybe we could start our own museum!”


There were crinkles by Olaf’s eyes when he smiled. “You’re so cute when you get excited.”


Shepard, Sara's books