Night moves

Bryn shrugged."That I should call the police. And that...I should tell you what was going on." "You should have."


She stared at him miserably. "I...couldn't. Lee, I couldn't take any risk whatsoever, not when the kids were threatened and then when...Adam was taken."


"Damn it, Bryn!" he muttered impatiently. "Whatever your personal opinion of me, I can't believe that you would think I would turn you away when a child was at stake!"


Bryn shook her head. Her lashes swept her cheeks, but rose again instantly. "The caller kept warning me not to let you know what was going on. I wasn't afraid that you wouldn't try to help me, but just that you would insist on calling the police or becoming involved. And I can't risk that, Lee. I have to get Adam back!"


He was silent for a moment, and then he leaned across the table. "Do you know anyone with a dark sedan, Bryn?"


Her frown convinced him that she thought he was crazy."No, why?"


"Because one followed you home the night after you shot the pictures."


She stared at him, stunned.


"Someone has been in my house twice--that I know of. I thought I had caught my sneak tonight when I found you. And I don't know how this person has been managing to break into your home so smoothly.


One of theband has been watching your house every night since."


"Then you've known all along that something has been going on?"




Bryn finally managed to take a drink of her coffee. She wanted to phrase her next words carefully. She set the cup down and faced him squarely. She had learned belatedly that honesty was the best policy with Lee Condor.


"Lee, will you give me the proofs and negatives back and forget everything that's happened? Please? I Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter,


really believe that's the only way I can ensure Adam's safety."


Lee took a sip of his coffee, his eyes on hers over the rim of his mug. "Bryn, haven't you stopped to wonder what's in those pictures that would make someone this determined to get hold of them?"


"No--yes--no!I don't care, and I don't want to care!" Bryn swore vehemently. "All I want is to get Adam back!"


"Bryn," Lee said quietly, "I understand that. And we'll get Adam back. But don't you see? The threat to you may not end there. Someone is desperate. There has to be something in those pictures that is extremely harmful to someone. And that someone is going to keep wondering if you know what it is."


"But I don't."


"They don't know that."


"But why would they care? We'll just give them the damn pictures--''


"Bryn, it isn't that simple!" Lee stood impatiently. "Who's at your house? Barbara?"




"Call her. Ask her to stay the night."


"Why?" Bryn asked uneasily.


"Because we've got some talking to do.And someplaying."


"Lee, I will not--"


"Jeopardize Adam. I know. Neither willI . But neither will I allow you to jeopardize yourself or those other two kids. Never mind; I'll call Barbara. What's your number?"


He moved to the wall phone at the end of the kitchen counter. Bryn stared at him for a minute, tempted to fall at his feet and beg him to give her the pictures and let her go.


But no matter how she humiliated herself, it wouldn't work. She could see the steely determination in the set of his jaw. Whether she liked it or not, he was involved. He was stepping in, and he was going to force her to face all the implications.


She swallowed as a little lightning bolt of electricity seized her. She gazed at the bare bronze of his chest and broad shoulders. At the way his body narrowed at the hips and waist. He was too powerful and too competent for her to fight at this moment.


She wearily rattled off her phone number.


Barbara must have been extremely anxious; in fact, she must have prepared a heart-rending defense for Bryn. Lee had barely identified himself before Bryn heard the faint and garbled voice returning to him over the wires.


"Barbara, Barbara, hold it!" Lee laughed, and Bryn noted the attractive glitter of humor that touched his Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter,


eyes and softened the ruthless severity of his features. "She's here, she's fine, and there's no problem--other than the major one. But listen, I don't think she should drive home tonight, so I'm going to have her stay here. But don't worry, you're not alone. Andrew is outside. Go to the porch and call him in.


He'll explain. If the phone rings, answer it and do your best, but I don't think anyone will call tonight."


Bryn heard the crackle of conversation from the other end again. Lee said, "All right," and then leaned casually against the counter. "She's calling Andrew in," he explained to Bryn.


Bryn just nodded. It suddenly seemed logical that Andrew would be standing outside her door.


"Hey there," Lee said, and by the change of tone, Bryn knew he was talking to Andrew, "you don't mind being inside, do you?"


Whatever Andrew replied must have been in the affirmative, because Lee laughed. "Okay. I'll see you there--early."