No One Knows

Allen took a step closer. Josh clenched his fists, ready for a fight.

“You get in your car and get back with the program, or your pretty little wife and I will have a nice, long chat. And the next time you’ll see her, you’ll be picking up the pieces of her body from the side of Interstate 40. Do I make myself clear?”

Allen wasn’t kidding. Josh had seen firsthand what the man was capable of. He would hurt Aubrey. And he couldn’t let that happen. He had to protect her. Had to protect his life with her. And that meant listening to Allen. Going along with his plan.

Josh had no choice. Not anymore.




Chase knocked on her door at 4:30 sharp. Aubrey had given up trying to tame her hair and instead let the curls riot over her shoulders. She wore a linen dress, flowy and clean-lined, and noticed just how far her collarbones jutted out. Too much running, not enough food. Sadness or happiness?

You’re dillydallying, Aubrey. Answer the door.

It had only been four days since she’d seen him, but he seemed to have changed. He wasn’t quite as tall as she remembered, his eyes not as dark.

But his smile lit her from the inside, and when he stepped inside the foyer and kissed her, it all came rushing back: the thudding of her heart, the strange sense of belonging, of comfort and safety and desire. Dear God, the desire.

She didn’t want the kiss to end. But as with all wishes, that wasn’t meant to be. Chase finally drew back and held her by the shoulders a foot away so he could look at her. He gave her a long, lazy smile that made her insides flip.

“You’re stunning.”

“You’re sweet. How was your flight?”

“Well enough. It got me here, and that’s all I needed.” He ran his hand down her arm, to the inside of her wrist, and used his forefinger to gently brush the soft skin there, tracing the scar. She was mesmerized, and had to force herself to pull away. What was it about him that was so alluring?

Josh, Aubrey. You need to think of Josh.

Truth be told, she didn’t want to think about Josh. She was furious with him. Dead or alive, it didn’t matter anymore. Her grief had solidified into a sharpness that shocked even her.

“Are you hungry?” She started toward the kitchen, and was relieved when she saw the flash of concern cross Chase’s face. He felt it, too. He felt that zing, that connection, and didn’t like to have it broken.

“I am, but not for food.” Jesus, the way he pitched his voice, she felt it in her gut.

“That’s nice to hear,” Tyler said. He came into the kitchen from the living room, suspicion etched on his face. Chase immediately tensed, and Aubrey took a step forward and placed herself between the two.

“Chase, I’d like you to meet my foster brother, Tyler.”

Chase’s face broke into a smile, the tension immediately gone. “Hey. So you got to see this one grow up? That’s fantastic.”

Tyler just crossed his arms and did his best hard-ass impression.

“Okay. Not the chatty type. I get it. No worries. It’s still nice to meet you.”

Aubrey watched Tyler, waiting for him to move, to acknowledge, anything. He just stood there. She finally walked over to him and pushed against his shoulder, knocking him off balance. She kept her tone light.

“This one is trouble, Chase. Stay away from him.”

“Why are you messing with my sister?” Tyler growled.

“Tyler. Manners.”

Chase smiled his wide grin. “That’s okay, Aubrey. I respect his intention. Don’t worry, Tyler. I’ve never met anyone like Aubrey, and I have no intention of doing anything to hurt her. She’s been hurt enough as it is.”

Tyler’s eyes narrowed at that, and he cast a glance toward Aubrey. She just smiled at him. “It’s all good, Tyler. We’re going to have some food and chat. We don’t need a chaperone. Why don’t you go take a nap?”

“Do I look like I’m five? Fuck you.”

Chase moved so quickly Aubrey gasped. He whipped around and got in Tyler’s face. The two were eye-to-eye.

“Don’t ever talk to her like that again,” Chase cautioned.

Tyler took a step forward. “Or what? You’re gonna beat me up?”

“Seriously. She deserves respect. You can talk to your woman that way, but not to mine.”

Aubrey swallowed hard. Tyler didn’t appreciate being challenged—she could see that immediately—but instead of lashing out or drawing his gun, he licked his lips, then smiled. Smiled his crazy beautiful-toothed grin and started to laugh.

Even Chase seemed taken aback, especially when Tyler punched him lightly on the shoulder.