Night moves

"Can I have you?" he asked softly, almost whimsically. And she knew that he, like she, wanted everything that could be given. In themost gentle terms, he asked for what he could easily take: submission to his will in the most primal roles of man and woman.


Bryn couldn't answer him. She locked her arms about his neck and tried to bury her head against his shoulder. He laughed softly and nuzzled his mouth against her ear in a sensuous whisper that sent the fires flaring through her again. "Have me, Bryn. Touch me, know me, love me...." His words trailed away as he rubbed his body along hers, sliding lower against it. His hands moved over her, their caress firm now, the power of his desire unleashed. His mouth covered her, histongue, his kisses laved her, loving her with a wild, erotic passion she had never known. The winds soared as she had known they would; he was the driving tempest of his drums, and she was lost to the sheer force of primal rhythm.


She cried out when his kisses moved to her thighs, and her nails raked over his shoulders; then her fingers dug hard into his hair. The sensuous pleasure was so great that it was almost pain. Yet it did not stop there. His hands slipped beneath her, firmly molding the lush curve of her buttocks, arching her to his whim. His intimate caress was more than she could bear; she began to writhe and moan in an utter and splendid abandon.


Yet still he did not grant her mercy. She felt his triumph, his pleasure in her, and she cried out his name in a broken plea. He came to her then, holding her, caressing her, entangling his hands in her hair and whispering her name over and over. She moaned as she swept her fingers over his back, trailed the tips over his hard buttocks,pressed him from her so that she could hungrily shower his throat and chest with the damp caress of her tongue.


He shifted, wedging her thighs farther apart, and she touched him, her inhibitions swept away as if by the rush of the wind. She gasped with wonder at the heat and strength of him, shuddered as he moved with a swift, driving thrust and took her completely, sending the force of himself, the tension, the vibrancy, the unleashed power, into her, to become a part of her.


She had never known there would be anything like this. It was the excitement, the demand, the thrill--and the wild beat of his thundering drums. It wasgentle, it was rough, savage and sweet. It swept Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter,


through aeons of time, and yet it was over too quickly. The pinnacle was the most pure physical rapture she had ever known. She had twisted and turned and abandoned herself completely; she felt windswept and ravaged....


And absolutely delicious.


And when he had withdrawn from her, she still felt a part of him. As if she would be his for all the days of her life.


He moved away, easing his weight from her. She curled against him, the damp copper tendrils of her hair waving over his chest as she burrowed against it. He was silent for a long time, but she knew that he lay awake, his head propped on the crook of his elbow as he stared into the night.


After a time she felt his fingers idly smoothing her hair. "What happened to you?" he asked her softly.


Bryn felt the first twinge of remorse for her abandon. "What do you mean?" she asked tensely.


He chuckled softly. "Don't go getting rigid on me. I can't remember ever enjoying such pleasure with a woman as I have with you."


"And there have been plenty, I take it?" Bryn snapped acidly, her nails inadvertently digging into his flesh.


He chuckled softly and grabbed her hand. "Ouch! There have been a few, but not the scores you're trying to credit me with. And I was asking the questions, remember."


"I don't know what you mean," Bryn muttered uneasily, glad that her face was shielded from him by the tangle of her hair.


"Yes, you do. You were afraid of me.Before I did more than shake your hand."


Bryn shrugged.' 'You must know you make women nervous. You have an aura of leashed energy and...




"Sexuality shouldn't be frightening."


Bryn bit her lip,then shrugged against him. He would probe at her until she answered him. "I was engaged once."


"Ah...and so all men become the enemy."


"No, not all men, and not the enemy.I just decided that I had to be careful for a while and avoid a certain type."


She could sense his frown. "What type is that? Don't tell me you were engaged to another musician?"


Bryn hesitated. What difference did it make if she told him or not? She rolled away from him, her arms encircling her pillow as she leaned her cheek against it.' 'No . I was engaged to a man named Joe Lansky. He was--is--a football player."


"Joe Lansky?" Lee whistled softly."Big stuff with the NFL."




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A surge of unease settled over her as he said the name. "Yes. He enjoys his share of fame. You know him?"


"We met briefly once.InL.A., at a benefit dinner.He seemed a decent sort."


"Oh, Joe is decent. He just...doesn't care much for children. Otherpeople's, that is."


"Adam threw rice at him too, huh?"


"No, peas."